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  1. #1
    Community Member Ezimachia's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default The Inner Sanctum of Boldrei is recruiting!

    The Inner Sanctum of Boldrei wants YOU!!!

    The Inner Sanctum is a group of adults on the Thelanis server who want to enjoy the experience of DDO with unique, like-minded individuals who are dedicated to having fun. We are family and couples oriented, and our play style is geared toward exploration and enjoyment of the quest instead of gaining levels in a hurry. Both experienced players as well as those who are brand new to the game are welcome, and most current members have a range of levels in characters. Right now, we're just starting out, but as we grow we'll be looking to schedule guild raids and activities.

    Want to know more about our policies? Check out our website:

    If you're interested in membership, please join our Guild Portal website and send one of the founders a message of your wishes. Or you can contact either Aeosen or Godar in game. Come join the fellowship and camaraderie of a community of Boldrei! We look forward to hearing from you!
    Kat (Ezimachia)
    Thelanis - Aeosen L17 Ra/Ro/F; Serehfina L15 C; Ellohwynn L10 C/Bd; Jor L10 Bb/Ro; Zolielle L6 P/Ro; Si`Eleneth L6 C; Eah L4 FS; Sisken L4 FS

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by Ezimachia View Post
    The Inner Sanctum of Boldrei wants YOU!!!

    The Inner Sanctum is a group of adults on the Thelanis server who want to enjoy the experience of DDO with unique, like-minded individuals who are dedicated to having fun. We are family and couples oriented, and our play style is geared toward exploration and enjoyment of the quest instead of gaining levels in a hurry. Both experienced players as well as those who are brand new to the game are welcome, and most current members have a range of levels in characters. Right now, we're just starting out, but as we grow we'll be looking to schedule guild raids and activities.

    Want to know more about our policies? Check out our website:

    If you're interested in membership, please join our Guild Portal website and send one of the founders a message of your wishes. Or you can contact either Aeosen or Godar in game. Come join the fellowship and camaraderie of a community of Boldrei! We look forward to hearing from you!
    Do you remember the Prophets?

    I recently found a Video on Youtube, wich includes Buggs, the Guild Leader of The Prophets. - Best Regards, Zynko Bloodseeker

  3. #3
    Miss Stabby Stabby Zavina's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Zynko-Bloodseeker View Post
    Do you remember the Prophets?
    That's a 15 year necro, and with the OP's last activity in 2013, I think that's a no.
    Orien: Level 400 Cannith Crafter
    (*) - Crafter Advert for Orien
    Guild Leader, Old Curiosity Shop
    "The 'forever' rogue"

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