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  1. #1
    Community Member Rason's Avatar
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    Default Mature Players/Role Players Speak Out about D&DO's Future

    I have one rule for this thread and one rule only. I want constructive discussions here by mature players and role players alike. If you want to complain like a child, go elsewhere. There is a whole forum you can do that but not here.

    Normally we have threads around on the forum of “What I would like to see…” where people list what they would like in Dungeons and Dragons Online. What I have here instead is a more human, mature approach about the game we have begun to know and love.

    Rather than doing a list of what you would like or what you believe is wrong, I would like to see what everyone can come up with in a constructive reply resulting in a friendly discussion, something Turbine can see in the midst of the other posts.

    I’ll start us off down the track.


    Dungeons and Dragons Online: Stormreach is dying

    We all know that the game we love to play in is hanging on by a thread and that I believe the developers believe Module 5 will save the day. Will it? Will it restore faith to all of those players who have left or are thinking about leaving?

    I’m scared. That’s right. I’m 24 and I am scared of a game. Why? Because I love this game that is our community, albeit we have some oddballs but what neighbourhood or family doesn’t?

    I came to Dungeons and Dragons Online in the Beta and I loved it although some parts needed fixing. A year after Beta I did return and those things had been fixed, most of them, and soon it is said that others will be as well. I am worried though that Turbine has taken too long and that the louder voices on the forum are those of people who are more hardcore than the rest of us as opposed to those of us who have been a geek at a table, dice in hand, telling the dungeon master that we fumbled while fighting a cloud giant.

    While Dungeons and Dragons Online is being updated each month, or so, I don’t think Dungeons and Dragons is shining brightly in the online game as much as it could. Why? Dungeons and Dragons Online’s missions take much more effort to make than other MMOs like World of Warcraft or Lord of the Rings Online since ours are instanced all the time with three levels of difficulty all to a resemblance of the Dungeons and Dragons RPG; at least that is my reasoning.

    Has anyone here had a look over at the Lord of the Rings Online forum and website to see what they have in game or are getting in the next update: Book 10: City of the Kings?

    Lord of the Rings Online uses the same game engine as Dungeons and Dragons Online and it has started off on the foot I believe Turbine should have had with Dungeons and Dragons Online. Lord of the Rings Online is very role play friendly, has massive areas to walk around in and has a wonderful story to progress through.

    There are some of the options in Lord of the Rings Online that if Turbine could think on it, couldn’t Dungeons and Dragons Online get some of those very options? Since I am a role player, I am biased in that behalf since I am beginning to sway away from Dungeons and Dragons Online slightly because of the tools in game with Lord of the Rings Online that help role players out even more.

    Let me see…

    Mood emotes is a small detail but even a non-role player would find fun in them. This emote gives an overall mood to your character while you are playing whether they are scared, happy, sad, etc.

    Scalable UI is useful to everyone but this one may well be coming in Module 5 and the graphics overhaul, crossed fingers.

    A RP Chat Channel would be grand but I have my doubts and I’ll explain below.

    Hell, in truth…playable music would be great here too since a very large aspect to the Dungeons and Dragons universe is music, festivals and the like.

    I won’t reiterate over what the Top 10 thread has mentioned since there is no need to double up there except for mentioning that it is a classic example of what players want to see in Dungeons and Dragons Online and I do hope the developers take notice to some of what is being said, if not all. That was the best aspect of the staff here was they listened to us.

    The sad part is that Dungeons and Dragons Online is confined to just a city and its outer areas as such. There is no open transition areas with walking from A to B. That was one aspect that Dungeons and Dragons Online didn’t want so it was more friendly on the casual players but I am a casual player and in a way, I wish we had them still. Since Turbine made that decision upon creation, we cannot go back and the only way to fix this problem would be to remake the game. How else would we get mounts and the like? We have no use for them right now in 75% of the missions.

    Without a remade game, how likely is it that we will ever see content we’d like from the Dungeons and Dragons books in Dungeons and Dragons Online? I for one love role playing and casual play but I doubt I will ever, EVER see anything that will make the game more focused on role players because the majority of role players left after the Beta and at this day the role players are now in the minority.

    As an example, why should Turbine add a RP Chat Channel to all Dungeons and Dragons Online servers if only two servers did the majority of role play? Will Turbine bite the bullet and put all the finer details in that role players or mature players would love to see if the greater community wouldn’t appreciate it or would leave if it was changed? Money in the pockets keeps Dungeons and Dragons Online alive and I, as a role player, don’t have faith that Turbine would bite that bullet.

    I am worried that Dungeons and Dragons Online will coast the line where Turbine doesn’t lose players from either side yet doesn’t make them both happy either. They will make this game appear like Dungeons and Dragons while making sure they do not focus on a selective niche.

    Should Turbine make Dungeons and Dragons Online into what Ultima Online became? A role playing heaven for those who could speak in ye ol’ English and a world where life thrived, NPC and PC alike, should it become more like World of Warcraft with grinding, Lord of the Rings Online with its storyline or plain our just keep coasting along like it is?

    I don’t really have an answer for that. I would like this game to be more like Lord of the Rings Online but I doubt Turbine would make that move since they need a healthy distinction between the two games so they can have players in both courts otherwise Dungeons and Dragons Online/Lord of the Rings Online would turn out to be a City of Heroes/City of Villains clone (mind you, paying one subscription for both would be wonderful! Wishful thinking :P).

    Dunno.. I’m just blowing off steam with all this ‘doomsaying’ about. We need to make Turbine look at us and not Lord of the Rings Online so much. They are newer, sure, but we really are getting the short end of the stick and I think we need to make them think more positive o our future, at least publically. We need a bright torch in the midst of all the louder voices. We need to tell them that WE are here and we have some positive thoughts on how we can progress down a more Dungeons and Dragons-orientated track.

  2. #2
    Community Member dameron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rason View Post

    Dungeons and Dragons Online: Stormreach is dying

    We all know that the game we love to play in is hanging on by a thread and that I believe the developers believe Module 5 will save the day. Will it? Will it restore faith to all of those players who have left or are thinking about leaving?
    A resounding yes!

    A high level module stuffed full of undead that adds no new levels and no new classes or races is -exactly- what we need.

    Of course "we" are the scant few who are still left, but apparently we love that kind of garbage, so it figures.

    The game needs a complete overhaul and relaunch, but that ain't gonna happen.

    I'll be stunned if I can:

    1) Hold a 4th edition DMG in my hand, and
    2) login to Thelanis

  3. #3
    Community Member bandyman1's Avatar
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    Gotta agree with ya Dameron.

    As bad as I hate to fork out the dough for the whole set of a new edition, the DDO Insider applications are looking like a sure fire bet to do what this game should have; reunite my old PnP group who are scattered to the far winds. As soon as it was announced we were all in contact with each other and very excited.

    We were all here for beta.....I'm still here. The rest left after two months .

    I've made lots of friends in my time in DDO, but if Mod V ( and whatever updates ) doesn't drasticly change the way I feel about the game now.......I'll cut my losses first quarter next year.
    Now bringing the sexy back to AoK!!!
    Ashamed officer of : My Little PWNY
    Proud officer of :Archmagi

  4. #4


    The game has not changed much with the increase of levels and addition of content. So what are you looking for in a new Module that will only add new quests, spells, and enhance meta magic that you think will "save the game?"

    I, for one, don't see this game as "dying" in any way. In fact, the server merge has made it feel stronger than before by finally recognizing that there were to many servers to begin with. It's easier to get a group, the LFM section is packed full of options (and not just PoP listed 12 different times). I have met many new and interesting people, and there are many more changes and additions planned for the future. When you manage to pull the information that shows the population number, and that number matches the number of active posters on the forums, then I will consider the game to be dying. But with out statistical numbers to back up your claims of the games demise, you have nothing but your opinion.

    As for RP? I tried, several times, to enjoy RP in DDO. There was a bar set by another game I played in the past, and no game has even managed to get to withing sight of that bar. DDO, by far, is the worst RP experience I have had in an MMO all time. There is no conflict, everyone is on the same side for the same goal. There is no overlying story, and no one seems to want to make any. All the RP groups I have met want to RP the quests, but then go silent as soon as you are in the quest and act like the same quest grinding people that the power gamers tend to be. I don't agree on the need for an RP channel. If you want to clutter up my message box with RP, go ahead. Just do me a favor and stick to /say because I don't need to see your RP from across the entire city block as it does in General chat.

    As always, there are exceptions to this rule. The exceptions are why I still have a character in the Lightstorm Dragonslayers RP guild on Sarlona. There are times when they have brilliant RP that is both engaging and entertaining. More times than not, however, I see OOC dominate the channel and no one wants to, or in some cases, remembers to RP.

    In sumation, the foundation of the game is set, and has been there for some time. Don't expect the gameplay to change and wow you into staying anytime soon if that is where your doubts lay. What changes are to be made will be seen, and if 4th edition affects the game to force a rule change it may be a new version (DDO2) before a revision. Though many seem to have never heard of programs like Fantasy Grounds, the new tools from WoTC are not ground breaking and won't shatter DDO. D&D Insider is not much more than Fantasy Grounds in that its a basic program to allow "table top" play over the internet. These things have been around since before DDO and the game launched and did fine. When D&D Insider is launched it will be for a different purpose, and that is to RP with friends in a campaign. DDO is more intended as quest running and mindless fun with friends and strangers. The original designer said he was not focusing on RP, and he also came from MUDs which is why we have the "do it once, do it a thousand times" mentality on quest design. Accept the game for what it is, and I guarantee you that with 4th editions release the servers will still be up, people will still play, and D&D Insider will not destroy the game.
    Last edited by Kalanth; 08-25-2007 at 07:26 AM.

  5. #5
    Community Member LOUDRampart's Avatar
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    First, I enjoy playing DDO because I play it with a group of real life friends who I played DnD 20+ years ago when we were undergrads in college.

    Second, when my friends and I played the gold box games, we dreamt of a time we could play together on-line and then we did in AOLNWN, DSO and now again in DDO.

    Third, if we players want DnD Online done right, we need to let this game die so the next company can work with WotC and *hopefully* the next dev team will be led by someone with a better vision. (edit for clarification: not the current leader of the dev team, but the guy who lead the initial planning and development. I think this game is slowly getting better but the locked in design choices are hurting what could have been a much better game.)

    Fourth, I'm still having fun playing this game, but that doesn't mean I'm not disappointed at times either...
    Last edited by LOUDRampart; 08-25-2007 at 08:07 AM.

  6. #6
    Community Member Rason's Avatar
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    I'm glad to see it is not just me who believes that for DDO to be truly fixed for role play it has to be remade.

    D&D 4.0 will truly be the crux for Turbine with it coming out not long after D&D Online came out. I know I for one am having ideas about my campaigns and getting me more active in that department.

    One aspect I would like to see come into D&D Online would be a Role Play Flag of some sort. Everquest had it and Lord of the Rings Online also has it.. It could then be obvious who is RPing and who is not. I doubt this would save the game but it would be a good addition to RPers.

    Keep up the good talks guys. I'm brainstorming each day trying to think up more ideas of what could fix D&D Online yet most I come up with require the conceiving concept to be rethought-up.

    Mind you, the game will probably still be fine if you don't care for RPing and you want a game that marginally feels like D&D but the main reason I came here was this IS D&D and it is great to be the rogue detrapping the traps we need not imagine but see on our screens. To fight in encounters like our tabletop and not the massively inflated monsters we fight now on harder difficulties.

  7. #7
    Community Member Rason's Avatar
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    Actually, I do have an addition: Where the hell is our Public Relations for D&D Online? Where is the publicity? Have we had any screenshots added to the website? What about trailers from the modules after Twilight Forge?

    If I was a new player and didn't know anything about D&D Online and came to the website, I wouldn't like what I see since I love trailers and video clips. When I originally came here, Twilight Forge just came out recently so the clips were up to date.

    Now it looks dead.

  8. #8
    Community Member Clawstorm's Avatar
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    I would like to see advertising! When another game releases new quests and new content they advertise...because you pay to buy the new content. Turbine gives us free content but never tells the people not playing the game that there is something new. Each module should be advertised with the same zeal as an xpack. Example:

    In a gaming magazine splash "Dungeon's and Dragons's Online. Module 6 'Gate's of Fernia'. Come bear witness to the dark elven invasion - forces bearing mighty new magic from the Fire Giants! With the purchase of DDO you receive this module with Xxx number of new quests and for the price of monthly admission you continue to get module after module FREE!"

    Then when Module 7 comes out they rinse and repeat.

    **FYI - we had similar suggestions for AC2 but they let that game die too.
    Last edited by Clawstorm; 08-25-2007 at 05:38 PM.

    Proud bearer of the WI Flag~

    **I would definitely like to see things scaled back. A 38 AC being insigificant at level 14 is ridiculous.-Seneca Windforge

  9. #9
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    I love this game. It will be around for awhile still. But, all good things come to an end eventually. So, yes, SOMEDAY we'll see the end, but I doubt it's in the near future.

    But, I have a concern that DnD 4.0 will smother this game badly. But, who knows.

    Also, it's funny to me that people mention 4.0 and how it will change everything so much and WOTC hasn't even realeased anything yet. No one knows much of anything about the rules. If you think you do, it was likely speculation.

    If turbine had a brain and a pair of eggs they'd start working on a DnD MMO that stays true to the DnD rules a bit more and launch it as DDO 2 with 4.0 rules and a different campaign setting. Maybe a new one, or maybe not. A fresh new start, if they've learned from they're mistakes and successes, may be the best thing. But, on the same note, this community has been pretty sour as a whole so they may decide to avoid the flak and dump they're resources into LOTR, which has far LESS potential in my opnion then DnD.

    One of the few things we do know is 4.0 will be far more 'modular' then previous additions. This should allow components to be added and removed without much effort. Programmatically this favors Game developers, allowing them to develop in modules that can be manipulated individually. I predict we'll see Obsidian or somone pick this up first but, I feel Turbine would benefit from such a move.

    DDO is awesome and i'll be here until they decide to pull the plug, whenever that is.

  10. #10
    Community Member Ringlord's Avatar
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    I am not a gamer who does the RP thing. I don't have anything against those who do like doing it, but why should the game be redesigned for a minority player group? If more than 50% of the player base actually wanted to do RP then fine ask them to rework the game.

    I hate traveling in a game from the quest giver to the quest and back, it is boring and a complete waste of time. If I want that I can get boat loads of it in WoW or any other current MMO. I used to fall asleep at my keyboard traveling around in WoW and have taken 15 minutes 1 way just to get from where I was to where the quest started and after I was done another 15 minutes to get back and do the turn in.

    Mounts in game are nothing more than a useless status symbol since nobody has developed mounted combat yet so your mount is 100% useless in every quest. Btw that 15 minute travel time problem I mentioned about WoW was with a mount.

    Now I certainly would love to see some things added that I think the RP community would love and I can't see any reason why they could not be ported over from LoTRO. I think the music system should definitely be added to DDO. Bards, and any other player should be able to create real in game music for RP purposes if they want. Hell I would probably even enjoy playing around with it myself.

    Make it so players can actually sit in chairs or on benches, they already have an animation to make characters sit so why can't we actually sit on a friggin chair? Add clothing other than armor and gear needed for doing quests to the game. Development time would not be overly large and RP players would feel they can do things other than quests and have fun as they could have parties or celebrations.

    Oh and Please Please Please change the original dance emotes for the human male and female characters or just get rid of them entirely. The human male dances like an effeminate and the human female dances like a drunk college student.

  11. #11
    Founder Kanai's Avatar
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    Thumbs down

    I'd like to say that I'm currently working at PAX (Penny Arcade Expo) in Seattle...I work for Ubisoft, but have had the chance to check out the Bioware, Atari, and Turbine booths respectively (for Mass Effect, NWN2, and....DDO...or so I hoped).

    DDO has NO presence at this gaming convention (with an attendance of 30,000 people!!), a convention where there is a whole floor dedicated to tabletop, p'n'p RP games. When I checked out Turbine's was ALL Lord of the Rings Onlilne, and NOTHING promoting DDO. At all. It is totally absent. I talked to a floor person for Turbine...she asked if I had played the LOTRO game...I told her no, but I play DDO...and she looked at me in a way that ensured me she had no idea what I was even talking about.

    That is RIDICULOUS. I'm disappointed and this really just puts the cherry on the top of my sentiment that Turbine has stopped giving a **** about this game. It's almost like they want it to fizzle out, not reach any of its potential, and are just letting it cruise along as long as people will keep paying subscription fees. It's a **** shame, and upsets me greatly.

    Now...on to my feedback.

    I have to admit that I often enjoy RPing with people in our guild tremendously.

    To be perfectly honest though, this game is not structured in a way that encourages or cultivates RP. Kalanth had a GREAT point in saying that there is endless repetition and absolutely no "sides" or conflict. That is the root of RP. is something dreadfully wrong, and I have felt this more and more as time goes on. You cannot play EVIL alignments. How the f**k are we supposed to truly RP if we cannot create a character that is evil???

    This game was not developed for Roleplaying, and even though I've enjoyed many good RP parties and sessions (namely with guildmates, but also with other RPers not in our guild), I am swiftly losing my enthusiasm for RPing in D&D Online because I feel like it is pointless sometimes. (I've run every single quest many times with Kanai, my main character, have reached 2200+ favor, and pushing for "ELITE" on every quest to advance him further has absolutely NO RP basis whatsoever - yet that is what I want to do at this point because the game has become monotonous for me).

    Basically, to continue having fun in this game to the degree I would like for paying 15 bucks a month, I want to level up alts and hit max favor with Kanai and tackle the high-end raids. All of these things have nothing to do with RP. At all.

    In conclusion - for me to continue having fun in DDO and feel like I am milking the content and getting my money's worth - I am increasingly not interested in RP. It feels like a "treadmill" situation many of the times, where a wall is hit (because of the game's structure) and RP has to become a huge effort on the part of those participating, where we have to alter the very structure of the game or ignore shortcomings to be able to really RP. Not being able to sit in tavern chairs....that is HIGHLY symbolic of what I mean. That is just ******** to me, and show laziness and disregard on the developers part.

    I think our guild can still have fun RPing, and I know we've done a lot of great sessions in the past, and will continue to...but I am also finding it necessary to simply play the game as a video game and for the gameplay itself (combat and pure advancement and item-hunting) to continue feeling like it's worth 15 bucks a month to play.

    Sorry, but that is honestly how I am feeling about it nowadays. Turbine is letting this game idle (and possibly fizzle out) when it could THRIVE and has the potential for great things (especially as far as RP - the whole root of D&D). Very upsetting and highly disheartening.
    Last edited by Kanai; 08-25-2007 at 08:48 PM.

  12. #12
    Community Member Rason's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kanai View Post
    I'd like to say that I'm currently working at PAX (Penny Arcade Expo) in Seattle...I work for Ubisoft, but have had the chance to check out the Bioware, Atari, and Turbine booths respectively (for Mass Effect, NWN2, and....DDO...or so I hoped).

    DDO has NO presence at this gaming convention (with an attendance of 30,000 people!!), a convention where there is a whole floor dedicated to tabletop, p'n'p RP games. When I checked out Turbine's was ALL Lord of the Rings Onlilne, and NOTHING promoting DDO. At all. It is totally absent. I talked to a floor person for Turbine...she asked if I had played the LOTRO game...I told her no, but I play DDO...and she looked at me in a way that ensured me she had no idea what I was even talking about.

    That is RIDICULOUS. I'm disappointed and this really just puts the cherry on the top of my sentiment that Turbine has stopped giving a **** about this game. It's almost like they want it to fizzle out, not reach any of its potential, and are just letting it cruise along as long as people will keep paying subscription fees. It's a **** shame, and upsets me greatly.
    You have GOT to be kidding me? This is far beyond ridiculous.. D&D Online could be so much better than LotRO. As Marrra and I discussed here at the computers: LotRO has an ending since it is based on a story. D&D Online is based on D&D and it has no definable ending because it is a concept.

    Turbine are letting a very good game go stale if they don't focus on publicising it to those who aren't aware of the game or have not been in it for some time.

    All it would take is a few articles in a few magazines, online interviews, even a preview of upcoming content. How hard would that be when it would allow DDO to live a while longer, perhaps even be the start to the new beginning of D&D Online getting some player base back.

  13. #13
    Community Member Rason's Avatar
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    Discussion part way through watching some Buffy at home: What would the role players out there think if we put the idea forward for having an official RP dedicated server.

    Other MMOs have them and we are D&D Online after all. How about a RP server where Thelanis and Sarlona players can migrate to either for free by Turbine or by paying for the Premium Transfer option.

    The way I see it, Turbine wouldn't be losing any money over the transfer because if publicised correctly (That's right Turbine, publicise a RP dedicated server) then they will infact make more money out of the tabletop players out there who get one step closer to the D&D Online they wanted to begin with.

    If a RP Flag option is created as well then the RP Server itself could have it on permanently and hence OOC comments would be done by various (()) <<>> etc methods.

    I for one, would gladly, if I had to, pay for a transfer of my characters over to a sixth server.

    Now, what would it be called? Well, as I look at the map of Khorvaire, I see some choices.. Mournlands, Eldeen Reaches, Shadow Marches, etc.. Yet something that has more of a RP ring would be more worthy.

    This would bring me back towards DDO, a definite step forward at least. My only worry is the RP server turning into what World of Warcraft RP servers turned into.. well.. not very RP at all because the servers were nice and empty.

  14. #14
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    Default Which server is the RP server?

    I just responded to a post asking "Which server is the RP server? "

    Quote Originally Posted by thalion View Post
    I would recommend Sarlona ( Lightstorm's Dragonslayers ) or Thelanis ( prior home of Merlask ), of course that was prior to the possibly not so well thought out Turbine server merger...
    This is my first online MMO and the only reason I dual boot to the Microsoft OS on my laptop to load this game is because it was D&D. The only reason I'm still here is I finally found my way over to Sarlona, started Dedicated Teams and ran into some great players, many from the ranks of Lightstorm's Dragonslayer.

    Perhaps the part is that maybe Turbine did think about us during their ...secret..., no feedback requested, server merger plans. Either they don't care or we are such a minority that it doesn't matter to Atari/Turbine/Whatever/Whoever purchased the D&D rights (and/or unfortunately as mentioned earlier it was ignored by the designer).

    I remember posting about Server Transfers, designate one server officially RP Sanctioned and allow a one time free xfr to it for all the marooned RPrs or from it for the Non-RPrs who prefer to leave. Then perhaps, like minded people can find the best home.

    There are scattered RP guilds across all servers, they are still scattered. ****, just label a server and instead of all these +1 Loot/XP weekends and free shards just let us transfer once for free to a new home already!
    Last edited by thalion; 08-26-2007 at 06:43 PM. Reason: some clarification...
    Dedicated Teams Guild be part of a larger community... and Roleplayers Sarlona RP Channel

  15. #15
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    I really wish these stupid doom threads would stop.

    It's pretty sad, all these expert opinions threads explaining why the end is near. It's like watching some 17 year-old sub-urban kid talking about the war on Iraq with such vigor and truth of fact. It's getting old already.

  16. #16
    Founder Luthen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rason View Post
    I have one rule for this thread and one rule only. I want constructive discussions here by mature players and role players alike. If you want to complain like a child, go elsewhere. There is a whole forum you can do that but not here.

    Dungeons and Dragons Online: Stormreach is dying
    Your first comment contradicts your "Rule" for this thread. Being a doomsayer falls under the immature genre. Discrediting all the other "Here is what I would like to see" threads by insinuating they are not "constructive" is not mature. I do not agree nor disagree with much of what you have said. However I disagree with the tone you are using when referring to some of your DDO brethren.

    If you would like something constructive that might improve things for us, the player, then try this. I would like to see Turbine take some tips on customer service and interaction from their Euro-Server counterparts. This could go a along way to helping Turbine appease some of our frustration with their lack of events and how they choose to release information or "reward" us for length of membership.
    Luthen || Eldormadoh || Luthian || Theodread || Madmardigan || Whillow || Earnur || Halbarad || Adnakhor
    "A good player overcomes. A poor player is overcome" -Proud member of DWAT

  17. #17
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kanai View Post

    DDO has NO presence at this gaming convention (with an attendance of 30,000 people!!), a convention where there is a whole floor dedicated to tabletop, p'n'p RP games. When I checked out Turbine's was ALL Lord of the Rings Onlilne, and NOTHING promoting DDO. At all. It is totally absent. I talked to a floor person for Turbine...she asked if I had played the LOTRO game...I told her no, but I play DDO...and she looked at me in a way that ensured me she had no idea what I was even talking about.

    Had already seen the varous postings about there being no DDO at PAX - but for the Turbine worker to be ignorant of DDO even existing? Wunnerful.

    In regard to claims of "doom posting" ... We study history in the hopes that we can learn what pitfalls to avoid. If the signs of impending failure are repeating themselves, then we should all try to wake somebody up and try to steer clear of the same path that has been taken before.
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  18. #18
    Founder Kanai's Avatar
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    An update, friends and comrades:

    I just walked up to the Turbine booth at PAX, before the hall was open to the general public. This gave me the chance to get three of the developers attention...

    I asked them straight up why DDO is not present at all.

    Their answer...

    "Ummm.....uhhhhh....*exchanged a confused look* ... You know, that is a really good question." A really good question!!

    I continued by telling them that I play the game, think its fantastic and has lots of potential, and was bewildered that they do not have it present and in the forefront for promotion and growth.

    They exchanged another down-trodden, confused glance and one of them (the "main" dude of the three, I guess) said that Module 5 is coming out (yeah, duh) and that LOTRO is the newest game so that is why they have it and only it present at PAX. Basically, the other two guys looked over to him for feedback and he gave the "packaged" answer.

    So there you have it...make of that what you will.

    Oh, and Rason has a great suggestion with the idea of server that is officially for RP. That would be a great start to conglomerating the subculture of roleplayers in DDO. However, I would like to also see more open-ended, immersive, and RP-friendly material in the upcoming modules and expansions. Instead of simply adding formulaic and essentially hack-n-slash-intensive quests, Turbine should take this engine by the horns and really add some deeper dialogue, more complex conflicts, and the like.

    BGII....NWN...KOTOR...these games were huge hits for a reason. They employ the D&D system, and provided extensive RP. True, two were single-player, but I would like to see at least an effort to include the elements that made these games so addictive and immersive included in DDO, with adjustments for the MMO environment as needed.

  19. #19
    Founder Kanai's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Snike View Post
    I really wish these stupid doom threads would stop.

    It's pretty sad, all these expert opinions threads explaining why the end is near. It's like watching some 17 year-old sub-urban kid talking about the war on Iraq with such vigor and truth of fact. It's getting old already.
    Nothing sad or stupid about it. Everyone here is providing constructive criticism and feedback. If you have a problem with that...well, don't read the thread and don't post useless criticism of our constructive feedback and factual references.

    For the record, I am 27 years old, have played this game since initial launch, and I am working at PAX and personally spoke to Turbine's reps and developers at their booth. So your analogy to a 17-year-old spouting nonsense about the Iraq war is unfounded and frankly pretty ********.
    Last edited by Kanai; 08-26-2007 at 01:53 PM.

  20. #20
    Community Member Rason's Avatar
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    Nov 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Luthen View Post
    Your first comment contradicts your "Rule" for this thread. Being a doomsayer falls under the immature genre. Discrediting all the other "Here is what I would like to see" threads by insinuating they are not "constructive" is not mature. I do not agree nor disagree with much of what you have said. However I disagree with the tone you are using when referring to some of your DDO brethren.

    If you would like something constructive that might improve things for us, the player, then try this. I would like to see Turbine take some tips on customer service and interaction from their Euro-Server counterparts. This could go a along way to helping Turbine appease some of our frustration with their lack of events and how they choose to release information or "reward" us for length of membership.
    My apologise, Luthen, I did not mean it to come out 100% that way.

    I purposely stated I was not overwriting any other threads, infact I even mentioned about the Top Ten thread except that I wanted a different path for the discussion and so far I have got what I anticipated and more.

    My tone is how I feel and wanted to catch everyone's attention. I wasn't going to pretend to be happy. I do customer service for a job through the week and now and then your foot has to go down but in a way to startle people into noticing what is going wrong. That was my choice on how to start and so I still back it.

    Thank you too for your feedback. I forgot to mention about how the customer service aspect should be modified. Turbine in general, from what I have read, has a under par customer service department.

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