was in a low lvl group and played with some awesome players. however, the group leader wasnt that awesome. this frozen fruit juice on a stick is a clr who does not even heal him(her)self. would zerg and does not listen to advice or to warning to play as a team. most of the healing was done my my brd, a rgr n a pally.
i have several myths that i'd like to debunk over here.
clr/wiz in ROBES are NOT suitable to be battleclerics. and if you like to fight and do NOT heal (not even yourself), roll a TANK. less pple will mind.
bards, rangers, paladins CAN heal, we do not need a CLERIC, especially a bad one, to keep us alive.
a clr CAN use a cure wand. if you want to use your sp for yourself, dun heal others with wands, its fine by me. i'll only use that much on you, dun expect others to heal you coz you played stupidly.
turn undead only work this well. turning undead as a L3/1 clr on an elite dungeons is NOT going to work... thanks to turbine.
the only reason you are there is coz you are the leader and we loathe recalling, lose xp just so we can reform w/o you.
ps i've taught many players how to play. we tried with this clr but all advice on deaf ears. and each time we tell him/her to group up only for him/her to zerg left while all players go right. not that i'm elitist but all 5 other players were were fed up and we popped champagne when he/she left the party.
pss i've given clue to his/her name![]()