R.I.P. Xoriat 8/2/07 ______________[]Ninja Posts:726.5 bunninja is watchingInformation from devs ______________Member of Cupcake's Muskateers!____/wearing a Jiffy Pop pan tinfoil hat made by shecky
R.I.P. Xoriat 8/2/07 ______________[]Ninja Posts:726.5 bunninja is watchingInformation from devs ______________Member of Cupcake's Muskateers!____/wearing a Jiffy Pop pan tinfoil hat made by shecky
Only bug I've ever had happen other than the can't get to the loot (easily gotten around by a D-door is one where the pillar actually fell BACKWARD toward the player dropping them and not toward the Titan.
Actually, I don't know if this is really a bug or just the product of a random algorithm gone very wrong.
It's only happened one time, and I've never heard anyone else mention a similar incident so I just chalked it up to bad luck and homotrons (queer little electrons floating around screwing things up). Ghost in the machine I guess.
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Death Waits In The Dark
i also run the titan regularly in a group of 2, and can confirm that he does on occasion get a repaired slightly by the laser while running crystals if the laser hits him, he can get repair as well as some other buffs such as bulls strength, etc, i have no problem with this happening as im sure it's intended this way and makes the raid a little more challenging, and gives a little less margin for error, you just have to watch where you run while carrying crystals, you will also notice when this does happen that unless you healed him repeatedly, which i have a hard time believing would ever happen unless done intentionally, after the 7th laser is fired, and his shields go down, he will have significantly less health than 20%, only approximately 10%, so it doesnt really make the raid more difficult, unless you have problems will pillars
on another note however, there IS a bug where while prepping bottom pillars, if you push it a little too far, and take them a little too low, (i always like to take them down to little to nothing), you can occasionally have a pillar fall over, while still having a sliver of a health bar left, and without actually "killing" the pillar, as confirmed in the combat log, this has happened to me on 2 occasions, with 2 different pillars, so i assume it can happen to any pillar, and after the raid we THEN went up to said pillar and finished it off, only then recieving the text "you killed pillar", i have never bug reported it, as it has never caused a raid failure, and i didnt want to wait around for the response, but beware of this one, if you are a group that sometimes blows a pillar or 2, be careful of both of these occurances, as when they happen they leave little to no margin for error
Yeah, I've seen that happen before if you knock off the top and then sufficiently weaken the bottom. TIM-BER!
I have never reported it as a bug either because it just seemed like poor planning/coordination to my mind. Anyone who's ever cut down a tree knows you don't have to cut all the way through for it to fall. Eventually structural degradation and gravity will combine to finish the job. Seems like how physics would work in reality barring spells like Bigby's Forceful Fist and such being employed to modify the pillar's behavior.
Works for me.
----------==========[[[ LEGION ]]]==========----------
Death Waits In The Dark
The simple fix for that is so blatantly obvious everyone should slap them selves and say "I could've had a V-8!"
Don't knock off the top or prep the bottom until you're ready to drop that pillar.
Then it doesn't matter what the titan is doing or which direction you're dropping the pillar next to it. It's not going to fall over.
Problem Solved.
A little application of the 7-P's (Proper Prior Planning Prevents **** Poor Performance) and the titan dies with minimal effort every time.
----------==========[[[ LEGION ]]]==========----------
Death Waits In The Dark
QFT. By taking things one step at a time my guild has not lost a pillar since mod 3.something. Not one. If you prep the world you are asking for all hell to break loose. Time it one step at a time and the titan is pretty much an autokill for a wellprepared party.(I don't mean uber here, just well prepared. You know the little things like wands, scrolls, adamantine or construct bane weapons, DW and FOM.)
Archangels - Thelanis
Kyrian - Dellek - Devestia - Harleaiquin - Nakano - Narizue - Xandek
My guild preps each top part, and the knocker takes it to about 50% while waiting for the runner and laser to get moved, then takes it the rest of the way out when ready for the shot. Haven't had a problem.
Person Æ, SarlonaTanka (Elf Tempest Trapper) .:. Darani (Aasimar Inquisileric) .:. Raelyth (Elf Artifonk)
Yeah, I never said there wasn't another way to accomplish the quest.
However, I did say, if you don't touch the top/bottom of a given pillar until you're ready for that pillar you'll never mis-fell one.
A ranger with a haste potion and a greater construct bane bow can take out the top of the pillar from pretty much anywhere on the board, barring LOS issues from the grid. They can also do it in under 20 seconds using multi-shot coupled with a haste potion. It usually takes about 7-8 shots to finish off the top of the pillar using this tactic. Which is faster than some tanks can prep the bottom of the pillar so it doesn't add an appreciable amount of time onto completion, if it adds any at all.
Different tactics for different people. Go with what works for you. Long as it's a quivering pile of spare parts in an oil slick when you're finished, it really doesn't matter how it got that way. Just as long as it did.
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Death Waits In The Dark
On the topic of tokens,
Yes you loose them when you DC and yes GMs tell you nicely to go and...
and then they tell you to repeat the quest.
I wonder why it's so hard for GMs to have a system where they reset the tokens at respective speaking stones, or something similar.
What about having the token drop on the ground? Keys seem to do this when you leave the quest... why not tokens?
Not sure on this one.
I have no problems with the rest of this raid. I think it works smoothly enough that it really doesn't warrant an overhaul of it.
But the crystal loss on going LD should definately have a look taken at it. It's really the only annoying thing in the game and tends to cause a huge quagmire when it happens to more than one person during a run.
One is pretty easy to deal with, but somehow we wound up with six people in yellow on one run because those tricksome crystals wouldn't stay in everyone's packs.
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Death Waits In The Dark