The server crasher during game play??
The server crasher during game play??
Member of PESTILENCE Tula TR1: 18 Wiz / 2 Rouge BlackBronze aka BlackBalls 2WB WF 18 Barb/2 Rouge xxxHermesxxx aka Herpes 18 FVS / 2 Monk LilZequal Tr1: 20 FVS PicknGrinn Bard 16 Bard / 2 Fighter
o joy we have server crashing already isnt this joyus lol
Gives me time to read the forums![]()
Kraak - New Xoriat (now Thelanis) (all things *Kraak*, *krak* in The Madborn) (Not Kraaken)
so how is everyone this afternoon lets get to know one another better since we are one big "happy" family here hello im 27 on east coast play ddo with my wife every night if we are not on as thadius and elsa then its our new toons mordranth and airlea. hope to see yall around
Quick!!! We need three new hamsters, now!!!!
Freeman - Human Bard - Thelanis Fulfilling my duty to the ladies of Stormreach
Yuvben(Halfling Rogue), Acana(Drow Sorcerer), Walket(Human Cleric), Mahoukami (WF Wizard), Knicapper(Horc Fighter), Pyetr(Human Bard), Mazinger (WF Barb), and Belcar(Halfling Ranger).
I think I caused it!
See, the area I live in (near chicago) was hit by an extreme storm yesterday.
My power has been out since 4:00 PM yeserday!
......and oh yeah I have a tree on my house.
Anyhow, with out power I can't game.
(I'm at work now BTW)
So I knew you all were out there just playing away, so I...I...
I wished no one could play until I could again.
So all I can say now is.......
I GOT THE POWER........YEeeeAH, Yeah, Yeah (C&C music factory)
Sorry suckers! NOT! LOL!
Meditate~Bandaides~Knasty~Klepto~Getbent~ZerkforgeWomp~LEGION OFFICER~Rayzor
Well the crashes are bad enough but when you mail something (+5 Heavy Mithril Shield of Light Fortification) just prior and it doesn't come out on the back end. Joy. What is worse being told "oh so sorry nothing we can do".
Axebiter, Cujo, Runeforge, Runefury, Runegoth, Runehealer, Runehamer, Runehorde, Runenight, Runesongs, RunezephyrAnd the forgotten: Runeaura, Runedevourer, Herstinkie, Runewolf,Caught somewhere between casual player and power gamer.
Just in case you forgot....
They hate you too. It's not just us. LOL![]()
----------==========[[[ LEGION ]]]==========----------
Death Waits In The Dark
or you're in the Reaver and a +3 strength Tome and a +3 Con Tome drop....
***nyuuuuuuuummmmmm plink****
I'm so glad we decided to call that Madstone run... 5 minutes before crash.
xX-----==<<<Yes, I roleplay. Get over it.>>>==-----XxOriginally Posted by Beol