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  1. #1
    Community Member Yvonne_Blacksword's Avatar
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    Default Join now or suffer the consequences!!!

    <names have been changed to protect everyone's feelings, if a St.ranger exists and is hurt by this, please send me a PM and I will change the name>

    I am forming a group to do the Bounty Hunter. I am on my rogue and am rather familiar with the traps (love them) and figure I can get peeps to join.
    I bring pots.

    I realize that no one has the quest open on elite and the few that have joined so far are willing to run through...short quest, get er done...

    a cleric joins
    a sorcerer and a barb join.

    While this is going on and I have more requests to join than places to fill I keep receiving tells.
    St.ranger tells you: How long is the quest?
    St.ranger tells you : How much xp for the quest?
    St.ranger tells you: Is this a favor only run?
    St.ranger tells you: Where is the quest?
    St.ranger tells you: ..........

    Group fills in a few minutes, we all gather and enter the quest.

    As I am doing my trap monkey job, I start to wonder of accepting join requests rather than playing 20 questions form someone who hasn't even asked to join is what is expected...

    Maybe St.ranger is a good guy.
    Maybe the party would have benefited from the experience of having him along...

    But,... but...

    How do you expect to join a group... When ya give the leader the third degree?

    Bog them down with tells so they have no time to accept join requests?
    ~~Joining a group... Has become fast and furious.~~
    Yesterday, I was reticent about joining a group due to the fact that my sorcerer would be the second one added...Then I saw that, indeed! a second sorc was needed.

    **If you watt to join a group and have lots of questions about it, PLEASE!
    Decide on the most important to you one and ask it..then join.

    **Do not waste your time asking a plethora of questions and letting the party fill while you do so.

    The quest went well, I did forget to pull my fresh stock of tools out of the mail before entering in on hard, but a recent chest pull by another got us through.
    And that one lightning trap...took one life.

    Ask one important one.
    *Lets the leader know you care.
    Make a join request.
    *Lets the leader know you wanna.
    Be timely.
    *Lets the leader know you aren't wasting everyone's time.
    Group responsibly

    The evil Yvonne has spoken...For herself only.

    <<Any attempt to take the personal views of one player and make it seem that their entire race, sex, guild or class hold the same view is negligent to say the least. All names (including St.ranger and Yvonne are completely fictitious and do not intentionally bear resemblance to any real fictitious characters. Drink responsibly. Limited time offer. Void where prohibited. Offer not valid in Narnia or the Isles of Langerham. Tear on dotted line. Batteries not included.>>
    Sad, when you have to have a disclaimer....
    Last edited by Yvonne Blacksword; 08-21-2007 at 12:40 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member WolfSpirit's Avatar
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    Arrow Uh hu

    Quote Originally Posted by Yvonne Blacksword View Post
    The evil Yvonne has spoken...For herself only.

    <<Any attempt to take the personal views of one player and make it seem that their entire race, sex, guild or class hold the same view is negligent to say the least. All names (including St.ranger and Yvonne are completely fictitious and do not intentionally bear resemblance to any real fictitious characters. Drink responsibly. Limited time offer. Void where prohibited. Offer not valid in Narnia or the Isles of Langerham. Tear on dotted line. Batteries not included.>>
    Sad, when you have to have a disclaimer....
    Now you know someone was going to quote this right?
    that **** is funny!
    I think all leader types such as us have faced this issue at one time or another. Generally, that person just doesn't get in on time.
    "Sorry friend, filled with Self-Invites. But thanks for the interest".

    If we shrank our solar system to the size of a Quarter, and lay it at your feet, the Milky Way galaxy would still be larger than North America. ~NASA Perspective anyone?

  3. #3
    Community Member Katrina's Avatar
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    I've noticed this too while forming groups. I've been given the gauntlet of questions to answer meanwhile the request to join is filling up quickly. I think back 2-3 months ago where if a group popped up in your level range if you didn't join right away you missed out and you were sol for a while. Now people are being picky! Don't be picky! Join and have fun ******!!

  4. #4
    Community Member Chrimson's Avatar
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    This has happened to me: I post an LFM for a quest (e.g. POP) and I get a tell in response from the LFM asking if we are running POP

    So, not surprisingly...feelings of imminent pug doom runs through my veins
    Legends of Aerenal - Officer
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  5. #5
    Community Member FlyinS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yvonne Blacksword View Post

    <<Any attempt to take the personal views of one player and make it seem that their entire race, sex, guild or class hold the same view is negligent to say the least. All names (including St.ranger and Yvonne are completely fictitious and do not intentionally bear resemblance to any real fictitious characters. Drink responsibly. Limited time offer. Void where prohibited. Offer not valid in Narnia or the Isles of Langerham. Tear on dotted line. Batteries not included.>>
    Sad, when you have to have a disclaimer....
    You forgot to tell people not to put their cat in there.
    Sarlona - Brotherhood of Redemption Officer
    Nimlok, Cindraa, Kolnim, Grimnarr, Zenz
    Quote Originally Posted by Porkchop View Post
    If you believe in yourself, drink your school, stay in drugs, and don't do milk - you can get uber loot!

  6. #6
    Community Member CoolHand_Luke's Avatar
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    I try when forming groups my own disclaimers and focus:

    For favor: Elite: No siteseeing; in progress

    loot runs on elite

    healing limited, bring pots

    Usually the party fills up quick with little explination to those joining... they get the drill and those that are timid, gets the idea this could get messy for them.
    Amiee lvl 16 cleric___________Heathur lvl 16 fighter
    Coolhand lvl16 rogue ________Freek lvl 16 wizzard
    Saba lvl 16 cleric ________Hayoka lvl 16 Bard

  7. #7
    Community Member Ithrani's Avatar
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    Default I like this one

    LFM up for Maze of Madness, a person uses the LFM to join, I accept.

    Me: Hello
    Them: Hello, so what are we doing?
    Me: Maze of Madness
    In my head: OMG ARE YOU KIDDING, CAN'T YOU READ, $&!% ON YOU...

    Happens all the time, no matter what I put in the LFM I get the question, "what are we doing?" about 75% of the time when I lead a PUG. People are scary. I try not to be elitist but people sure give me good reason to be, and I do not mean just in this game but in the game of life as well, no not the Milton Bradly one...
    Last edited by Ithrani; 08-24-2007 at 12:48 PM.
    DDO Completionist-You Win DDO-You Lose Life

  8. #8
    Founder Garth_of_Sarlona's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ithrani View Post
    LFM up for Maze of Madness, a person uses the LFM to join, I accept.

    Me: Hello
    Them: Hello, so what are we doing?
    Me: Maze of Madness
    In my head: OMG ARE YOU KIDDING, CAN'T YOU READ, $&!% ON YOU...

    Happens all the time, no matter what I put in the LFM I get the question, "what are we doing?" about 75% of the time when I lead a PUG. People are scary. I try not to be elitist but people sure give me good reason to be, and I do not mean just in this game but in the game of life as well, no not the Milton Bradly one...
    I believe there is a bug where if you logon to the server and bring up the LFM window before the server has fully loaded all the world objects - then sometimes the quest name will not appear in the LFM window. You can get the quest name by floating you mouse over the empty box and looking at the tooltip, but often people will see a group with people in they know, or a group that fits their class, and join without floating their mouse over the tooltip (often people don't know this either)

    Perhaps that is what was happening?


    Garth 20/ftr (Kensei) Haeson 20/clr Cairis 12/ftr 6/rgr 2/rog Xortan 20/wiz
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    Tibetan 20/mnk Automatic DDO raid timers Haezon 20/sor (Conj)

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