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  1. #1
    Founder Lady_Draconus's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default Renaming Your Character

    I recently contacted an Ingame DM. I have two characters both named Valistri Veladorn. Before I went on my two week AT for the military both these characters were named Valistr~Riedra and Valistri~Khyber. I came back from my AT to find the server mergers complete and ~Riedra was missing from my characters name. I was planning to change this particular character name when I tried I couldn't. The DM tells me I need to pay to change this characters name.

    My Question is... Since I had no choice in the merger why do I not have the choice as to which character I rename? Both of these characters belong to me so why can't I change the one I want without having to pay for it.
    Ghallanda: Val'Istri Veladorn Leader of Explorers of Eberron
    Khyber: Velystri Veladorn, Zesstrya Yauntyrr, Jhaelryna Yauntyrr
    I do not have Enemies..... They are ALL Dead!!!

  2. #2
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Sorry your post does not make sense. You need to clarify. Heres my reply based on what I guess you meant:

    Why would you name characters with a - and the server name in the first place?

    If you didn't and you had 2 "Valistri" characters, one being your original on Reidra and the newer one being made on Khyber.. Then everything worked as designed.
    The older character was sposed to keep the name.
    Sorry but purposely causing a name conflict by creating a character on your merge-to server does not grant a free re-name credit for your old character, that would just lead people to cheat the system.

    You should have a free rename credit for your new character which should be named Valistri-Khyber now.

    As to why? Because your not special, everyone has to play by the same rules, and Turbine cant afford unlimited name changes as it too costly and would cause additional server load.
    Last edited by Shade; 08-18-2007 at 06:04 PM.

  3. #3
    Founder Lady_Draconus's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    Actually, they merged two servers to Khyber first (a good week or so before they merged the rest of the servers) when they did BOTH Valistris' had a - <server name> I went on my Annual Training with the military when I got back they had already finished merging the other servers. Since both characters belong to me I should be able to rename the one I want with out having to PAY $9.95 for the special service. Turbine removed the -Riedra when they finished merging the other servers. So how is that fair to me as a paying customer? Did turbine make a mistake when they merged the other servers to Khyber if so why should I pay for their mistake? Since both characters had a - <server name> when I left I expected them to have it when I returned. Since I didn't use a token to change anyone it seems Turbine made that choice for me. So why should I pay to change a name that had a server name attached one week then was remove NOT by me the next week?
    Last edited by Lady_Draconus; 08-19-2007 at 12:21 AM.
    Ghallanda: Val'Istri Veladorn Leader of Explorers of Eberron
    Khyber: Velystri Veladorn, Zesstrya Yauntyrr, Jhaelryna Yauntyrr
    I do not have Enemies..... They are ALL Dead!!!

  4. #4
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Odd they did it a bit late, but it doean't really matter if it happened a bit late, it was changed as designed and that naming scheme was fully documented and available for your reading on the forums before they did it. The older character keeps the name, new one gets the -*server* and a free rename.

    You should still have a free rename on the -Khyber guy, just send an ticket to the GM on that guy and youll get it.

    Just like I said, dont expect a free rename on the character of your choice, it doesn't work that way for any paying customers, not just you.

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