Really depends on your definition of standing strength. Running around town? Heading into battle? My barb heads into battle at 40 str minimum (17 base + 3 lvl + 1 ftr enh + 6 item + 6 rage + 4 power rage + 1 tome + 2 rage spell = 40).
As far as max strength, are you talking max possible strength in the game? Because it's not 44. Leaving out alchemical bonuses, I think the highest possible is a 48, with a human barb 12/fighter 2:
18 base
6 item
6 rage
4 power rage
3 tome
3 level
2 rage
2 madstone clickie
2 madstone boot on-hit
1 fighter str enhancement
1 human versatility
= 48
There might be some other combination that allows for a higher strength, but I can't think of it now.