I see all of the threads about LFM trade violations, and was thinking of a good place to go, where general chat trade staments can be made, and no one would get mad.
I originally thought the House P theatre area 9Where Gwylan's Stand adventure is) would make a nice flea market, but the general chat spam might perturb some players going to and from Threnal, and other adventures in there.
But then I thought of a great place, the main tent!
What better place to shout out what you want to trade, than in the marketplace tent. it is a seperate chat channel than the marketplace proper, and when you go in the tent, you are obviously looking to buy or sell stuff.
Up until now, it's been PvE buying and selling, but why can't it start to be a place where you stand around, and proclaim what you have for sale/trade, or what you are looking for?
I have seen some people doing it already, but I don't think it has been proclaimed a staple for this (yet)
What do you all think?