I was thinking about what the half-orc enahncements might include and came up with this. It's mostly cut and paste with some editing. So there maybe some words I missed when changing them.
1 Half-Orc Axe Damage I
You gain an additional +1 bonus to damage rolls when using a battleaxe, throwing axe, greataxe, handaxe, or orc double axe.
Action Points: 2
1 Iron Companion
You have a loyal iron defender as a pet, and can summon it once per rest to aid you for five minutes.
Action Points: 2
Prerequisites: Warforged Mechanics II OR
Skill Focus: Repair OR
Self Sufficient OR
Least Dragonmark of Making OR
Fighter Repair II OR
Rogue Way of the Mechanic I
1 Tharashk Search I
Grants a +1 bonus to Search skill.
Action Points: 1
Prerequisites: Least Dragonmark of Finding
2 Extra Dragonmark Use I
You gain 1 additional use of your Least, Lesser, and Greater Dragonmarks per rest.
Action Points: 1 (must have spent 3 action points)
Prerequisites: Least Dragonmark of Finding OR
Least Dragonmark of Healing OR
Least Dragonmark of Making OR
Least Dragonmark of Sentinel OR
Least Dragonmark of Shadow OR
Least Dragonmark of Warding OR
Least Dragonmark of Passage
2 Half-Orc Power Attack I
Power Attack does additional 1 bonus damage and -1 to hit.
Action Points: 1 (must have spent 3 action points)
Prerequisites: Power Attack
3 Half-Orc Strength I
Grants a +1 increase to Strength score.
Action Points: 2 (must have spent 6 action points)
3 Half-Orc Toughness I
Grants you 5 additional hit points if you have the Toughness feat.
Action Points: 1 (must have spent 6 action points)
Prerequisites: Toughness
4 Half-Orc Axe Attack I
You gain an additional +1 bonus to attack rolls when using a battleaxe, throwing axe, greataxe, handaxe, or orc double axe.
Action Points: 2 (must have spent 10 action points)
4 Tharashk Search II
Grants a +2 bonus to Search skill.
Action Points: 2 (must have spent 10 action points)
Prerequisites: Kundarak Search I AND
Lesser Dragonmark of Finding
4 Steel Companion
You have a loyal steel defender as a pet, and can summon it once per rest to aid you for five minutes.
Action Points: 2 (must have spent 10 action points)
Prerequisites: Iron CompanionWarforged Mechanics II OR
Skill Focus: Repair OR
Self Sufficient OR
Least Dragonmark of Making OR
Fighter Repair II OR
Rogue Way of the Mechanic I
6 Extra Dragonmark Use II
You gain 2 additional uses of your Least, Lesser, and Greater Dragonmarks per rest.
Action Points: 2 (must have spent 18 action points)
Prerequisites: Extra Dragonmark Use I,
Least Dragonmark of FindingOR
Least Dragonmark of Healing OR
Least Dragonmark of Making OR
Least Dragonmark of Sentinel OR
Least Dragonmark of Shadow OR
Least Dragonmark of Warding OR
Least Dragonmark of Passage
6 Half-Orc Power Attack II
Power Attack does additional 2 bonus damage and -2 to hit.
Action Points: 2 (must have spent 18 action points)
Prerequisites: Half-Orc Power Attack I
6 Half-Orc Toughness II
Grants you 10 additional hit points if you have the Toughness feat. This is in addition to your other toughness enhancements.
Action Points: 2 (must have spent 18 action points)
Prerequisites: Half-Orc Toughness I
7 Half-Orc Axe Damage II
You gain an additional +2 bonus to damage rolls when using a battleaxe, throwing axe, greataxe, handaxe, or orc double axe.
Action Points: 4 (must have spent 20 action points)
Prerequisites: Half-Orc Axe Damage I
8 Half-Orc Strength II
Grants a +2 increase to Strength score.
Action Points: 4 (must have spent 24 action points)
Prerequisites: Half-Orc Strength I
8 Tharashk Search III
Grants a +3 bonus to Search skill.
Action Points: 3 (must have spent 25 action points)
Prerequisites: Kundarak Search II AND
Greater Dragonmark of Finding
8 Mithral Companion
You have a loyal mithral defender as a pet, and can summon it once per rest to aid you for five minutes.
Action Points: 2 (must have spent 26 action points)
Prerequisites: Steel CompanionWarforged Mechanics II OR
Skill Focus: Repair OR
Self Sufficient OR
Least Dragonmark of Making OR
Fighter Repair II OR
Rogue Way of the Mechanic I
9 Half-Orc Toughness III
Grants you 15 additional hit points if you have the Toughness feat. This is in addition to your other toughness enhancements.
Action Points: 3 (must have spent 29 action points)
Prerequisites: Half-Orc Toughness II
10 Half-Orc Axe Attack II
You gain an additional +2 bonus to attack rolls when using a battleaxe, throwing axe, greataxe, handaxe, or orc double axe.
Action Points: 4 (must have spent 32 action points)
Prerequisites: Half-Orc Axe Attack I
10 Extra Dragonmark Use III
You gain 3 additional uses of your Least, Lesser, and Greater Dragonmarks per rest.
Action Points: 3 (must have spent 33 action points)
Prerequisites: Extra Dragonmark Use II,
Least Dragonmark of Finding OR
Least Dragonmark of Healing OR
Least Dragonmark of Making OR
Least Dragonmark of Sentinel OR
Least Dragonmark of Shadow OR
Least Dragonmark of Warding OR
Least Dragonmark of Passage
12 Half-Orc Toughness IV
Grants you 20 additional hit points if you have the Toughness feat. This is in addition to your other toughness enhancements.
Action Points: 4 (must have spent 40 action points)
Prerequisites: Half-Orc Toughness III
12 Tharashk Search IV
Grants a +4 bonus to Search skill.
Action Points: 4 (must have spent 40 action points)
Prerequisites: Kundarak Search III
14 Extra Dragonmark Use IV
You gain 4 additional uses of your Least, Lesser, and Greater Dragonmarks per rest.
Action Points: 4 (must have spent 48 action points)
Prerequisites: Extra Dragonmark Use III,
Least Dragonmark of Finding OR
Least Dragonmark of Healing OR
Least Dragonmark of Making OR
Least Dragonmark of Sentinel OR
Least Dragonmark of Shadow OR
Least Dragonmark of Warding OR
Least Dragonmark of Passage