People are going to drown out this post saying I'm just crying "Doom" and what not but I genuinely believe that a large portion of the gamers who play DDO will split once Fourth Edition comes out..
A great many players DO play DDO because it is based on the dungeons and dragons license, I know I do. The actual game, although it has a great deal of potential isn't all that fun a lot of the times, and alot of the times the design is outright backwards (Such as having an xp penalty so you don't farm quests, while simultaneously setting up a mechanic that requires that you farm quests (for scales, or favor, or whatever)).
So, it's a neat little game and hurrah for DDO.
Except Fourth Edition is going to take virtually everything good about Dungeons and Dragons... and let you play it with your buddies online.
Will you get to swing swords and watch lightning bolts zap people? No.
But you will have far and away more new content and you will have, almost certainly, more people to play with and none of the bugs. Hell, you even get the voice chat.
So, what could be DDOs one saving grace?
If they "converted" their system from Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 to Dungeons and Dragons fourth edition.
It might be expensive, it might be impossible, but I think it could be the one thing that would save this game.
For example... they would institute complete character respects, all you'd hold onto would be your cash, your (soon to be converted) items, and your experience (i.e. if you went into the conversion as a level 14 Sorc, you'd come out of the Conversion as a level 14 Character and you would reselect your class, skills, abilities, whichever, from scratch. Each character would be given say 5 total respec tokens, and go from there.
Creature statistics would have to be redone... but really missions need not change THAT MUCH.
One of the hardest parts about an MMO is the animation, the engine, and all the like. This isn't that far of a stretch..
and it might be all that can save this sinking ship.
Because this would mean the folks at Turbine could relaunch DDO, RIGHT this time... and put it back on store shelves.