I was thinkining about the quest counters.
Many of us thought that once we were capped our quest counters
stopped... Now it has been revealed to us, by GRAAL, that the number
of times is recorded, regardless...
And I got to thinking...bad I know.
If there is a way to keep track of how many times everone does a
particular quest, then there is a tracker of our likes and dislikes...
If a large number of the population has only done a quest once, on
elite, maybe there is a need to rework the quest, find out why it less
liked, find out if there is a way to revamp it.
The DEVs know, there are certain quests the majority take advantage
of, certin quirks and nuances that allow us to complete (or not in some
cases) them. They have spent a lot of time reworking these quests to
make sure the old "cheats" are no longer used. They have made some harder
(POP) and some easier (Freshen the Air).
Perhaps they could use these timers and re align those other quests that few do.
Perhaps make the prophets in Stealthy Reposession become more likely to use a missile attack...
Maybe slow down the missile attacks of the MOBs in Recover the Trinket quest...
It is just a suggestion.
<<Any attempt to take the personal views of one player and make it
seem that their entire race, sex, guild or class hold the same view is
negligent to say the least. All names (including St.ranger and Yvonne
are completely fictitious and do not intentionally bear resemblance to
any real fictitious characters. Drink responsibly. Limited time offer. Void
where prohibited. Offer not valid in Narnia or the Isles of Langerham.
Tear on dotted line. Batteries not included.>>
Sad, when you have to have a disclaimer....