Background: I recently retired my capped 34CHA Drow Sorcerer (>1800SP; >2000 favor) owing to boredom regarding casting more or less the same spell combinations. I’ve decided to build a necromancy focused Wizard for the versatility and improved performance in the pending Undead themed Module 5. Notably, this build utilizes the WF platform – which is my preferred character race. I’m not claiming to be the first to build a necromancy focused WF wizard, but here is how I plan to build one. Constructive criticism is welcomed!
***Updated in light of experience with the build after leveling up to 14. Changes made in Red***
The Iron Lich, a True Neutral, 32ptWF, 14Wizard
S 12 (8base+4Gloves) – or 14 with Rage spell.
D 12 (8base+4Boots)
C 28 (20base+2WF Enhancement+1Tome+5Ring) – or 30 with Rage spell.
I 32 (18base+3Levels+3Wiz Enhancement+2Favor Tome+6Goggles)
W 8 (6base+2Nightforge helm)
CH 6 (6base)
Warforged Racial Abilities: Immunities (sleep, nausea, exhaustion, poison, disease, paralysis effects, energy drain, or spells that target humanoids, DQ wrack), extended time underwater before drowning, composite plating (+2AC, light fortification), healed by Arcane (full effect) or Divine spells (at –50%).
Class Granted Feats: Heroic durability, defensive fighting, magical training, and Wizard weapon proficiencies.
Level Feats:
(1) Mental toughness I
(1 Wiz Bonus) Maximize
(3) SF: Necromancy
(5 Wiz Bonus) Heighten
(6) Mental toughness II
(9) Spell penetration I
(10 Wiz Bonus) Extend
(12) GSF: Necromancy
Elemental mastery IV
Energy IV
Improved heightening I
Inscribed armor I
Intelligence III
Spell penetration III
Scroll/wand mastery I
WF Constitution II
WF Construct thinking I
WF Hardiness I
Spell Points/Shrine: 1293 (680base+253INT+150Mental Toughness II+110Energy IV+100Magi item)
Spells Memorized: 5/5/5/5/4/4/3
Typical Spell Selection (n = Necromancy school, where DC after equiping a +1Necromancy Item+enabling heighten metamagic feat = 31!):
1) Coldtouch (n), Nightshield, Jump, Tumble, Detect secret doors.
2) Falselife, SR, Web, Blur, Knock.
3) Halt undead (n), Haste, Protection from energy, Rage, Dispel magic.
4) Enervation, Fear (n), Pk, WoF, Stoneskin, Dimension Door.
5) Symbol of Pain (n), CK, Cone of Cold, Break enchantment.
6) Symbol of Fear (n), Reconstruct, GH, Disintegrate.
7) FoD (N), Greater teleport, Banishment.
Skills (129 skill points at level 14; 93.5 spent to obtain):
Concentration 30 (17base+9CON+4GH)
Repair 32 (17base+11INT+4GH)
Balance 13.5 (8.5base+1DEX+4GH)
Jump 43.5 (8.5base +1STR+30Jump spell+4GH)
Tumble 23.5 (8.5base +1DEX+10Tumble spell+4GH)
Spot 12.5 (8.5base -1WIS+4GH)
Diplomacy 23.5 (8.5base -2CHA+13Item+4GH)
Haggle 23.5 (8.5base -2CHA+13Item+4GH)
Base HP: 242 [i.e., 20Heroic +56Wizard +126Constitution +10Draconic+30Greater false life item]
[Self-buffed max HP: 301; i.e., 20Heroic +56Wizard +126Constitution +10Draconic +30Greater false life item +14GH +14Rage spell +20Falselife spell +11Aid potion]
Fortitude 20 (+4Wizard+9CON+3Nightshield+4GH)
Reflex 12 (+4Wizard+1DEX+3Nightshield +4GH)
Will 17 (+9Wizard-1WIS+5Nightforge helmet+4GH)
Base Attack Bonus: +7/+7/+12 (i.e., plan to stay out of melee)
Armor Class: <20+ blur/displacement+stoneskin spells. Dimension Door to safety if overwhelmed.
Build Pros:
1) Survivability
-WF racial abilities are incredible! Moreover, heavy fortification status is easily obtained by equipping a commonly available moderate fortification item.
-Decent hit points for a non-melee non-toughness spec’d focused character (i.e., 242 base, 301 self-buffed) to help soak damage. You CAN survive a Disintegrate ray from a beholder!
-Self- and selected party buffing with arcane spells.
-Significant self-healing with spells (e.g., Reconstruct = 140HP at just 35sp cost) and repair light/moderate/serious wands.
-Can be healed by multiple party members (bard, Cleric, paladin, ranger, sorcerer, wizard) if incapacitated.
-True neutral alignment helps reduce damage taken from high-end content mobs that employ unholy weapons/arrows – the very arrows that will be hitting you as you stand in back casting your spells. True neutral alignment also affords a slight boost in AC if Stability docent and shields are equipped. This is not a melee or UMD build, so employing “of Pure Good” melee weapons for extra DPS was not a concern. Being unable to equip the rare Ring of the Ancestors is not a major loss. This build is about controlling undead, not raising them, LOL. With this build’s defensive capabilities and self-healing, you CAN survive to carry (or Dimension Door) your fallen teammates soulstones back to the shrine!
-Can hot-swap docents quickly to tailor protection depending on mob. Typical docents include fearsome, deathblock, arrowblock, and the various elemental resistances.
2) Fun factor. This character will be able to rain down destruction upon would be living foes with Finger of Death and other debilitating effects such as the potent fear/symbol of fear (foe is unable to fight for several minutes). As noted previously, the fortitude-based DC for Finger of Death is 31 - which will be more than adequate to dispatch most of the caster type mobs in the game (even on Elite level content and in the presence of high Spell Resistance). High CR rating melee-types may be more apt to resist, however, but this can be mitigated somewhat by casting no-save Enervation or prepping an area with Symbol of Pain first (DC = 31). Without question, this build will OWN undead via command/halt/control undead spell series. Moreover, having the Maximize metamagic feats affords burst nuking potential with SR, WoF, Cone of Cold, or Disintegrate when the situation warrants it (e.g., PvP, Red named bosses who are otherwise immune to necromancy magic). As an added boon, this character can cast very selected buffs for the team – although admittedly, I will personally plan on not being the party buff bot (i.e., mid to high-level characters SHOULD be able to afford House P buffs or potions – I’m not going to spend my SP on casting standard buffs).
3) Equipment and Inventory Space
This build can effectively equip more stat enhancing items onto the character at any given time than other builds, as WF immunities negate the necessity of needing to carry selected protection equipment (e.g., disease, poison, underwater action, etc.). More space is always a good thing.
Build Cons:
1) 60 SP less than an Elven Arcanium IV spec’d Elf, which equates to one extra FoD and Haste at a loss of the general hardiness and survivability of this WF build.
2) 23 SP less, –1DC on spells, and no SR18 compared to a 34INT Drow with same feats and enhancement selections (substituting SR for WF CON). While I concede that the Drow is a viable alterative, I believe that the inherent survivability of this build via the multitude of WF immunities, significant healing capabilities, and high HP overshadows the paltry difference in SP and the –1DC on spells. A FoD with 31DC will likely land just as often as a 32DC in the games current elite-level content.
3) Less hit points than a toughness spec’d out Dwarf – although this applies to all non-dwarf races. Moreover, taking the toughness feat would require you to substitute said feat in favor of another – such as Spell Penetration I while also spending your AP on toughness enhancements at the cost of other enhancements.
I’m personally a big fan of Spell penetration – as it is very likely that more and more high-level mobs will have high SR (this build will have between +7 or +8 to overcome SR). After all, it is wasteful to have to keep recasting insta-death or CC spells owing to failed SR checks . Also, the Reconstruct spell is a HUGE benefit to the Iron Lich.
4) Very low AC owing to non-body feat while dual wielding an assortment of spell-casting scepters (e.g., spell penetration, necromancy, etc.). Damage will be mitigated via equipment (e.g., fearsome or arrowblock docents), heavy fortification status (equip a mod/heavy fort item), ability to soak damage (i.e., 301 HP self-buffed), significant self-healing, using the Diplomacy skill, and smart play.
5) Social stigma of being a Warforged!
Non-Raid Equipment
1) SP Boost Item (for initial buffs, then switch out to other spell-casting scepters): Scepter of Wizardry II (equip at level4), Scepter of Power IX (equip at level8), Scepter of the Magi (equip at level10).
2) Spell-casting Scepters (+1DC; each can be placed on your hot bar and are equipable at level4; I dual wield them and/or mix and match with other scepters): Abjuration, Conjuration, Enchantment, Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy, and Transmutation.
3) Spell-penetration item (to overcome high SR foes; e.g., Drow, Rakasha, Jariliths, elite level trolls in GH): Highest level spell penetration and greater spell penetration you can find and equip at level8 and beyond. E.g., obtain a Spell-penetration VII (FoD; Symbol of pain/fear) or Greater spell-penetration IV item (Fear; PK).
4) Potency scepter: Greater/Superior Potency VI (Disintegrate; SR, WoF, Cone of Cold).
5) Lore scepters (when nuking): Superior Fire (SR, Fireball), Superior Ice (Cone of cold).
6) Bracers of necromancy (equipable at level7).
7) Docents: Fearsome (of X; of Invulnerability or Spearblock or moderate fortification would be ideal), Deathblock, Spearblock.
8) Stat Boosting: +6INT goggles, +5CON Ring, +4DEX Boots, +4STR Gloves.
9) Miscellaneous Gear: Nightforge helmet, Mod/Heavy fort belt (mod fort belt can be equipped as low as level7).
10) Weapons: 2 Grievous Daggers (+2 daggers of puncturing, equipable at level4); Dual wield and use only on Held or FtS living foes for quick CON kill when mage-tanking), Curespewing crossbow (for CC/instadeath).
Rare: Ring of spell storing (+75SP/shrine; Desert area), Karidin’s Eye (+5Resistance trinket; PotP), Tomes (+1INT & +1CON), Ancient band (Heavy fortification ring; Madstone Crater), Greater false life belt.