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  1. #1
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    Default Human Versatility: Casters? Take a Hike!

    The new Human Versatility HEAVILY favors Melee and Skill based builds. In fact, most of the human attributes favor physical combatants over casters.

    However, the degree to which Human Versatility does it is just astounding.

    Human Versatility provides FIVE DIFFERENT types of bonuses, and not ONE specifically benefits Casters.

    The New Human Versatility provides bonuses to Weapon Accuracy, Weapon Damage, Saves, Skills, And AC.

    A fighter will be able to potentially make use of four out of five of those. A Rogue could arguably make good use of ALL of them. A Caster? The Saves boost? Maybe.

    Yes, I'm certain bards and clerics could get some milage out of the skills/ac perhaps... but Wizards and Sorcs are left completely in the cold.

    Instead of providing a boost to weapon accuracy, allow Casters to increase the DC of their spells for the set duration of the time. Or, allow there to be a Spell percentage Discount during the casting time (i.e. 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%).

  2. #2
    Community Member jaitee's Avatar
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    or they can un nerf it, and return it back to the way it use to be where it was actully useful
    Quote Originally Posted by KindoRaber View Post
    - What bothers me about buffer types and patient characters can be summed up like this... Nothing. It's their style but I am usually on a strict time limit and need to complete as much in as little a time as possible. Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. Hate me because I am better than you.

  3. #3
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    They really should make Human Vers. in some form or another the absolute should have for Humans... because that's the essence of what it is.

    Example: Melees get Human Versatility: Defense... Which gives a percentile decrease to damage taken, and a static increase to saves and AC for 20 seconds. Such as 10%(+2), 15%(+3), 20%(+4), 25%(+5), make the Human Versatility Skills boost be permanent like it once was, and do a similar thing for Casters that grants a Percentile SP Discount and DC/Caster Level boost, and finally for offensively minded human physical combatants... same scheme but with attack and damage, and the percentile being an attack haste boost. So a barbarian with Human Versatility: Offense would gain +5 to attack and damage, and a 25% alacrity bonus.

    Now, the argument against these is that they would be VERY powerful..

    And I won't disagree, they would be.

    But consider what humans get in comparison to Dwarves, for example... or Drow? Or even Elves? Or Warforged?

    Each of these races gets very substantial PERMANENT boosts. Think of all the benefits a Drow Rogue recieves from their enhancements... or a Dwarven Fighter... and these are on 24/7... they aren't 20 second cool downs from a finite grouping.

  4. #4
    Community Member Tavok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dingo123 View Post
    The new Human Versatility HEAVILY favors Melee and Skill based builds. In fact, most of the human attributes favor physical combatants over casters.

    However, the degree to which Human Versatility does it is just astounding.

    Human Versatility provides FIVE DIFFERENT types of bonuses, and not ONE specifically benefits Casters.

    The New Human Versatility provides bonuses to Weapon Accuracy, Weapon Damage, Saves, Skills, And AC.

    A fighter will be able to potentially make use of four out of five of those. A Rogue could arguably make good use of ALL of them. A Caster? The Saves boost? Maybe.

    Yes, I'm certain bards and clerics could get some milage out of the skills/ac perhaps... but Wizards and Sorcs are left completely in the cold.

    Instead of providing a boost to weapon accuracy, allow Casters to increase the DC of their spells for the set duration of the time. Or, allow there to be a Spell percentage Discount during the casting time (i.e. 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%).
    Many casters utilize UMD, which is skill based.

  5. #5
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    That argument is kind of backwards... of all the casters... only ONE has UMD. So to say that it's "balanced" because many Sorcs and some Wizards make use of a single particular skill (that they don't even have on their classlist) is backwards.

    Any Paladin could use the same argument... in fact, any FIGHTER could.

    So no, that argument doesn't fly.

  6. #6
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    Well, the very concept of human is their "Any". They should be able to tap into that extremely potent flexibility at times.

    Further, consider the nature of dwarven axe mastery... The developers can't tell us, with a straight face... that +5 damage with every weapon for 20 seconds is somehow comparable to +3 damage to a set of weapons all the time.
    Last edited by Dingo123; 08-20-2007 at 12:36 AM.

  7. #7
    Founder Guildmaster_Kadish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dingo123 View Post
    They really should make Human Vers. in some form or another the absolute should have for Humans... because that's the essence of what it is.

    Example: Melees get Human Versatility: Defense... Which gives a percentile decrease to damage taken, and a static increase to saves and AC for 20 seconds. Such as 10%(+2), 15%(+3), 20%(+4), 25%(+5), make the Human Versatility Skills boost be permanent like it once was, and do a similar thing for Casters that grants a Percentile SP Discount and DC/Caster Level boost, and finally for offensively minded human physical combatants... same scheme but with attack and damage, and the percentile being an attack haste boost. So a barbarian with Human Versatility: Offense would gain +5 to attack and damage, and a 25% alacrity bonus.

    Now, the argument against these is that they would be VERY powerful..

    And I won't disagree, they would be.

    But consider what humans get in comparison to Dwarves, for example... or Drow? Or even Elves? Or Warforged?

    Each of these races gets very substantial PERMANENT boosts. Think of all the benefits a Drow Rogue recieves from their enhancements... or a Dwarven Fighter... and these are on 24/7... they aren't 20 second cool downs from a finite grouping.
    An interesting opinion. I'm not sure whether I agree or disagree, but the idea that Human Versatility should be overpowered (or, at least, powerful enough that it is a must-have) is something I hadn't thought about before.

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  8. #8
    Community Member jaitee's Avatar
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    honestly who actully picks up the enchancements for HV, its very useless, every race has benefits, as a friend once told me,

    why do you like humans soo much? they dont even get anything useful in the race, you are better off with other races

    1 extra feat is decent, but look at all the other classes with all those extra enchancements, dex boosts, immunity, AC/+to hit on axes, +2 cha +2 int

    and humans get a 20 second HV...

    owell, not like caring is gunna change much
    Quote Originally Posted by KindoRaber View Post
    - What bothers me about buffer types and patient characters can be summed up like this... Nothing. It's their style but I am usually on a strict time limit and need to complete as much in as little a time as possible. Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. Hate me because I am better than you.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaitee View Post
    honestly who actully picks up the enchancements for HV, its very useless, every race has benefits, as a friend once told me,

    why do you like humans soo much? they dont even get anything useful in the race, you are better off with other races

    1 extra feat is decent, but look at all the other classes with all those extra enchancements, dex boosts, immunity, AC/+to hit on axes, +2 cha +2 int

    and humans get a 20 second HV...

    owell, not like caring is gunna change much

    See, and that's the point. Humans are gimped by comparison and the Devs should be made aware of it. The Human Enhancement list is pretty fuggin paltry by Comparison.

  10. #10
    Community Member BlueLightBandit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaitee View Post
    owell, not like caring is gunna change much
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quarion View Post
    No're not supposed to LIKE it... *sigh*

  11. #11
    Founder The_Old_Sage's Avatar
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    The solution is simple. Re-institute the older version of Human Versatility without the timer. Just tone it down a little so that the maximum bonus is not as high as it used to be, and is comparable with some of the race enhancements like Dwarven Axe mastery or Elven longsword mastery.
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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaitee View Post
    honestly who actully picks up the enchancements for HV, its very useless, every race has benefits, as a friend once told me,

    why do you like humans soo much? they dont even get anything useful in the race, you are better off with other races

    1 extra feat is decent, but look at all the other classes with all those extra enchancements, dex boosts, immunity, AC/+to hit on axes, +2 cha +2 int

    and humans get a 20 second HV...

    owell, not like caring is gunna change much
    I picked it up for my MC'er.

    I am playing a human rogue/paladin. I picked up HV for 1 specific reason. Its based on full levels not my rogue levels.
    Ive got dex bonuses from my rogue levels, and im fine without the extra int or cha.
    SO im not immune to everything, and i dont use axes.
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  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Old Sage View Post
    The solution is simple. Re-institute the older version of Human Versatility without the timer. Just tone it down a little so that the maximum bonus is not as high as it used to be, and is comparable with some of the race enhancements like Dwarven Axe mastery or Elven longsword mastery.
    The old version of Human Versatility wasn't terribly useful to Casters either. No more so than it would be to a Paladin or a Fighter. In fact, it might be MORE USEFUL for a Fighter than a Wizard.

  14. #14
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    I think a Raise DC or Spell Pen option would be fantastic... This would make Multiclass casters a lot more viable.. If even for 20 seconds at a time.
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  15. #15
    The Hatchery GeneralDiomedes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tavok View Post
    Many casters utilize UMD, which is skill based.
    Yep, that is what my Human Sorcerer uses it for. I can imagine Bards taking advantage of it as well.
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  16. #16
    Community Member Souless's Avatar
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    Default nerf of HV

    The whole purpose the Dev's nerfed the HV was because of the "batman" build which utilized scrolls for increased ppl performance and *would you believe, VERSITILITY*

    Now there is a new mage build with 2 levels of fighter to do an end run around the HV nerf...better yet if the build utilizes a race not nerfed (dwarf or WF) they become potent fighter casters.

    So my point is HV should be un-nerfed and maybe increased in power to just bring in line with the power of the other races. Currenetly, I haven't rolled another human anything (I use elfs or dwarfs now) because the human race is SEVERLY gimped.

    Here is my suggestion for all the humans out there (reroll lol) or : Devs should allow HV to be VERSITAL...let casters gain some DC to some (not all) of their spells, let fighters gain some ac or + damage AND give back the permenant skill bonus. At present I'm lucky (with all the timers in place) to get 3 scrolls off while boosting...and as we all know when you need to roll even moderately say an will be lucky to get 1 spell to fire.

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  17. #17
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    Still, UMD is not a class feature of a Sorc or a Wizard. So although buffs to UMD may benefit YOUR build, it won't benefit the caster who doesn't take advantage of it. Consequently, a Sorc, and certainly a Wizard who doesn't take UMD is effectively left out in the cold.

  18. #18
    Community Member skraus1's Avatar
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    They are +2 con and have 1 less cha/int than a drow, and with a free feat and +1 skill points per level. They can be made with 32pt builds as well. They therefore make excellent casters, bards and casting/healing clerics. The only other "casting" races are drow and dwarf for some classes/builds.

    HV is useful to any character with UMD, which I use all the time on my sorc to rez and use other high level divine scrolls.

    With that said, humans could use some more love, such as a +2 to a single stat at higher levels, say at the 15-16 range
    Last edited by skraus1; 08-20-2007 at 02:10 PM.

    Now playing on Thelanis because Turbines loves to nerf things.

  19. #19
    The Hatchery GeneralDiomedes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Souless View Post
    The whole purpose the Dev's nerfed the HV was because of the "batman" build which utilized scrolls for increased ppl performance and *would you believe, VERSITILITY*
    Wrong. They nerfed it because Human Rogues could get a much higher Disable Device score than every other race.
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  20. #20
    Community Member muffinlad's Avatar
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    Simply returning HV to +1 per 7 levels (or so), making it top out at +3 at level 15, and returning it to the way it used to work would have been more balancing and less programmer intensive.
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