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Thread: The Iron Lich

  1. #1
    Community Member Daemonis's Avatar
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    Default The Iron Lich

    Background: I recently retired my capped 34CHA Drow Sorcerer (>1800SP; >2000 favor) owing to boredom regarding casting more or less the same spell combinations. I’ve decided to build a necromancy focused Wizard for the versatility and improved performance in the pending Undead themed Module 5. Notably, this build utilizes the WF platform – which is my preferred character race. I’m not claiming to be the first to build a necromancy focused WF wizard, but here is how I plan to build one. Constructive criticism is welcomed!

    ***Updated in light of experience with the build after leveling up to 14. Changes made in Red***

    The Iron Lich, a True Neutral, 32ptWF, 14Wizard

    S 12 (8base+4Gloves) – or 14 with Rage spell.
    D 12 (8base+4Boots)
    C 28 (20base+2WF Enhancement+1Tome+5Ring) – or 30 with Rage spell.
    I 32 (18base+3Levels+3Wiz Enhancement+2Favor Tome+6Goggles)
    W 8 (6base+2Nightforge helm)
    CH 6 (6base)

    Warforged Racial Abilities: Immunities (sleep, nausea, exhaustion, poison, disease, paralysis effects, energy drain, or spells that target humanoids, DQ wrack), extended time underwater before drowning, composite plating (+2AC, light fortification), healed by Arcane (full effect) or Divine spells (at –50%).

    Class Granted Feats: Heroic durability, defensive fighting, magical training, and Wizard weapon proficiencies.

    Level Feats:
    (1) Mental toughness I
    (1 Wiz Bonus) Maximize
    (3) SF: Necromancy
    (5 Wiz Bonus) Heighten
    (6) Mental toughness II
    (9) Spell penetration I
    (10 Wiz Bonus) Extend
    (12) GSF: Necromancy

    Elemental mastery IV
    Energy IV
    Improved heightening I
    Inscribed armor I
    Intelligence III
    Spell penetration III
    Scroll/wand mastery I
    WF Constitution II
    WF Construct thinking I
    WF Hardiness I

    Spell Points/Shrine: 1293 (680base+253INT+150Mental Toughness II+110Energy IV+100Magi item)

    Spells Memorized: 5/5/5/5/4/4/3

    Typical Spell Selection (n = Necromancy school, where DC after equiping a +1Necromancy Item+enabling heighten metamagic feat = 31!):

    1) Coldtouch (n), Nightshield, Jump, Tumble, Detect secret doors.
    2) Falselife, SR, Web, Blur, Knock.
    3) Halt undead (n), Haste, Protection from energy, Rage, Dispel magic.
    4) Enervation, Fear (n), Pk, WoF, Stoneskin, Dimension Door.
    5) Symbol of Pain (n), CK, Cone of Cold, Break enchantment.
    6) Symbol of Fear (n), Reconstruct, GH, Disintegrate.
    7) FoD (N), Greater teleport, Banishment.

    Skills (129 skill points at level 14; 93.5 spent to obtain):
    Concentration 30 (17base+9CON+4GH)
    Repair 32 (17base+11INT+4GH)
    Balance 13.5 (8.5base+1DEX+4GH)
    Jump 43.5 (8.5base +1STR+30Jump spell+4GH)
    Tumble 23.5 (8.5base +1DEX+10Tumble spell+4GH)
    Spot 12.5 (8.5base -1WIS+4GH)

    Diplomacy 23.5 (8.5base -2CHA+13Item+4GH)
    Haggle 23.5 (8.5base -2CHA+13Item+4GH)

    Base HP: 242 [i.e., 20Heroic +56Wizard +126Constitution +10Draconic+30Greater false life item]
    [Self-buffed max HP: 301; i.e., 20Heroic +56Wizard +126Constitution +10Draconic +30Greater false life item +14GH +14Rage spell +20Falselife spell +11Aid potion]

    Fortitude 20 (+4Wizard+9CON+3Nightshield+4GH)
    Reflex 12 (+4Wizard+1DEX+3Nightshield +4GH)
    Will 17 (+9Wizard-1WIS+5Nightforge helmet+4GH)

    Base Attack Bonus: +7/+7/+12 (i.e., plan to stay out of melee)

    Armor Class: <20+ blur/displacement+stoneskin spells. Dimension Door to safety if overwhelmed.

    Build Pros:
    1) Survivability
    -WF racial abilities are incredible! Moreover, heavy fortification status is easily obtained by equipping a commonly available moderate fortification item.
    -Decent hit points for a non-melee non-toughness spec’d focused character (i.e., 242 base, 301 self-buffed) to help soak damage. You CAN survive a Disintegrate ray from a beholder!
    -Self- and selected party buffing with arcane spells.
    -Significant self-healing with spells (e.g., Reconstruct = 140HP at just 35sp cost) and repair light/moderate/serious wands.
    -Can be healed by multiple party members (bard, Cleric, paladin, ranger, sorcerer, wizard) if incapacitated.
    -True neutral alignment helps reduce damage taken from high-end content mobs that employ unholy weapons/arrows – the very arrows that will be hitting you as you stand in back casting your spells. True neutral alignment also affords a slight boost in AC if Stability docent and shields are equipped. This is not a melee or UMD build, so employing “of Pure Good” melee weapons for extra DPS was not a concern. Being unable to equip the rare Ring of the Ancestors is not a major loss. This build is about controlling undead, not raising them, LOL. With this build’s defensive capabilities and self-healing, you CAN survive to carry (or Dimension Door) your fallen teammates soulstones back to the shrine!
    -Can hot-swap docents quickly to tailor protection depending on mob. Typical docents include fearsome, deathblock, arrowblock, and the various elemental resistances.

    2) Fun factor. This character will be able to rain down destruction upon would be living foes with Finger of Death and other debilitating effects such as the potent fear/symbol of fear (foe is unable to fight for several minutes). As noted previously, the fortitude-based DC for Finger of Death is 31 - which will be more than adequate to dispatch most of the caster type mobs in the game (even on Elite level content and in the presence of high Spell Resistance). High CR rating melee-types may be more apt to resist, however, but this can be mitigated somewhat by casting no-save Enervation or prepping an area with Symbol of Pain first (DC = 31). Without question, this build will OWN undead via command/halt/control undead spell series. Moreover, having the Maximize metamagic feats affords burst nuking potential with SR, WoF, Cone of Cold, or Disintegrate when the situation warrants it (e.g., PvP, Red named bosses who are otherwise immune to necromancy magic). As an added boon, this character can cast very selected buffs for the team – although admittedly, I will personally plan on not being the party buff bot (i.e., mid to high-level characters SHOULD be able to afford House P buffs or potions – I’m not going to spend my SP on casting standard buffs).

    3) Equipment and Inventory Space
    This build can effectively equip more stat enhancing items onto the character at any given time than other builds, as WF immunities negate the necessity of needing to carry selected protection equipment (e.g., disease, poison, underwater action, etc.). More space is always a good thing.

    Build Cons:
    1) 60 SP less than an Elven Arcanium IV spec’d Elf, which equates to one extra FoD and Haste at a loss of the general hardiness and survivability of this WF build.

    2) 23 SP less, –1DC on spells, and no SR18 compared to a 34INT Drow with same feats and enhancement selections (substituting SR for WF CON). While I concede that the Drow is a viable alterative, I believe that the inherent survivability of this build via the multitude of WF immunities, significant healing capabilities, and high HP overshadows the paltry difference in SP and the –1DC on spells. A FoD with 31DC will likely land just as often as a 32DC in the games current elite-level content.

    3) Less hit points than a toughness spec’d out Dwarf – although this applies to all non-dwarf races. Moreover, taking the toughness feat would require you to substitute said feat in favor of another – such as Spell Penetration I while also spending your AP on toughness enhancements at the cost of other enhancements.

    I’m personally a big fan of Spell penetration – as it is very likely that more and more high-level mobs will have high SR (this build will have between +7 or +8 to overcome SR). After all, it is wasteful to have to keep recasting insta-death or CC spells owing to failed SR checks . Also, the Reconstruct spell is a HUGE benefit to the Iron Lich.

    4) Very low AC owing to non-body feat while dual wielding an assortment of spell-casting scepters (e.g., spell penetration, necromancy, etc.). Damage will be mitigated via equipment (e.g., fearsome or arrowblock docents), heavy fortification status (equip a mod/heavy fort item), ability to soak damage (i.e., 301 HP self-buffed), significant self-healing, using the Diplomacy skill, and smart play.

    5) Social stigma of being a Warforged!
    Non-Raid Equipment

    1) SP Boost Item (for initial buffs, then switch out to other spell-casting scepters): Scepter of Wizardry II (equip at level4), Scepter of Power IX (equip at level8), Scepter of the Magi (equip at level10).

    2) Spell-casting Scepters (+1DC; each can be placed on your hot bar and are equipable at level4; I dual wield them and/or mix and match with other scepters): Abjuration, Conjuration, Enchantment, Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy, and Transmutation.

    3) Spell-penetration item (to overcome high SR foes; e.g., Drow, Rakasha, Jariliths, elite level trolls in GH): Highest level spell penetration and greater spell penetration you can find and equip at level8 and beyond. E.g., obtain a Spell-penetration VII (FoD; Symbol of pain/fear) or Greater spell-penetration IV item (Fear; PK).

    4) Potency scepter: Greater/Superior Potency VI (Disintegrate; SR, WoF, Cone of Cold).

    5) Lore scepters (when nuking): Superior Fire (SR, Fireball), Superior Ice (Cone of cold).

    6) Bracers of necromancy (equipable at level7).

    7) Docents: Fearsome (of X; of Invulnerability or Spearblock or moderate fortification would be ideal), Deathblock, Spearblock.

    8) Stat Boosting: +6INT goggles, +5CON Ring, +4DEX Boots, +4STR Gloves.

    9) Miscellaneous Gear: Nightforge helmet, Mod/Heavy fort belt (mod fort belt can be equipped as low as level7).

    10) Weapons: 2 Grievous Daggers (+2 daggers of puncturing, equipable at level4); Dual wield and use only on Held or FtS living foes for quick CON kill when mage-tanking), Curespewing crossbow (for CC/instadeath).

    Rare: Ring of spell storing (+75SP/shrine; Desert area), Karidin’s Eye (+5Resistance trinket; PotP), Tomes (+1INT & +1CON), Ancient band (Heavy fortification ring; Madstone Crater), Greater false life belt.
    Last edited by Tolero; 03-10-2011 at 12:23 PM.
    Current Lineup: Daemonis, Jagannath, Engineered, & Nekromanteia

  2. #2

    Default server?

    Hmm....what server are you planning on building this character on? If your curious as to why I ask, click my sig.
    My Videos Shadow Mage (ok, it's a build now)
    A forum post should be like a skirt - long enough to cover the subject material, but short enough to keep things interesting.
    Britches and Hose kidnapped my dog and are forcing him to farm Shroud ingredients.

  3. #3
    Community Member Daemonis's Avatar
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    Hi Ghoste,
    Thanks for checking out the build. I play this build on Argonnessen - his in-game character name is Nekromanteia. I have infact joined a PUG with you before (when I was playing my Warforgedchanter, Trouvere), LOL.

    I'm also a founding member and guild leader of the Intrepid Adventurers Guild - and am happy with my small, humble, and cohesive group of guildmates. They also are WF-friendly, LOL. As guild leader, I guess they have no choice!

    As an aside, if you are running WF PUGs, feel free to look me up. See my signature line for the characters I play.

    Last edited by Daemonis; 08-24-2007 at 03:41 PM.
    Current Lineup: Daemonis, Jagannath, Engineered, & Nekromanteia

  4. #4
    Community Member Deragoth's Avatar
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    Mar 2006

    Thumbs up

    I'm building something very similar to this (True neutral and all), and so far it's working VERY well. I'm level 7 at the moment, and having a blast.

    Well written, with very attainable gear. Nicely done.

    ***** After Reaching Level 14 capped *****

    The only major difference between your build and mine is that I took Quicken instead of GSF: Necromancy (which I will rectify @ L15). With quicken, I am nearly immortal. The ability to drop uninterrupted Reconstructs and Repair Serious spells is... addictive. While I don't have the spell-point pool of my VERY fun sorcerer, I enjoy my 'forged wizard quite a bit more. Loading up on Debuffs is painless, and the outcome is priceless during raids. Learn to love the Fear spell. CC+Debuff in one terrific package.

    Excellent and incredibly viable end-game build.
    Last edited by Deragoth; 01-02-2008 at 03:00 PM. Reason: Revisit after reaching L14 capped
    Vilified -Depraven - Frontloader - Primacy
    aka Villainous
    - Pre-June'08.

  5. #5
    Founder RemoJr's Avatar
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    my 14 wizard seandithos is a necromancy focused WF and I'll tell ya your in for a great time. I love my mithral raining negative death wizard.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Lawrence View Post
    Remember to have your kobolds spayed or neutered.

  6. #6
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    Yes, you created a warforged necromancer. He's as min/maxed and focused as can be. This may limit his utility. Here's how I view your character:

    1. Maximum effectiveness with necromancy spells.
    2. Maximum spellpoints.
    3. Maximum spell DCs.
    4. Maximum spell penetration.
    5. Very high hitpoints (where's the false life item?).
    6. Very good fire/cold spells.
    7. Excellent utility spells.
    8. Mediocre crowd control.
    9. Very poor buffing spells.
    10. Poor debuffing spells.
    10. Negligible melee abilities.
    11. Negligible armor class.
    12. Self-healing.

    Numbers 8, 9, & 10 are your weakest points with this build. Just by changing a few spells, your crowd control can increase dramatically. Fear is awesome crowd control. But adding a couple of enchantment spells in the mix will help. Those can be added by taking away some of the utility spells that you could better use in wand/scroll form (especially greater teleport and dispell magic). Hold monster, mass hold person, suggestion, and mass suggestion are all good spells to diversify with. Even the single-target ones will be effective with your very high DCs (not to mention highten).

    Where's ray of enfeeblement and ray of exhaustion? They work on raid bosses!

    Not having resist energy and extended haste will cause you more grief than anything else. Is it worth it?

    My last suggestion is to add a mid-level repair spell somewhere in your build. Do you want to unclick your metamagic feats everytime you want to heal yourself without using a wand?

    Happy Hunting.

  7. #7
    Community Member Daemonis's Avatar
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    Default Thanks for the feedback

    Hi Eudimio,
    Thanks for taking the time to look at the build and offering a cogent critique. I appreciate your feedback.

    Most of the critiques are related to my suggested “typical” spell choice selections – which as you know, can be easily modified from quest to quest to include more commonly understood (& expected?) enchantment based CC spells and reducing the number of utility spells or adding repair based spells. Such is the great boon of being a Wizard! For example, debuffing spells (e.g., Ray of enfeeblement & exhaustion, Bestow curse, Waves of Fatigue, etc.) and selected enchantment based CC (e.g., Otto’s sphere) would be chosen situationally - such as when questing in a RAID for the end boss (e.g., Reaver’s fate). I typically prefer to nuke end bosses on most non-raid quests (I’m used to playing a Sorcerer, LOL). A preference I suppose.

    Re: utility spells, I like the convenience. Many of these spells I didn’t have the luxury of having as a former Sorcerer. I was able to hit most locked chests in GH on elite with Knock on my Sorcerer. So unless it’s a trap heavy quest, we can short man most quests if a Rogue doesn’t come on board. I’ve also gotten accustomed to teleporting about when selling/repairing, banking, and auction house-ing.

    Re: self-healing, I plan on using wands for most in-between fights and relegate my SP for offensive/defensive casting. I won’t be concerned about my health unless I’m below 50% - which is remedied with a single Reconstruct spell (at 35 SP). I typically only run with heighten active–so I’m less worried about wasteful expenditure of SP on an empowered/maximized Reconstruct.

    I’m prepared to take some heat for not offering much of the way of buffs (I will offer burst Hastes, Blur to main tank, and GH to Rogue) – but will start being more miserly with my SP. I personally prefer Protection from energy over Resist energy as all elemental damage is negated. I can refresh as needed. I have an assortment of greater energy resistance docents in the bank too.

    I have been trying to teach PUGers who join up with me and my guild mates the importance of being as self-sufficient as possible. I’ve grown less tolerant of high level melee’s who likely have significant wealth but nevertheless expect YOU to spend half of your mana super-buffing them so that they can enjoy THEIR gaming experience more and pad their kill counts– at my SP expense. Frankly they are being lazy. Sorry, I’ll get off my soap box.

    As an aside, by NOT having extendable haste, it also allows me to control the pace of combat - in that would be zergers are less like to go rushing off without the rest of the crew in tow (or ahead of my FoD reach).

    The comments about negligible AC and melee are valid, especially at lower levels. I’m sure that we would both agree that at the end-game, your best overall defense is a fearsome docent+heavy fortification status coupled with Blur/displacement+stoneskin+smart agro management. AC becomes a moot point. Frankly, this build was not designed to be an increasingly popular Battlemage. Having said that, you CAN memorize Hold monster or Flesh to stone spells, equip your dual puncturing dagger combo, and then rapidly CON kill held living foes if you choose to do that (e.g., Gianthold Tor). I used to do it all the time with my Sorcerer.

    Oh BTW, I think the developers are planning on making a change to False life items in that the HP gained from a False life item will not stack with the false life spell.

    Thanks again for your comments.

    Cheers, -Daemonis
    Last edited by Daemonis; 08-24-2007 at 07:47 PM.
    Current Lineup: Daemonis, Jagannath, Engineered, & Nekromanteia

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daemonis View Post
    I’ve decided to build a necromancy focused Wizard for the versatility and improved performance in the pending Undead themed Module 5.
    This doesn't make any sense at all. Undead are immune to your bread and butter -- fear, energy drain and insta-kill spells.

  9. #9
    Community Member Daemonis's Avatar
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    Default It makes perfect sense...


    Actually, it makes perfect sense. Consider that this build WILL plan on memorizing the following spells for undead themed quests:

    Chill touch (if an undead sprints to me) => Single target fear vs. undead.
    Command or Control Undead => Undead army.
    Halt Undead => Mass hold vs. undead - allowing me and my party to choose how to deal with them (leave 'em waiting and carry on, destroy them via WoF, or let the melee's work as the clean up crew).

    Notably, all these aforementioned spells will have 31DC to resist. This build will OWN undead. No question about it.

    Regards, -Daemonis.
    Last edited by Daemonis; 08-25-2007 at 06:19 PM.
    Current Lineup: Daemonis, Jagannath, Engineered, & Nekromanteia

  10. #10
    Community Member Xyfiel's Avatar
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    I have since changed my necro sorc to more general one, but tll L9 I had heighten and both foci. I noticed that when running deleras like crazy during last loot weekend I had major problems with halt undead. Iirc I was l6-7 with 26cha, so 10+3spell level+8mod+2feats+1item=24dc.

    I had about 10% chance to halt intelligent undead, on normal. I spammed necromancer room with the 2 floor panels 4-5 times, and still only got at the most 2 of the 10 or so intelligent ones.

    That was a L8 quest with 24dc, I doubt 31 will work any better in L14-16 quests. Intelligent undead on elite have such high will saves, you won't get much to land. Wall of fire does the job nicely though.

    If you want to test this out, go to shadow king, and see if you can get the shadows to halt. Before you curse them to be fair...

  11. #11
    Community Member Daemonis's Avatar
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    Default Updated build

    Updated build in light of experiences leveling up character to level 14.
    Current Lineup: Daemonis, Jagannath, Engineered, & Nekromanteia

  12. #12
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Good build. Cool to see you picked up extend after.

    The fun in necromancy for the most part is killing lving things, the quests in which you can really control the undead are unfortunately limited to deleras tomb right now and will not change in mod5.

    Halt undead and command undead work vs non-intelligent undead with no save at all, so having necromancy focus has no effect. Intelligent undead (read: any undead except ones in deleras tomb) save vs it all the time, every 20 seconds vs command or 95% of the time vs hold, as they have incredibly will saves rendering these spells worthless. Generally undeads weak saves are fortitude in ddo.

    Control undead might be fun in certain quests, hard to say at this point.

  13. #13
    Founder yynderjohn's Avatar
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    Default cool

    like the build alot!

  14. #14
    Community Member Rason's Avatar
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    I love the build since I play a WF wizard and decided to go down this path and I've found it enjoyable. I'm curious, with time moving on, how has it played out for you? Did it do what you wanted at further levels? Anything else to add/subtract..?

  15. #15
    Community Member Daemonis's Avatar
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    Default Thanks!

    Hi Rason,

    Be sure to pick up Spell Penetration II at level 15 and either Empower or Quicken for your free Wizard bonus feat. Quicken for faster, uninterruptible casting (making you nearly immortal so long as you have SP) which is nice when soloing. Empower, when coupled with Extend+Maximize, enables you to have the hardest hitting Wall of Fire or Acid Fog you can muster for end boss fights. I think I went with Quicken, personally. Maximize works just fine when situationally nuking – although it just takes a little longer.

    You will find that the build performs great at the end game. I ended up having over 300hp without buffs (30CON; 32CON with Rage!), max possible SP for a non-Elf/Drow, and a boat load of Raid loot.

    Having said that, I did up ending shelving both my Iron Lich, Nekromanteia, and later my Iron Shadow (a doubly Necromancy focused, Spell pen I& II, WF Sorcerer –> focused version of the Iron Lich) Maccabaeus, in favor of what I believe is my best/favorite WF Arcane Build yet, the Stelemagus (pronounced “steel mag us”) – a generalist Wizard who is stealth, PvP, and UMD capable. You are welcome click on the link to see details.

    The difference between the Iron Lich and Stelemagus, is that the later has 32 less HP and –2DC on necromancy spells, but has all the important soloist/PvP metamagic feats (i.e., Mental toughness I & II, Spell pen I & II, Extend, Empower, Maximize, Enlarge, Quicken), very good stealth skills, and functional UMD at mid- to end-game (my UMD is fast approaching 30 as I acquire/craft Raid loot). I would consider it more of an advanced build however, in that it’s designed to personify self-sufficiency, versatility, and strategic power. I’m enjoying soloing high end content.

    Nevertheless, you will enjoy your Iron Lich. I sure did!
    Regards, -Daemonis.
    Current Lineup: Daemonis, Jagannath, Engineered, & Nekromanteia

  16. #16
    Community Member Rason's Avatar
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    Nice, thanks for the update The main difference between my WF and yours is that mine is the standard 28pt, not 32. I've yet to hit 1750 favor. I'm wondering if I will take the move to make another wizard when I do, so far loving what I have either way.

    I'll take a look at your Steel build but I think Iron Lich does what I want since I'm not a PvPer

  17. #17
    Community Member WeaselKing's Avatar
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    Build saving bump.
    Quote Originally Posted by Milamber69 View Post
    Please forgive my personal attack, I was high on Platypus Venom at the time.

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