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  1. #1
    Community Member DarkenRol's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Thumbs down Where can we report equipment thefts?

    A player on Ghallanda/Lhazzar/Fernia, joined my Guild just recently. He borrows a Disruptor from one Guildmate and a paralyzer from another. He was asked on 2 seperate occasions, by the Guildmates to please return the items. The Guild leader even sent him an in house mail asking him to please return the equipment. On the second occasion, he said he was mailing the items back right then, and then abruptly left the guild and never returned the items.
    Is there anyway to handle this through Turbine or the Forums?

  2. #2
    Founder StanC's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by DarkenRol View Post
    A player on Ghallanda/Lhazzar/Fernia, joined my Guild just recently. He borrows a Disruptor from one Guildmate and a paralyzer from another. He was asked on 2 seperate occasions, by the Guildmates to please return the items. The Guild leader even sent him an in house mail asking him to please return the equipment. On the second occasion, he said he was mailing the items back right then, and then abruptly left the guild and never returned the items.
    Is there anyway to handle this through Turbine or the Forums?
    Unfortunately I don't think there is much that can be done by Turbine or the forums. Sorry that this happened. Only thing that can be done is to tell the rest of your guild not to group with him. Can't do anything in the forums because you are not allowed to mention names in a negative manner.
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  3. #3
    Uber Completionist Lithic's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Never lend something you care about getting back.

    Just be happy that guy taught you this lesson with only 2 steals rather than more

    Hopefully those were both x-bows
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  4. #4


    Whatever you do, dont follow this recomendation in these forums,in your bio, or in guild message of the day. Keep it in guild website forums, and share with other guilds you are close with. Blacklist the guy. Find him in the who panel, find which guild he joined next, let them know you need to contact their guild leader about an important issue and let him/her know what happened with that guy. Do it discreetly though so as not to appear to be harassing him. Communicate as much as you can over out of game channels. No need to give him anything to get you banned over.
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  5. #5
    Community Member DarkenRol's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Unhappy I appreciate the input

    Thank all of you so much for your input in this. It is helpful and greatly appreciated.

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