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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Mar 2006

    Default Little Disappointed

    ...I miss the Xoriat forums.

    As of late I have seen some "interesting" wants/trades/sell/buy threads in the marketplace that would have traditionally generated some entertainment. I enjoyed the comments made by some of the more "expressive" Xoriat forum market police.

    While I may not have always agreed some some of these views....many a time they were warranted.

    Bring back some of the hate please.
    Scourge of Xoriat (RIP: Guardians of Light)
    Quote Originally Posted by Gelatinous Cube
    Seriously - I am getting sick of you lot treating each other like poo. Put each other on ignore or face a "time-out."

  2. #2
    Founder Lizzybrat's Avatar
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    I got lumps of coal and twigs sitting in my bank to sell for millions this christmas.

    Edit: HA! Ninja!
    Last edited by Lizzybrat; 08-20-2007 at 07:06 PM.
    Proud to be part of the CureLite Bottling Co. - Thelanis
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  3. #3
    Community Member Scarsgaard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Castlehawk View Post
    ...I miss the Xoriat forums.

    As of late I have seen some "interesting" wants/trades/sell/buy threads in the marketplace that would have traditionally generated some entertainment. I enjoyed the comments made by some of the more "expressive" Xoriat forum market police.

    While I may not have always agreed some some of these views....many a time they were warranted.

    Bring back some of the hate please.
    I'd like to try harder at this but to be honest... I just don't care anymore

    Half the junk out there is just so much tripe... the markets are inflated... things like paras etc are nigh-worthless and yet the folkes figure "sure, why not... i'll pay that... the plat farmers will always sell me more coin"... why should I care anymore? I don't... in fact I'm doing the passive-aggressive approach. Not acting and showing my absolute disdain BY not participating... should I knock these folkes or devise ways to rip them off?

    hmmm you decide... I know most of us are digging up our crappy mithril fp... our junky junky junk of this and that and making a mint... heck I got Candy Canes going for 15k plat

  4. #4
    Time Bandit Renegade66's Avatar
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    I'll see what I can do. Fairly reasonable requests for the most part though. I may have to stretch the hate a bit.

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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Renegade66 View Post
    I'll see what I can do. Fairly reasonable requests for the most part though. I may have to stretch the hate a bit.

    please do...some of the marketplace trade listings are redonkulous.
    Scourge of Xoriat (RIP: Guardians of Light)
    Quote Originally Posted by Gelatinous Cube
    Seriously - I am getting sick of you lot treating each other like poo. Put each other on ignore or face a "time-out."

  6. #6

    Default Ignoring the Trade Forums

    Maybe it is because we are ignoring the Trade forums? I have no interest in trading stuff when I can sell all my **** to willing people with endless gold?

    I will keep the good stuff and trade it to people who can actually put it to good use. I kind of look at it as the theater of the absurd, that and it gives me a good idea of who to avoid in game.

    We run the plat farmers off Thelanis like we did on Xoriat, and you will be out their killing butterflies too...
    "Respect is earned, scorn is free"

    Huntmaster Battlehawk
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  7. #7
    Community Member Uamhas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Battlehawk View Post
    Maybe it is because we are ignoring the Trade forums? I have no interest in trading stuff when I can sell all my **** to willing people with endless gold?

    I will keep the good stuff and trade it to people who can actually put it to good use. I kind of look at it as the theater of the absurd, that and it gives me a good idea of who to avoid in game.

    We run the plat farmers off Thelanis like we did on Xoriat, and you will be out their killing butterflies too...
    Stop killing my butterflies.
    *plucks another colorful little unsuspecting insect from the air and inserts a darning needle through it's soft parts so as to string it with the still feebly struggling almost-corpses of it's fellows*
    They're mine, I say.
    Quote Originally Posted by Beol
    AA is a river with currents both of a profound acceptance of individuality and of a certain love for brutal efficiency.
    xX-----==<<<Yes, I roleplay. Get over it.>>>==-----Xx

  8. #8
    Community Member PaintHorseCowboy's Avatar
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    You should see his butterfly necklace.

    It looks awful reminiscent of the "Necklace of Ears" from Apocalypse Now.

    Kind of cool in a gruesome sort of way.
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  9. #9
    Community Member skraus1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Castlehawk View Post
    ...I miss the Xoriat forums.

    As of late I have seen some "interesting" wants/trades/sell/buy threads in the marketplace that would have traditionally generated some entertainment. I enjoyed the comments made by some of the more "expressive" Xoriat forum market police.

    While I may not have always agreed some some of these views....many a time they were warranted.

    Bring back some of the hate please.
    I always start writing something when people say things like "have banishing heavy xbow rr wf looking for banishing rapier no rr." However, I have tended to stop myself as I figure if they haven't figured it out by now then it would be more entertaining to watch them flounder.

    And I'm so tired of stupidity....

    But if you guys really want more retorts on the trade forums I can probably accomodate ya.

    Now playing on Thelanis because Turbines loves to nerf things.

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