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  1. #21

    Default cool


    I have been in the hot sun sun for the last week playing soldier, I have fired over 200 rounds from my gas operated, air-cooled shoulder fired M-16 that is capable of firing on automatic 3 round burst or semi-automatic single-shots! I am tired and dirty... please tell me I did not miss an all female raid!!! OMFG!!!

    If it is still on count me in!!

  2. #22
    Community Member Wotansdottir's Avatar
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    This was something that started with me, Karisu and I talked about it with another of the IFV ladies and some others we knew like Uma.

    When we were first discussing I thought I would go ahead and organize, but as I am starting my first few weeks of teaching it's just not going to be my first priority. However I would like to participate on one of my characters (Probably Siggy or Tato) and here is the feedback I got at that time:

    Most of the ladies participating-- Velah is probably not going to be the challenge I think we were hoping for. It's fun, but most of us are Velah veterans at this point.

    Titan--- Also fun, but very puzzle intensive, and might feel more like a "teaching" raid than something that is going to be enjoyable for everyone.

    Demon Queen-- the consensus was we like this one but the prerequisites are a pain in the a$$.

    Reaver-- Easy, but short. This was the favorite though for some of the people I asked.

    Tempest Spine -- Umm... No thank you.

    And that's about enough from the horny males in the audience. I'm looking forward to kicking ass with my friends. Life does not always imitate WCW or "The Girls Next Door" and the faster you realize that the better off you will be. Or... maybe worse. I dunno.
    Officer- Infamous Flaming Vagabonds - Thelanis

  3. #23
    Founder Freeman's Avatar
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    One suggestion I had was to start with the Reaver and then follow up with a longer raid, either Titan or Velah. I wouldn't worry too much about whether or not the raid is considered challenging. No one has any doubts that you ladies are capable of running the raids(The usual idiots might, but who cares about them), so just pick a fun one. Even better, run several, as long as you have enough people and are having fun.

    As for time, I'd recommend starting at 10:00pm EDT, probably on a Friday night. Early enough for East Coast players, but not too early for West Coast.

    Disclaimer: All comments were approved by my wife, since she's the one who would be attending. I'll just be cracking jokes behind her and making comments that will likely get me in trouble
    Freeman - Human Bard - Thelanis Fulfilling my duty to the ladies of Stormreach
    Yuvben(Halfling Rogue), Acana(Drow Sorcerer), Walket(Human Cleric), Mahoukami (WF Wizard), Knicapper(Horc Fighter), Pyetr(Human Bard), Mazinger (WF Barb), and Belcar(Halfling Ranger).

  4. #24
    Community Member gorloch's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Lessah View Post

    I have been in the hot sun sun for the last week playing soldier, I have fired over 200 rounds from my gas operated, air-cooled shoulder fired M-16 that is capable of firing on automatic 3 round burst or semi-automatic single-shots! I am tired and dirty... please tell me I did not miss an all female raid!!! OMFG!!!

    If it is still on count me in!!
    OK that just sounds like a ton of fun. Currently getting flagged for DQ only takes a couple of hours. If I have a few days notice I could be DQ ready fairly easily, and would also help flag anyone who can not get into a guild flagging. DQ also only take a matter of less than 10 mins to run. For Velah I currently have all my high level toons flagged and can hold out who is needed (I love bringing my rogue through this) and again will help anyone who needs the flag. Fridays after 10pm eastern does seem like it would work the best ince i won't have any time restraints. Again let me know what everyone decides they want to take place.

    Xoriat Born
    Pixa 20 rogue, Healza 20 Cleric, Biteza 20 tempest ranger, Casstza 12 sorc, Singza 20 bard, Kickza 13 barb, Nodda 8 fvs

  5. #25
    Founder Lizzybrat's Avatar
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    Ok, to make this slightly more organized let's try it this way. Post below your character/lvl and what raid they are ready for or what they need. Looks like we have tons of interest so if you have a preference of who you want to run let me know! Also what time is best for you.

    For example, here's mine:

    Moiyra: Lvl 14 Cleric : Queen, Reaver, Titan ready
    Jezzy: Lvl 14 Bard: Queen (think I may need preraid), Reaver, Titan ready
    Dizzylizzy: Lvl 14 Barb: Dragon ready, and I think Titan ready, could finish queen prereqs for queen

    I am available nights usually after 9pm est. Weekend days with enough notice I can make myself available.
    Proud to be part of the CureLite Bottling Co. - Thelanis
    The one. The only. The original. Groupie of the Band. The Band of the Shifting Sands
    ~ Moiyra ~ Jezzy ~ Bonni ~ Nighya ~
    "You make gimp look good!" -Akree

  6. #26
    Community Member Wotansdottir's Avatar
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    Erda 14 cler
    Siglinde 14 melee
    Sterne 14 bard
    Tatotot 14 wiz
    Emina 14 rogue

    Ready for all raids. Play evenings any night but need to be done before 11 p.m. weeknights central. Prefer to play Tato and/or Sig.

    Officer- Infamous Flaming Vagabonds - Thelanis

  7. #27
    Community Member Tryp's Avatar
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    In order of preference:
    Anasthesia - 14 Cleric - I know she's flagged for Reaver, Needs DQ 6 Man, and flagged for Titan. Not sure about Dragon, but if not, could be flagged quickly with a small bit of advance notice.
    Beckett - 14 Ranger - Flagged for all but DQ, missing two items I think
    Aenea - 14 Sorc - Flagged for Reaver and Titan...pretty sure she needs to be reflagged for DQ and Dragon.

    Prefer nights, but I'm pretty flexible as I work from home.
    Anasthesia: 16 Clr | Qynne: 16 Bbn | Aenea: 5 Sor | Indra: 16 Sor
    Decibel: 16 Bard | Arsynic: 16 Wiz |
    Brawne: 16 Ftr/Pal | Beckett: 16 Rgr
    Nymphalis: 15 Multitasker | Erbal: 16 Clr
    AVATAR Officer & Webmistress

  8. #28
    Community Member gorloch's Avatar
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    Here is mine. I can also flag fairly fast for the DQ and Velah.

    Pixa-14 rogue-DQ, Reaver, Dragon
    Healza-14 cleric-Dragon but can quickly flag for DQ
    Cassta-14 Sorc-Dragon, DQ, & Reaver
    Protecta-14 pally-Dragon, DQ, & Reaver
    Xoriat Born
    Pixa 20 rogue, Healza 20 Cleric, Biteza 20 tempest ranger, Casstza 12 sorc, Singza 20 bard, Kickza 13 barb, Nodda 8 fvs

  9. #29
    Community Member Uamhas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lessah View Post

    I have been in the hot sun sun for the last week playing soldier, I have fired over 200 rounds from my gas operated, air-cooled shoulder fired M-16 that is capable of firing on automatic 3 round burst or semi-automatic single-shots! I am tired and dirty... please tell me I did not miss an all female raid!!! OMFG!!!

    If it is still on count me in!!
    Gosh Lessah I knowed you was neato bandito, but this just puts you into the "cat's whiskers" category (incidently, cat's whiskers = double plus good!).
    Oh goody goody I get to see the sneaker extraordinaire at work!
    Quote Originally Posted by Beol
    AA is a river with currents both of a profound acceptance of individuality and of a certain love for brutal efficiency.
    xX-----==<<<Yes, I roleplay. Get over it.>>>==-----Xx

  10. #30

    Default haha

    Quote Originally Posted by seancrane2 View Post
    Gosh Lessah I knowed you was neato bandito, but this just puts you into the "cat's whiskers" category (incidently, cat's whiskers = double plus good!).
    Oh goody goody I get to see the sneaker extraordinaire at work!
    funny funny funny!!! fun times were had by all... it was fun..... awefully fun...

    10 PM EDT Friday is GREAT!!! ((can do other times as well)

    Here is my list:

    Lessah 14 Rogue: Dragon, needs reaver pre-raid, can get queen ready fast

    Ginafae 13 Fighter: Dragon, needs DQ part 1 to be Queen ready but is no big deal

    Morah Bard 10: Dragon

  11. #31
    Community Member gorloch's Avatar
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    Want to do a quick DQ followed by a Dragon or Reaver? It also seems all of us have a at least one of each class capped so I would like to know if any has a perference on who they would prefer to bring to which raid.

    Xoriat Born
    Pixa 20 rogue, Healza 20 Cleric, Biteza 20 tempest ranger, Casstza 12 sorc, Singza 20 bard, Kickza 13 barb, Nodda 8 fvs

  12. #32

    Wink shhh don't tell my boss

    MedicLady lvl 14 cleric/fighter Titan ready - Can be demon or dragon ready with help from guildies. Still collecting relics

    I'll have to call in sick to join you all on a Friday or Saturday. My best night is Tuesday.

    All other alts are not high enough to play with the big girls level 7 or lower.


    Ladies - Mediclady, Elspyth, Warchantress, Bittt, Julez, LilBitt, Bucketoboltz, Skitty, Kerro, Wyntermoon, Kethrey, Kethree, Selany, Gypsie, Cassyopeya, Tinkerbelle, Dyanya, PallasAthene

  13. #33
    Community Member lostinjapan's Avatar
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    Green is flagged, red is not (but can be easily with 24 hour notice)

    Iathenu 12 Ranger/2 Rogue Elf (dex-based bow user)
    • Velah
    • Titan
    • DQ
    • Reaver

    Xalixis 14 Cleric Human (deathpriest/healbot, not battle cleric)
    • Velah
    • Titan
    • DQ
    • Reaver

    Pertinacity 11 Fighter/3 Paladin Dwarf (axe-wielding tankage)
    • Velah
    • Titan
    • DQ
    • Reaver

    Discordance 14 Bard Human (crowd control & buffing model, not healer)
    • Velah
    • Titan
    • DQ (only needs 6 man tho)
    • Reaver

    Fascination 14 Sorcerer Drow (fire/cold/spell pen damage spec'd caster)
    • Velah
    • Titan - Updated
    • DQ
    • Reaver

    Ardency 11 Rogue/3 Paladin Drow (swordnboard tank rogue)
    • Velah
    • Titan
    • DQ
    • Reaver

    Take your pick.
    Last edited by lostinjapan; 08-20-2007 at 12:33 PM. Reason: Updated Flags
    Amadare Ardency Discordance Fascination Xalixis

  14. #34
    Community Member Camaron's Avatar
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    Default Tsaila

    You could probably count my wife in, she has her lvl14 Cleric Tsaila nearly ready for all the raids, with a little notice I can make sure it's all of them.

    Tsaila = LvL 14 Cleric
    Officer in The Infamous Flaming Vagabonds

    Jecon Borrier/Camaron Borrier
    Xantalos Borrier/Andromedia Borrier

  15. #35
    Community Member Wotansdottir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Camaron View Post
    You could probably count my wife in, she has her lvl14 Cleric Tsaila nearly ready for all the raids, with a little notice I can make sure it's all of them.

    Tsaila = LvL 14 Cleric
    YES we want her to come if she is able!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you two need to fill a group for prereq's look me up! Yay Tsalia.

    Officer- Infamous Flaming Vagabonds - Thelanis

  16. #36
    Founder Freeman's Avatar
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    My wife doesn't check these boards that often, so I'm answering for her. As for raids, I'm not sure who she has Velah or DQ ready, but she can easily get the prereqs done before the raid. All four of her chars are Titan and Reaver ready. To repost, she has:

    Justice, level 14 cleric
    Morgianna, level 14 sorceror
    Karisu, level 14 paladin
    Melodi, level 12(I think) bard.
    Freeman - Human Bard - Thelanis Fulfilling my duty to the ladies of Stormreach
    Yuvben(Halfling Rogue), Acana(Drow Sorcerer), Walket(Human Cleric), Mahoukami (WF Wizard), Knicapper(Horc Fighter), Pyetr(Human Bard), Mazinger (WF Barb), and Belcar(Halfling Ranger).

  17. #37
    Community Member
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    Default Sounds like fun...

    Count me in....

    and I do too read the boards on occasion....

    I could probably find someone flagged for any of the raids, barring I am not on timers.
    *********************** L E G I O N ***********************

  18. #38
    Community Member Scarsgaard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gorloch View Post
    Dude seriously get a life. Its a bunch of toons and from what I am hearing no men allowed.

    LOL... Pixa crack me up

  19. #39


    Posting for my girl too, she doesn't frequent the forums much.

    Libitina, 14 Fgtr, Ready for all raids....

    Vinton's Place - DDO Game Guide V3.6.0 - 10/12/2011 - My DDO
    | Inferus Sus | Vinton Cerf | Kabraxis | Bubah Licious | Sanadil | Zanta | Ziamdis |

  20. #40


    I'll go. I need 3 days notice to make sure my timers are reset. I can bring any of my 14s along.

    Preferences (always for elite):

    Reaver - Sorceress
    Dragon - Ranger
    Titan - Sorceress
    DQ - Ranger

    Paprika Dash - The Prettiest Barbarian in Stormreach
    Pomegranate Syrup - Dwarven Barkbot Melee (with full rogue skills)
    Parsley Flake - Drow Enchantress
    . . . The Band of the Shifting Sands . . .

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