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  1. #21
    Founder S1gma's Avatar
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    I have been on Sarlona since launch. I don't play frequently enough to have acheived any capped characters yet. I have three mid-levels. I have one in a smallish guild, one in a larger. I enjoy being in both.

    However: On Sarlona I have never needed a guild. I find decent PUGs whenever I am looking for one. I usually find a group that's friendly, helpful, and capable. Sometimes the group is made up of guilded players, sometimes not. But Sarlona has historically been very friendly, and that has been my experience. I hope that with the increased population this trend will only continue.

    I think the likelihood of positive experience is responsible for Sarlonans choice to remain unguilded, maybe as much or more than individuals' negative guild experiences, cause IME those are usually pretty good too, once you find a good fit.

  2. #22
    Community Member Moonshine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kronik View Post
    I think your right on about why to be in a guild, but I have to say that becoming uber too fast has also been a huge downfall to this game. Not to say it is because of guilds, but I have seen far too many guilded players leave the game because they leveled and uber looted too fast.

    I would have to say, not being in an uber guild will definitely prolong the enjoyment of this game for a lot of people. I know it is great to have the ultimate build and for me that really makes the game worth it, but I personally have always liked the challenge of doing it myself. Don't get me wrong, I have gotten so much help from so many cool peeps in the game, but for the most part, I had a much more challenging experience.

    But I guess in the end, if you have meet good friend in a guild then you win no matter what speed you play, so not matter what you decide, just make sure your havin fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    after uber loot start collecting rare and stupid things. tasty hams and u do not want to no wat i collect on my toy box toon

  3. #23
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    Guilds are alright but after joining a couple I think this time around I'm going to solo it for a bit and see how it goes. I didn't recieve any uber items from the guilds I joined in fact I gave way more stuff away then I recieved. I was playing 7 days a week and on some occasions 8 hrs a day (before I get any smart mouth remarks, I was sick and wasn't able to do much other than watch tv or play video games for a long time). I found that I had more fun with PUG's then I did with running with a guild.

  4. #24
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    Default It happens...

    To guild or not to guild... that is the question. When I first started playing I joined a very nice (noobie friendly) guild. I made some good friends and learned alot from them. They where very helpfull, and didnt have any real rules set in stone. After about 6 months we all slowly went our own ways. I at first was a little bummed with it, until I realized that I ran mainly in PUG's even then. I then went to a group who for the most part played differnt hours then me, so once agian I PUGed almost all the time, until I finally decide to go solo agian. I was solo for some time (although I had quite a few offers). Then, just recently I ran with an all guild group, and had a blast. It was a guild whom I had ran with one or two of its members on other occasions... but never an actual guild group. After the quest and talking to some of the members, I ended up joining Voice Chatter Apotheosis. I guild that is made (as all I have met so far) up of truely fun and good spiritted people. So in short... I too would have to agree with Yvonne, it comes down to a personal fit. And Kalanth, you know we will always still run together! =)

  5. #25
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    Not from your server, but a couple of observations from my server might apply:

    1) I noticed since the merge that there are a ton of people making new lowbies.
    2) Some guilds have entry level requirements (my guild is ML 11, for grouping purposes). People in guilds with these requirements will often avoid guilding until they can get into their home guild. I certainly do so, I don't want to join a guild that I plan on leaving two levels later.

  6. #26
    Community Member Kronik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moonshine View Post
    after uber loot start collecting rare and stupid things. tasty hams and u do not want to no wat i collect on my toy box toon

    Even though Im still scale hunting I have to admit I have a little bit of a Diamond fetish myself.
    Big Cash Mercs / Sarlona / Leader


  7. #27
    Community Member HumanJHawkins's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Theboz View Post
    Im not trying to start anything, but, I was just wondering since the merger I have seen alot of toons running around that dont belong to any guild..
    Even in the best of guilds, there is going to be a lot of peer pressure to run certain quests or do things certain ways. To be truely happy in a guild, you either have to be passive enough to not care, or strong enough to say "no" when you want to do something else.

    It can also add pressure to quests because if you screw up, you know you are letting down friends and/or possibly losing the respect of people you are somewhat bound to. Some people probably just don't want the pressure that brings.
    Sarlona - Nyr Dyv Raiders
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