When using throwing weapons (not bows or anything else) do I have the feats listed in the correct catagory and if not then please let me know where I am wrong. Questions do come up.

These feats work with throwing weapons:

Greater Weapon Focus: Thrown Weapons
Greater Weapon Specialization: Thrown Weapons
Improved Critical: Thrown Weapons
Martial Weapon Proficiency (Throwing Hammer)
Quick Draw
Simple Weapon Proficiency(Throwing Dagger)
Weapon Focus: Thrown Weapons
Weapon Specialization: Thrown Weapons

These feats do not work with throwing weapons:

Improved Two Weapon Fighting
Point Blank Shot
Rapid Shot
Shot on the Run

These feats are in a grey area and clarification would be appreciated:

Improved Precise Shot
Precise Shot
Spring Attack

Thank you for any corrections and clarifications and any thought on the future of feat changes concerning throwing weapons.