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  1. #1
    Community Member Scarsgaard's Avatar
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    Talking This is cracking me up

    So far the funniest thing that I have encountered is LFMs asking for any toon and when you send a tell, "like can you use a barb?" or "need a sorc?" I've gotte "sorry man we really need a cleric!"

    My reply so far has been "g/l lol"... since these runs were like WW's etc. Now, I know these parties have got to be noobs, because no experienced player would bother waiting for the "3 tank, 1 caster, 1 rogue & 1 cleric" mix... but this does crack me up...

    You can also tell because they haven't specified their lfm list... is sometimes hard to be nice...

  2. #2
    Community Member narizue's Avatar
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    Had a similar one a couple of days ago from someone when I had an LFM up for POP.

    I was clericing and we had a tank and caster already, so I throw it out there for pretty much anything but another cleric(personal preference I like to cleric POP on my own or with a guildie cleric). The same cleric tries to join like 9 times. I probably decline other legit joiners based on this AC spamming me with join requests as I was running across the marketplace.

    Honestly I figure it was someone who had bought an account, as most players who have an alt that they would like to send just send a tell. And silly fool that I am I forgot write down the name.
    Archangels - Thelanis

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  3. #3
    Community Member Scarsgaard's Avatar
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    yep... if I'm looking to join, I even add "I'm very experienced, self sufficient" etc into the tell... the funniest thing is, is that if the person says "nope, we gotta have this <insert class>, I can only think "whew... I got lucky there"

  4. #4
    Community Member narizue's Avatar
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    Lol. Funny thing is Scars, I likely would have taken him, just ot get the group together faster if the AC had just sent me a /tell.
    Archangels - Thelanis

    Kyrian - Dellek - Devestia - Harleaiquin - Nakano - Narizue - Xandek

  5. #5
    Community Member gorloch's Avatar
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    What are you talking about? You can't run a quest without a cleric!!!! Who would do the healing?

    Xoriat Born
    Pixa 20 rogue, Healza 20 Cleric, Biteza 20 tempest ranger, Casstza 12 sorc, Singza 20 bard, Kickza 13 barb, Nodda 8 fvs

  6. #6
    Community Member Scarsgaard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gorloch View Post
    What are you talking about? You can't run a quest without a cleric!!!! Who would do the healing?

    My new sorc don need no stinkin cleric... (he's carrying 400 cure pots, 80 remove curse, poison etc )...

    ..I'm not naming the toon yet... I'm not sure if I'll keep it

  7. #7
    Community Member narizue's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gorloch View Post
    What are you talking about? You can't run a quest without a cleric!!!! Who would do the healing?

    You forgot:

    • You must have a full party

    • You must have at least one rogue, 2 tanks, 1 caster

    • No soloing. Its too dangerous and a great way to get killed repeatedly

    • Send all your plat to Kyrian

    Archangels - Thelanis

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  8. #8
    Founder adamkatt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scarsgaard View Post
    yep... if I'm looking to join, I even add "I'm very experienced, self sufficient" etc into the tell... the funniest thing is, is that if the person says "nope, we gotta have this <insert class>, I can only think "whew... I got lucky there"

    Man your giving up too much info, give em some mystery!
    Outatime Exodus-Cradle of Life:Thelanis
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  9. #9
    Community Member Rooks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by narizue View Post
    Had a similar one a couple of days ago from someone when I had an LFM up for POP.

    I was clericing and we had a tank and caster already, so I throw it out there for pretty much anything but another cleric(personal preference I like to cleric POP on my own or with a guildie cleric). The same cleric tries to join like 9 times. I probably decline other legit joiners based on this AC spamming me with join requests as I was running across the marketplace.

    Honestly I figure it was someone who had bought an account, as most players who have an alt that they would like to send just send a tell. And silly fool that I am I forgot write down the name.
    The problem for this guy was the fact that he is a CLERIC.

    Didn't you know that a Cleric is NEVER turned down for a group, he figured you were mistaken and kept retrying, or maybe his join request was lagged cause the 12 Gawds know that a cleric can join any group.

    You were probably his first rejection.

    hehe, you were his first, hehe
    Server: Thelanis, Guild: Umber Hulks
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  10. #10
    Community Member PaintHorseCowboy's Avatar
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    See your siggy quote.

    'Nuff said.

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  11. #11
    Founder Lizzybrat's Avatar
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    An intrepid party of adventurers have freed Arlos and gathered their party safely in the hallway.
    An intrepid party of adventurers have freed Arlos and gathered their party safely in the hallway.
    An intrepid party of adventurers have freed Arlos and gathered their party safely in the hallway.
    An intrepid party of adventurers have freed Arlos and gathered their party safely in the hallway.
    An intrepid party of adventurers have freed Arlos and gathered their party safely in the hallway.
    An intrepid party of adventurers have freed Arlos and gathered their party safely in the hallway.
    An intrepid party of adventurers have freed Arlos and gathered their party safely in the hallway.
    An intrepid party of adventurers have freed Arlos and gathered their party safely in the hallway.
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  12. #12
    The Hatchery GeneralDiomedes's Avatar
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    Respect the noob, or the game suffers.

    Seriously .. they are not 'idiots' they are simply inexperienced. Also, many will have a LFM up that originally wanted every class type because at the time they created it they were the only person in the party. As the party fills up, they forget to change it, or don't realize it's important.

    Also, if you are that self-sufficient, why are you asking to join a group? :P
    Server Sarlona / MST / Guild Enslaved / Characters Ionos, Cydekik, Xalavan, Rodessa, Hethrow, Ramsteen

  13. #13
    Community Member Scarsgaard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeneralDiomedes View Post
    Respect the noob, or the game suffers.

    Seriously .. they are not 'idiots' they are simply inexperienced. Also, many will have a LFM up that originally wanted every class type when they were the only person in the party. As the party fills up, they forget to change it.
    lol.. I do... but I gotta admit that it is brutally hard to do anything but reply with anything but a "g/l lol"... if they were wise they might say, "I'm new... do you think you can help us?" but alas... so many people fear admitting ignorance... Humans are such funny beasts

  14. #14
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    People wanting certain classes at low levels makes me laugh. I remember my ftr 1/pal 2 was trying to get into this WW group and they wouldn't take me because they wanted a rogue... for WW...

    I had to giggle and then proceed to solo WW 1-4.

  15. #15
    Community Member KoboldKiller's Avatar
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    Just to throw in another point of view. I have ran non arcane parties, non cleric parties, non rogue parties, so yes anything can be done with any combo providing you know what your doing. It is possible that people who request specific classes are just more comfortable with certain combos. I have seen capped players exclude certain classes. So I think it goes both ways. New players and old all have comfort levels. Any way just MHO.
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  16. #16
    Founder TreknaQudane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Greybrow View Post
    People wanting certain classes at low levels makes me laugh. I remember my ftr 1/pal 2 was trying to get into this WW group and they wouldn't take me because they wanted a rogue... for WW...

    I had to giggle and then proceed to solo WW 1-4.
    Maybe they just wanted the exp bonus for disabling traps?

  17. #17


    Clerics, I remember them... they always carry those sticks right??? I dont let them travel with me often, most are slow and I like to solo Trial by Fire in 9 minutes.

    Besides, every time a cleric is in a group, I always hear "Can i get a restore?"... (can u buy a potion,...)

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  18. #18
    Community Member gorloch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeneralDiomedes View Post
    Respect the noob, or the game suffers.

    Seriously .. they are not 'idiots' they are simply inexperienced. Also, many will have a LFM up that originally wanted every class type because at the time they created it they were the only person in the party. As the party fills up, they forget to change it, or don't realize it's important.

    Also, if you are that self-sufficient, why are you asking to join a group? :P
    I agree there are inexperienced players that just need someone to help teach them the game. But there are idiots as well. Those who don't want to listen no matter how many times you tell them. The other part about why get in a party if you are self-sufficient, I don't know about you but after sometime it gets boring being all by yourself. I can only do so much soloing before I start wanting to hear someone elses voice besides the narrator.

    Xoriat Born
    Pixa 20 rogue, Healza 20 Cleric, Biteza 20 tempest ranger, Casstza 12 sorc, Singza 20 bard, Kickza 13 barb, Nodda 8 fvs

  19. #19
    Community Member Uamhas's Avatar
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    Speaking as someone that builds and runs in pugs frequently, I'll share with you my persepective. Some people lead only because nobody else will. When that is the case, they generally go with the will of the party. When there are 4 other people clamoring for CLERICCLERICCLERIC! It takes someone with a stiff upper lip to buck the system. I've learned, through trial and error (sometimes it takes more than once for me to catch on) that other party makeups not only work, but they provide for more fun in the doing of the thing.. One of the funnest Tempest spines I ever did (aside from Merlask's legendary Tipsy Tempest) was an all-caster run. I love to see dancing blackguards, it may seem mundane to everyone else... but.. *shrug* Well, anyhow. 'nuff blather outta me
    ...Erda is awesome
    Quote Originally Posted by Beol
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  20. #20
    Community Member Wotansdottir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by seancrane2 View Post
    Speaking as someone that builds and runs in pugs frequently, I'll share with you my persepective. Some people lead only because nobody else will. When that is the case, they generally go with the will of the party. When there are 4 other people clamoring for CLERICCLERICCLERIC! It takes someone with a stiff upper lip to buck the system. I've learned, through trial and error (sometimes it takes more than once for me to catch on) that other party makeups not only work, but they provide for more fun in the doing of the thing.. One of the funnest Tempest spines I ever did (aside from Merlask's legendary Tipsy Tempest) was an all-caster run. I love to see dancing blackguards, it may seem mundane to everyone else... but.. *shrug* Well, anyhow. 'nuff blather outta me
    ...Erda is awesome
    Girly you are cracking me up lately!!! All caster runs are VERY fun. We need to do some more of these!!! For a long time I'll admit I was a traditional party makeup person, but it started to become less important as I got to know my own characters better and found their strengths. A few posts up I thought the author had some good points with the 'Respect the n00bs...' LOL.

    ERDA <3 UMA!!!!!!!
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