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  1. #21
    Community Member Prinstoni's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rikori2 View Post
    Also, people seem to be soo resistant to their game being changed in any way, shape or form, yet complain about the lack of updates. I don't envy the developers...
    Changes and updates are two completely different things. Changes 90% of the time end up in NERFS, updates are when new quests are added.


    I haven't played in over a week btw because this game is soooooooo boring now.


  2. #22
    Founder Freeman's Avatar
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    Also, the True Strike spell would also be a great addition, giving casters the ability to hit virtually every time they use the spell.
    Freeman - Human Bard - Thelanis Fulfilling my duty to the ladies of Stormreach
    Yuvben(Halfling Rogue), Acana(Drow Sorcerer), Walket(Human Cleric), Mahoukami (WF Wizard), Knicapper(Horc Fighter), Pyetr(Human Bard), Mazinger (WF Barb), and Belcar(Halfling Ranger).

  3. #23
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    "Please give casters non-sp consuming abilities. "

    You've already got them.

    They're called crossbows.

    EDIT: Guess I shoulda read the whole thread first. Meh.
    Last edited by Olaff; 08-17-2007 at 08:58 AM.
    Christov Olaffsson, Hybrid Tempest
    Aeriaenna Donovan, Arcane Kensei Archer

  4. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by Freeman View Post
    Also, the True Strike spell would also be a great addition, giving casters the ability to hit virtually every time they use the spell.
    I'm honestly amazed they never bothered to code that simple one in. And it sure as heck wouldn't be game breaking. I mean per spell, I don't think you can make potions of it. Clickies don't work fast in battle, so what would it matter if it was included?

  5. #25
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    You do have none SP abilities. It's called attack.

  6. #26
    Community Member Katrina's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twerpp View Post
    Yeah if yer gonna do that just ask for warlocks. Are there warlocks in Eberron?
    they're more often then not 'monsterous' casters such as primordial giants.

  7. #27
    Community Member Mercules's Avatar
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    +(X) (Elemental Damage) Repeating (Heavy/Light) Crossbow of Pure Good. Add in a slot of House D returning Arrows and a wand of Fire Arrow and you have basically all the bolts you will need for a good long time. The repeater doesn't do that bad of damage either. Hitting means you will have had to boost your Dex up at character creation or some other time. Tenser's Transformation wouldn't hurt either. Basically, this only costs you a feat.

    That is one option, my other is wands. If you pick up collectibles(which will be made less painful in the next Mod) you will get Fireball and Lightning Bolt wands like crazy. They are only level 5 but you are using them to augment damage without using SPs and you don't want them to draw agro. Wait until you see a tank intimidate or the 2handed melee person has sufficiently smacked all those mobs enough and throw in a Fireball. Lightning bolt is more precise allowing you to target the same target that someone is beating on and just adding a tiny bit more damage. These were great help in the mid-range levels for conserving SPs and still dealing damage.

    Magic Missle CL3 or CL5 are easy to find as well and you can buy the CL3 ones in the marketplace tent for a good price. You can also buy Scorching Ray wands and those do 4d8 per charge and are single target. I found a Niac's 3 wand the other day. Not good for the caster who found it, but my level 4 WF Fighter with a splash of Wiz used it to good effect for killing things with DR if he didn't have the right weapon to bypass it.

    These things already exist, if you are willing to do a tiny bit more work for them.
    "Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment."
    -Barry LePatner

  8. #28
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    As a wonderful sidenote: reserve feats have been banned in all the campaigns I know of. They're game-breakingly powerful.

  9. #29
    Community Member Symar-FangofLloth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Staedtler View Post
    As a wonderful sidenote: reserve feats have been banned in all the campaigns I know of. They're game-breakingly powerful.
    Lemme guess, Divine Metamagic and Persistent Spell are also banned.
    Anyway, I agree that there's not much point to putting such an ability into the game.
    Former Xoriat-er. Embrace the Madness.

  10. #30
    Founder Ishturi's Avatar
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    ..... I have 4 words for everyone who agrees with this ability:


    If you are running out of mana at higher levels, you aren't managing it correctly. I'm a lvl 14 sorc, human, no tomes, 28 point build and I almost NEVER run out of mana unless I'm either A: goofing off or B: in a 3-person group.

    Also, non-sp consuming abilities = scrolls. you spend gp instead of sp.

    and yes, Crossbows work well too (House D Favor + one good crossbow = good for a while).
    Last edited by Ishturi; 08-19-2007 at 07:04 AM.
    Guild of X, Thelanis server (RIP Xoriat).

    Well dang, if I hadn't used my whole round eating this Twinkie, I could've walked around the corner and seen what all that screaming was about... oh well *munch*

  11. #31
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    Pick up a crossbow ya lazy twitchy finger.

    You do have none SP abilities. It's called attack.

    +(X) (Elemental Damage) Repeating (Heavy/Light) Crossbow of Pure Good. Add in a slot of House D returning Arrows and a wand of Fire Arrow and you have basically all the bolts you will need for a good long time. The repeater doesn't do that bad of damage either. Hitting means you will have had to boost your Dex up at character creation or some other time. Tenser's Transformation wouldn't hurt either. Basically, this only costs you a feat
    Will everyone be more willing to listen to the OP idea once they add this to pnp. I don’t know exactly what they doing but I would not be surprise if 4ed add something very similar to his idea. The interview from gencon said they want to make sure a caster always have something to do in combat and never have to pull out a crossbow. He said something like caster is all about using magical energy at your enemies and we want to make sure they can always do so every battle. (That is paraphrase)

    Personally I see nothing game breaking with his idea. SO instead of using a crossbow he can shoot rays out of his hand that do ~ the same damage. Benefit unlimited ammo but nothing that going to break the game.

  12. #32
    Founder Spell's Avatar
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    Wouldn't zero sp spells be considered the pnp cantrips(lvl spells)?!

    I would love to see these.
    Some are useful at very low level.

  13. #33
    Founder Jefechao's Avatar
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    Default Geez

    Sad to see how few of you actually play PnP. As someone mentioned it is a real feat now. And for whichever poster said its banned in all his campaigns how sad you must have terrible sessions. A feat is a feat people the man wants something from PnP to come into the game. Whats the big deal? The idea is fine. He wants to continually cast some low level spells.

    Basically it breaks down to this in PnP if you take a reserve feat for fire. If you have at least one fire type spell above a certain level in your spells for the day as long as that spell is there you can summon a small fire attack with the damage based off the level of the spell you have in reserve. Its fairly simple. There are elemental version of each kind. Also a few others for movement and vision and such.

    They arent over powered. They are useful.

    In DDO it would be a great addition. Not because people cant manage there spells but because it gives caster something to do when they dont need to blow their mana. Maybe a only a couple of guys come through the door. so instead of blowing any real mana he tosses a few of these while the fighters play clean up. It gives casters something to do when its not urgent enough to warrant a spell. Like how many people see a firewall go up just for one guy? Thats a bored caster. He wants to play too.

    As far as the bow and crossbow comments. There wizards for crying out loud. their BAB sucks and while they could go buy a whole bunch of scrolls of tensers this is a waste for just a few shots every once in a while.

    To the OP good thought. there isnt any reason not to give it, and I will tell you the perfect reason to give it to casters. Because when we are all standing outside the quest waiting for that late guy. I would love to be able to shoot some type of magical attack while all the twitching roguers and fighters swing their weapons all over the place. **** show offs
    Quintary(drow) 6 wiz/4 fight/3rog - Kerrigan PeaceBringer (Dwarf) 1fight/9cler-Frinendale (human) 1 wiz - Aiforowen (elf)3 Pal/1rog - Debris (WF) 13 fight - Galviston (Dwarf) Ran3/Pal4 Steeltotem 4barb/3cleric
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  14. #34
    The Hatchery GeneralDiomedes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jefechao View Post
    As far as the bow and crossbow comments. There wizards for crying out loud. their BAB sucks and while they could go buy a whole bunch of scrolls of tensers this is a waste for just a few shots every once in a while.
    Not to mention that switching from a crossbow to your scepters when you want to cast is incredibly annoying and dangerous at times. I contribute more effectively when I'm concentrating on spellcasting. Having an at-will spell like ability would be a nice option .. but would it be worth developer time?
    Server Sarlona / MST / Guild Enslaved / Characters Ionos, Cydekik, Xalavan, Rodessa, Hethrow, Ramsteen

  15. #35
    Community Member GlassCannon's Avatar
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    Default +4 STR item, +5 DEX item... Tenser's? useless.

    Tenser's... my Sorc gets +1 CON and some extra swings from Tenser's. This puts her CON at an odd number. This is not and never will be an effective solution. If I have to go melee I would rather recall out and get mana. If I can't re-enter and had to either use my mana or let the party wipe from a totally unexpected *whatever happened*, which has occurred in uncommon occasion, wherein not returning is an extremely rare occasion, I am forced to rely on Mnemonic potions. If I am out of those, I would prefer a non-SP using cantrip or ability in that extremely rare case. Something useable repeatedly and powerful enough to stop or destroy at least a singular entity of my level within a reasonable amount of time.

    if Tenser's Transformation stacked with everything else, then I would use it.

  16. #36
    The Hatchery GeneralDiomedes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GlassCannon View Post
    if Tenser's Transformation stacked with everything else, then I would use it.
    Actually Divine Power clickies are a much better solution.
    Server Sarlona / MST / Guild Enslaved / Characters Ionos, Cydekik, Xalavan, Rodessa, Hethrow, Ramsteen

  17. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Symar-FangofLloth View Post
    Lemme guess, Divine Metamagic and Persistent Spell are also banned.
    Reserve feats can't be counterspelled, don't provoke attacks of opportunity, ignore spell resistance and have no material component. I don't think it's too uncommon for DMs to rule certain additions to the game as overpowering. The spell Power Word Pain is another good example of an overpowered addition to the game.

    Anyway, the point of reserve feats is to give casters who need to do damage EVERY round a means to do that. Since DDO already gives you a vast amount of spellpoints there's really no reason why you can't cast a regular spell at every encounter. If spellcasting ain't broke, don't fix it.

  18. #38
    Founder Jefechao's Avatar
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    Default uMMM

    I dont recall that they ignore spell resistance. But regardless in this game it wouldnt matter since spell resistance doesnt affect damage spells. And I disagree that there are enough spell points. I think it would be a welcome addition and there are tons of things that are broke but could still use some more things added to it.

    I wouldnt say this was an urgent one but certainly could be a future addition.
    Quintary(drow) 6 wiz/4 fight/3rog - Kerrigan PeaceBringer (Dwarf) 1fight/9cler-Frinendale (human) 1 wiz - Aiforowen (elf)3 Pal/1rog - Debris (WF) 13 fight - Galviston (Dwarf) Ran3/Pal4 Steeltotem 4barb/3cleric
    Guild Leader Maelstrom Ghallanda

  19. #39
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    Default ...

    Quote Originally Posted by Staedtler View Post
    Reserve feats can't be counterspelled, don't provoke attacks of opportunity, ignore spell resistance and have no material component. I don't think it's too uncommon for DMs to rule certain additions to the game as overpowering. The spell Power Word Pain is another good example of an overpowered addition to the game.

    Anyway, the point of reserve feats is to give casters who need to do damage EVERY round a means to do that. Since DDO already gives you a vast amount of spellpoints there's really no reason why you can't cast a regular spell at every encounter. If spellcasting ain't broke, don't fix it.
    Counterspell isn't in DDO, neither are AoO, spell resistance doesn't work against damaging spells and many spells already don't have materials components. You're wrong on almost all counts. Also, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" attitude is flawed. In fact, that belief has actually cost companies that didn't move into the consumer oriented marketing era.

  20. #40
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    This would be an EXCELLENT addition for Crowd Controlling Sorcerors and definitely a Boon to Wizards.

    I'm in favor of this idea all day long, twice on sunday.

    Make it a single target elemental based attack that deals Your Level+Ability Score+1d10 damage that is usable at will. At the highest levels with some very nice gear most arcanists will be doing around 14+11+5.5 damage a hit. Around 30 damage. Comparitively speaking. That's jack squat... but it IS something.

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