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Thread: Spells sets

  1. #1
    Founder Jefechao's Avatar
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    Default Spells sets

    With the coming new spell enhancments I have run into the thought of having spell sets similiar to weapon sets. There are things I want hieghtened and things I dont want heightened. Things I want maximized and empowered and things I only want empowered. I think it would be nice if there was a way to make the tope 6 or so of our spell choices preformated like weapon sets. That way when we set our delayed blast fireball for heighten empowered and maximized we just drag it into the spell set slot and then down onto our short cut bar. Then we can have our meta magic feats set on or off depending on what we need them for along with our preset spells.

    I want to get thoughts from other casters and see if I am the only one who wants this.
    Quintary(drow) 6 wiz/4 fight/3rog - Kerrigan PeaceBringer (Dwarf) 1fight/9cler-Frinendale (human) 1 wiz - Aiforowen (elf)3 Pal/1rog - Debris (WF) 13 fight - Galviston (Dwarf) Ran3/Pal4 Steeltotem 4barb/3cleric
    Guild Leader Maelstrom Ghallanda

  2. #2
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jefechao View Post
    With the coming new spell enhancments I have run into the thought of having spell sets similiar to weapon sets. There are things I want hieghtened and things I dont want heightened. Things I want maximized and empowered and things I only want empowered. I think it would be nice if there was a way to make the tope 6 or so of our spell choices preformated like weapon sets. That way when we set our delayed blast fireball for heighten empowered and maximized we just drag it into the spell set slot and then down onto our short cut bar. Then we can have our meta magic feats set on or off depending on what we need them for along with our preset spells.

    I want to get thoughts from other casters and see if I am the only one who wants this.

    This would in fact be glorious. It has been asked for before and it should be given...period.

    For wizard's at least it is consistant with D&D where you can (and in fact must under the core rules) memorize the spells with the enhancement already selected.

    While Sorc's should technically need to add it on the spot, given the fact Wiz's have been given spontaneous casting which should be a Sorc domain it makes sense to give them both the ability to preselect the feats to be applied to the spell.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    There is no reason not to do this...

  4. #4
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    i would also like to see other things able to do this, like when my ranger wears certain robes, clothing, jewlry, and weapon combos for certain enemies. or my rogue changes hats and googles for differant tasks

  5. #5



    Definetly a good idea!

  6. #6
    Community Member VonBek's Avatar
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    Heck yeah!
    So, I hear that one day we may get Familiars...
    ....I want a Velociraptor!

  7. #7
    Founder paintedman's Avatar
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    Default Not sure this will work...

    As meta feats are activated and have some cool down time, I suppose you could have feats auto applied but you would have to wait until the meta feat that was off be turned on, and if more than one, then wait for the second and perhaps third turn on after on another. A good idea, but a bit further would have been good as to make the meta feats passive rather than active.


  8. #8
    Founder Jefechao's Avatar
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    Default No painted

    That wouldnt work because then they would apply to everything they could. You would blow mana to quick this way. The idea is more like an archer they know the type of bow they want, but what type of arrows to use when they fire it.
    Its certainly something the devs should look at.
    Quintary(drow) 6 wiz/4 fight/3rog - Kerrigan PeaceBringer (Dwarf) 1fight/9cler-Frinendale (human) 1 wiz - Aiforowen (elf)3 Pal/1rog - Debris (WF) 13 fight - Galviston (Dwarf) Ran3/Pal4 Steeltotem 4barb/3cleric
    Guild Leader Maelstrom Ghallanda

  9. #9
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    Beware the Sleepeater

  10. #10
    Community Member Falco_Easts's Avatar
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    A good idea
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