It appears that you have a preconception that the casual gaming group is a bunch of zergers or have no tactical expertise. I don't happen to agree but your suggestion is that the casual group get help from people who have put in the time to know the quests so well they can do them naked and blindfolded.
The problem is that's not fun. Sure I can listen and take orders well. Sure I can run through a dungeon and get max xp and loot per 10 to 15 minute speed quests. It's not my idea of fun. I'm guessing most casual groups feel the same way. You think the casual gamer is getting killed on normal missions cause they're zerging? We hate zergers. We want to get ready by gathering together in the inn and binding. We want to go through this new dungeon on normal (whatever the level of the dungeon) and we want to take it slow and complete the optionals if we can. We coordinate our spells and buff each other and send the rogue/ranger in to scout. We don't want to go through it 7 times quickly during our weekly gaming window.
This is the problem. You are saying that elite is the new normal. That is exactly what I am talking about. The old "normal" was and is fine for the casual gamer. However, "normal" has been becoming "old elite normal" and you're saying that this still isn't enough because you only run elite or normal/hard with substantially lower level characters.Elite is boring for the power gamers. Elite is about where normal needs to be for most of us that have been playing for more than a few months. Most of the guild groups I run with don't bother with the normal or hard settings unless they are running toons in the adventure that are several levels below the expected norm. When a well run group of 4 non-twinked level 3-4's can run the tangleroot series on elite, and have a blast, normal is obviously not much of a challenge.
It means don't whine about not having a vorpal or smiter or tome like one of the above posters was doing because you have not invested the time. It means don't expect everything to be easy the first time through if you are not willing to learn the tactics required for the quest, or that the other players that breeze through it have learned.
If you play once a week as the above poster does for 3 hours a week than yes, it might take you years to get to the same level as the person that have invested 15 hours a week.
They should be able to. But like super mario, if you don't spend the time to figure out the game, you can beat your head against the wall forever.
It would be if getting level 14 meant that you also gained a measureed amount of knowlege by level 14... unfortunatly you can go run around the explorer areas and get alot of xp, but no knowledge on how to play the game.
What I wonder is why you don't think they can just leave normal alone and just beef up hard and elite. The casual player doesn't have capped characters that run the new missions 15 times each the first week a new module is out. The casual player doesn't then go strictly loot run to max out a capped character waiting for the next challenge. The casual player was having fun and being challenged and is now being dominated. Not Fun!
I don't even see the causal player complaining that some characters are clearly better equiped or more experienced. Just let us explore the game and play our way without basing "normal" difficulty by assuming that all characters are 32 point build with raid level equipment that will quickly learn the best way to run through the dungeon.
Remember when the desert came out and they had a higher death penalty. Everyone was screaming on the board that the penalty was too high. The powergamers were getting killed and losing levels trying to find the best way to beat the desert dungeons. I seem to remember a dev quote that and I'm paraphrasing "you can't expect to make it through the dungeons you didn't know without dying and losing xp until you got to know the dungeon." That's what "normal" is to the casual gamer now. We die alot and the only way to get that experience back is to do quests we've already done just to break even and buy back the potions and scrolls used. Heheh. And you can't even buy the scrolls cause the powergamers were using them to get more loot. But that's another dead horse.
Dirac just mentioned something that touched a nerve as a casual gamer and I responded. So did others. We aren't whining, just expressing an opinion from a perspective that doesn't get seen often on the boards.
Old "Normal" Fun!
New "Normal" Not so much fun for casual gamers (and apparently not much of a challenge to the powergamers either).