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  1. #1
    Community Member Partymaker's Avatar
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    Feb 2007

    Default Race required items bugged??

    I've pulled a very nice item lately and was greatly disappointed whenI saw the crappy RR on it.... so suddenly I remembered..

    A few months ago (can't recall when exactly), you made a change so that every (or a big majority) RR items would have always 2 race authorized to use them. Well, this worked for the items already generated at the time the change was made, but is absolutely non-existent since then.

    This was a very good change as it was preventing some weird illogical generated items to be too restrictive (like a Dwarven axe, that should NEVER be anything but RR Dwarf but anyway...).

    What I find strange is, to my knowledge, no one ever reported this... but since this "patch" that converted all previously generated RR items into 2 races that could use it, I've never ever found a RR item with two races on it (Eld/Drow is irrelevant, both are elves) and I've pulled a LOT of RR items like everyone (without talking about the RR rewards we don't even pick up!).

    This change was definitely a step in the right direction, would be great to see it implemented correctly

  2. #2
    Community Member The_Cataclysm's Avatar
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    The last time it was brought up I believe some claimed to have one an item recently that had 2 races on it. The rest of us debating whether it was just meant to allow drow/elf on items (as it was done when drow first came into play) with some side effects to older items or whether it was supposed to appear occasionally on items.

    Never went anywhere really. Hopefully this thread can get a dev to chime in.

    P.S. Dwarven axe is just a style of axe, there is no reason why it should be limited to dwarves only. *insert Ziggy's usual comment on bastards sword and not needing to be a bastard*

    Edit: Previous thread for reference

  3. #3
    Community Member Citymorg's Avatar
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    My understanding was that Turbine was going ALLOW multiple race restrictions, but not that EVERY RR: item HAD to have 2 races on it. This would allow a lower minimum level, but still allow more people to use it.

  4. #4
    Community Member Partymaker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Citymorg View Post
    My understanding was that Turbine was going ALLOW multiple race restrictions, but not that EVERY RR: item HAD to have 2 races on it. This would allow a lower minimum level, but still allow more people to use it.
    Even if they would just allow it occasionnally, pretty much non-sense anyway that I and some rl friends haven't pulled a single two races RR item in like what, one full year...

    For Cataclysm, good thing Ziggy pointed that out or I would have wonder why I always liked so much bastard swords in PnP for years lol

  5. #5
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    I think this was just a workaround to make items thats were RR : Elf also work for Drow, so new drow toons didnt have to hunt down all that gear all over again.

    The other races doubling up on some items was possibly a side effect of that.

    Dunno tho, could be they intended more double race items to drop but some bug is preventing that.

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