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  1. #1
    Community Member Grenfell's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default New Place to house my builds

    Hey everyone,

    Thanks to the forums wiping out all of my build posts, I've started to go through and repost those builds I still think are viable in the current environment on my guild page. The link is at the bottom in my signature. Those who have been PM'ing me, I appreciate it, and I apologize for not doing this sooner.

    The link is:

    Over time, I'll see what I can dig up from the archives and try to keep that thread up to date.


  2. #2
    Community Member CoolHand_Luke's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006


    I checked out you builds and like em. I have been wanting to build a bard and like your Xoria build. I tried to build one based of of this but I fail to get the starting Ability points placed correctly. I seem to run out! I do have 32 point builds so can you advise?
    Amiee lvl 16 cleric___________Heathur lvl 16 fighter
    Coolhand lvl16 rogue ________Freek lvl 16 wizzard
    Saba lvl 16 cleric ________Hayoka lvl 16 Bard

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