Headstart here, man; don't let the "join date" fool you. The point I was making is that when a person starts talking about his own legitimacy is usually the point at which the listener should really start not accepting that legitimacy at face value. And just agreeing with an opinion does not make it any more or less legitimate.
Understand this: the expectations of the individual can and do always shade their perceptions. Understanding the difference between one's preferences and the realities of a situation is key to having a fully cognizant AND metacognizant perspective on one's own situation. Is Stormreach dying? No. It's just not living up to some people's opinion of what should be happening with it... and that's neither the game's fault nor those people's fault, but recognizing that cognitive gap helps
everyone. Should Turbine be advertising DDO? I genuinely hate to do this, but let me answer that with a question: how much good will advertising actually DO? (I am VERY skeptical of the ROI from advertising.) Should they be flooding shelves with boxes? It doesn't make business sense to do so when the online download gets the job done - and the pseudo-advertising of having a physical box there is counteracted by the often-recounted story of biased, uninformed store workers steering people away from the game.
Most importantly, it really hasn't been that long since Gianthold/Stormreaver came out - patience would dictate that we wait and see exactly what this mod's going to do. I'm choosing to take the quasi-optimistic route of hoping they're taking so long because they're working their tails off to make it better, to make it worth the wait (which is what a lot of people said about GH).
As for the RP part... RPers have had their work cut out for them from the beginning, with the lack of an active DM. I can think of a number of different ways of handling in-group RP with both a static development situation and game growth, but that's a personal take on it. An RP server... I honestly have no idea what that would entail logistically and whether it would be financially feasible on Turbine's part. I guess that's my way of saying I don't have an opinion that matters on this one.