With the now 3rd delay this year on content and items being pushed back a month, ala Mod5, what are the chances of Mod 6 still coming out this year, and the subsequent raise in levels?
What is the progress on the monk and druid classes?
What other races (other than half orc) are in the pipe line?
Guild housing, where does the developers see this as a priority?
What if any are the updates for crafting?
Is there any chance of the Ebberon classes such as Artificer of making it into game?
Prestige classes, is there any word on this?
New feats, There are alot of feats not in the game that some would probably like to see.
If anybody has anything else they would like to add to this list, I am going to message the developers and director of the game to see if they can put out an article (or even better go on to DDO podcast) or both. I know I am curious as to the state of the game.