o,k i was runnin pop with my cleric thats a lvl 12
party joins, yaddy, yaddy,
all is fine till we get to the maurut room

well anyway I ended up arguing with our caster cause he didnt want to go in
he insisted that a cleric wastin all his mana was better then a caster casting a maximized firewall.
so instead of talkin sense into this caster i decided what the hell go in while the caster pulled

So we all died cause there is no additional damage being delt by the caster
and maurut kept saving on smiting attempts

so then I tell the group lets do it the way im used to doing it
then some foolish pally starts callin me a scared (a) cleric
starts callin me a noob and all kinds of stupid stuff

so am i a scared (a) cleric? Or is the caster a noob? U decide and post ur answer

thanx for reading