PROBLEM SOVLED!!!A few characters will need to complete the quest 20 more times if they happen to have just completed their 20th (or 40th or 60th etc) run just before Module 5 goes live. We felt that it was better to give out early raid loot to most characters rather than having special case (i.e. risky) code to reset everyone to 0.
I think the easiest solution to this is simply to have characters build up raid counters like say Enhancement points.....
All you do is add a second options to the raid reward npc.... that says...
"Hello I would like to cash in 20 of my Raid Points"
This would allow ppl to still get their normal end reward. I know I've gotten several nice items for Reaver End Rewards... +6 Stat items... etc...
This way when ppl do hit their 20th raid success they still get their normal end reward and can at any time after select the second option and cash in their 20 raids.... This would also allow ppl at the time this goes live to cash in all their raid counters... I believe I prob have several toons over 20+ on Dragon... Maybe a few 20+ on Titan and I'm sure I'll have several 20+ on Reaver Shortly and feel I should be rewarded for my active patronage
Put it this way it took Sadus 8-9 months of constant dragon runs to get his Dragon Belt... just was always unlucky on the drops2 belt drops in 9 months... on raids he was on.... he got the second but it was prob 5 months in between. So Sadus prob has 40-50 dragon raids on his counter :P
I don't think this would be difficult to put in and solves a lot of possible conflict.