I've pulled a very nice item lately and was greatly disappointed whenI saw the crappy RR on it.... so suddenly I remembered..![]()
A few months ago (can't recall when exactly), you made a change so that every (or a big majority) RR items would have always 2 race authorized to use them. Well, this worked for the items already generated at the time the change was made, but is absolutely non-existent since then.
This was a very good change as it was preventing some weird illogical generated items to be too restrictive (like a Dwarven axe, that should NEVER be anything but RR Dwarf but anyway...).
What I find strange is, to my knowledge, no one ever reported this... but since this "patch" that converted all previously generated RR items into 2 races that could use it, I've never ever found a RR item with two races on it (Eld/Drow is irrelevant, both are elves) and I've pulled a LOT of RR items like everyone (without talking about the RR rewards we don't even pick up!).
This change was definitely a step in the right direction, would be great to see it implemented correctly![]()