Why Does Elite mean rolling 1's every other d20?
Why Does Elite mean rolling 1's every other d20?
~A few unintelligible words and fleeting gestures carry more power than a battleaxe when they are the words and gestures of a wizard~
It's a simple random number generator with a fixed range; 1 through 20.
You have exactly the same probability of rolling a 1 as you do of rolling a 20. That probability is a 1 in 20 chance, or 5%.
It's really basic mathematics.
The concept that has escaped you is to change your dice color. All of us "geeks" that played PnP at the table are familiar with this method of breaking a chain of bad rolls.
Try it out.
If that doesn't work for you, maybe you should read up on Karma.
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Death Waits In The Dark
But we all know a random number generator isn't really random either, programing wise.![]()
Well, it has to do with the way a d20 works; or rather, the magic that works upon it.
There is a little-known fact that a d20 is created with a random number of natural 20s built into it. As it scores more and more 20s, it adds to its counter until it is depleted of all its d20s. At this point, to compensate for its lack of 20s, the d20 shifts the rules of probability so that 1s appear more often, about 7.5% of the time. Once a 1 is rolled, an extra 20 is added. This keeps going until the die has around ten or fifteen 20s stored up, at which point probabilities normalize once more. Until you run out of 20s again.
So you aren't rolling more 1s on elite, you're rolling more 1s because you're doing elite quests on depleted dice. If you use a brand-new die every time, you should be more lucky with your rolls, especially due to the Beginner's Luck charm on all new dice that slant probabilities of a 20 toward 7.5% and a 1 to 2.5%.
Hope this has been educational.
Are you sure y'all weren't Xorian in some former lifetime?
You're sure spreading the "Hate" now.
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Death Waits In The Dark
As all traditional, old school or next generation of PnP can attest to... the odds of rolling a fumble go up significanly if any of the following phrases are mentioned before rolling the dice:
"Why am I rolling? I can't miss!"
"C'mon baby... I can't fail now..."
"Jes roll anything but a '1'..."
So if there are other gamers in the household, make sure those phrases are not being uttered at times when you can ill-afford to fumble.
This study is as scientific as Gammaworld.
knghtstalkr<Many Heroes on Ghallanda ><4 Heroes on Argo><Plus more!>NOW PLAYING --- Zymph the Flamedancer 10th Wizzie/2nd TrapsmithShoot straight and stay safe!
This thread reminded me of an old memory, from my early days of table top.
One night we the players seemed to be rolling horribly; failing saves, to hits, low damage, etc. The DM's luck on the other hand was the opposite, and we were in deep trouble early into the adventure. By the middle of the night one of my friends decided action had to be taken.
We lined up all our dice on the concrete basement form against one of the cinder block walls. We grabbed one of the offensive dice, and and placed him in front of his fellows.
Threatening the dice remaining in line, we casually said, "This will be your fate if you continue to roll such ****!", and promptly smashed the singled-out die with a hammer into bits and pieces.
Our luck seemed to change for the remainder of the night, or so my childhood memories claim.
If only we could do something similar here.
lmao. I did this in a campaign about 2 years ago. My PnP fighter3/cleric12 with a 15 will save, needed anything but a 1 on a save versus a symbol of death. "Anything but a one..." clunk, clunk. Well, you know how that ended...
Not to mention it was in a temple to his own god, and it was one of the defense mechanisms which he could have bypassed using his holy symbol. My group still won't let this one down... lol.
Anyway, I've done a number of scientific studies on the 1/20 generators contained in all dice. It seems different manufacturers maintain different thresholds. Usually it's between 5-20 of a given number. Some have even extended this by an additional one or 2 numbers to 18-19's and 2-3's. Very interesting.
(One last thing.) In the same campaign we had a ranged fighter who 90% of the time rolled 1's 2's and 3's OR 18's 19's and 20's ... ever. Sometimes it would be in his favor and somtimes (we presumed) he would anchor his foot with an arrow before he loosed his other attacks. lol.
Last edited by Ironik; 08-25-2007 at 06:18 PM.
I probably shouldn't mention it due to infraction points. But there's a hack in DDO that allows players to actually take those 20 rolls from other players. It's pretty scummy, but it's easy to detect.
You'll know you're in a group with a person that's doing this when he keeps gets vorpals, banishers, tomes, greater banes, etc. from chests and you get that +1 sacred or ghost touch heavy steel shield... The more people in the group, the more good loot he gets while everyone else gets squat. If you've got a vorpal, you definitely want to avoid playing with people like this because you'll never get a kill (killing vampires just doesn't happen with these people around).
I have to say, I've noticed occasionally that once a mob that makes its saving throw against a particular spell once, if you then cast that spell repeatedly at the same mob without casting a different spell, the mob will make the save 4 or 5 times in a row.
An example is soloing the hellhound caves on Sorrowdusk - heightened niacs against 4 unnamed hellhounds. 3 of them go down, one hit a piece. The 4th one makes 6 saving throws in a row. I actually had to leave the cave before this one lone hellhound killed me. When I came back to the cave, I hit it with niacs again. This killed it outright.
This might be pure superstition but this has happened a few times, I wonder whether the "randomness" of the seed for your next action is modified by your last action?