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  1. #1
    Community Member Zenix_Leviticus's Avatar
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    Default Stormcleve consistently bugged

    I tried to run Stormcleve last Saturday (8/11) and again last night (8/15).
    Both times the same exact thing happened.

    We got to where the big crates are guarded by the giants and there were
    no giants, crates, or the bag witht the shard in it.

    A guildie in our party told us that was the 3rd or 4th time it has happened
    to him and that a GM told him there was nothing that could be don, but start
    the quest over.

    Can we please get this quest fixed? It has been buggy since day 1.
    Faithful Uprising - Guild Leader
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  2. #2


    GMs usually will spawn that for ya (have for me at least), but I agree. That quest needs to be fixed or erased.
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  3. #3
    Community Member In_Like_Flynn's Avatar
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    Cool Use the Tools Provided

    Quote Originally Posted by Zenix Leviticus View Post
    ... Can we please get this quest fixed? It has been buggy since day 1.
    File an in-game bug report.
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  4. #4
    Community Member weyoun's Avatar
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    I have filed bugs for stormcleave on many occasions. It has real problems spawning the NPCs up by the gate, and by the tunnel, and Ingskadeer. I still run it but am getting annoyed that it has been like this for SOOOOOOO long. Fix it please.
    Lysol, Winner of the Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence

  5. #5
    Community Member Okita's Avatar
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    The GM either lied, or the guy didn't want to wait around for the GM to actually reply and just told you that.

    They can spawn the crates and monsters ... and when this happens, it's usually easier to get the conquest bonus (don't have to fight the arcanes, or the elementals in the last room) ...

    Next time it happens, you submit a report and the GM will fix you right up

  6. #6
    Community Member Netminder69's Avatar
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    Not to mention the XP bug that has been around forever. Or did they actually fix that and I just haven't ran it in so long that I missed that?

  7. #7
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    Guide to running Stormcleave:

    1) Assemble a party. This is very open-ended, but at least one member needs to be level 5 or higher.
    2) Decide on your difficulty, then enter the quest.
    3) File an in-game help request for Sormcleave. Be sure not to supply too many specific details because you're not sure what the issue is yet.
    4) Fight your way to the gate warden. Can't find the warden? Well, you have just found a bug that the gm can help you with, but the is no way he has responded yet so hang tight.
    5) This would be a good time to check for the commander, so run across the bridge to see if he is there. If not, then inform the gm when he finds the time to respond.
    6) As you continue on, be sure that the total count on remaining pillars decrease as you defeat the mephits. Again, the gm can fix it for you if it is not happening, of course he still hasn't responded yet so be patient.
    7) The weapon crates and first named giant are a must, so make sure you destroy them. Otherwise, the gm needs to know about any missing crates.
    8) By the time you get to the second named giant you may have received a gm response. Now would be a perfect time to inform him of any issues you have discovered along the way. If everything is fine thus far - highly doubtful - then start stalling the gm because you will likely need him for Helos or the last named giant.
    9) Finally, thank the gm for his timely response , and his services. At this point you stand a small 33% chance of finding a bug before the last fight. (please note that the 33% chance appears smaller when viewed in a mirror)
    10) 90 minutes later you will be able to recall from the quest. Successful completion? Well, that is definitely not guaranteed. You may need to reenter and give it another shot.

  8. #8
    Community Member KoboldKiller's Avatar
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    I've only had SC bug 3 times and all but once it was fixed in a few minutes.
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  9. #9


    Stormcleave has been bugged since last summer. We usually check to see if the commander is there and only recall out if he is not(chances are if he is not there multiple mobs did not spawn). It seems to be a lot more tsable these days for me as the odd no show is relegated to mobs that are not key to progression of the quest.
    Fallen former minion of the Gelatinous Cube
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArkoHighStar View Post
    Stormcleave has been bugged since last summer.
    Stormlceave was bugged prior to release.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Palmetto View Post
    Stormlceave was bugged prior to release.
    yes but the last time they took it down for repairs was just before last summer I believe.
    Fallen former minion of the Gelatinous Cube
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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArkoHighStar View Post
    yes but the last time they took it down for repairs was just before last summer I believe.
    And they repaired what?

    You are right, they took it out of circulation late spring / early summer last year.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Palmetto View Post
    And they repaired what?

    You are right, they took it out of circulation late spring / early summer last year.
    I was actually going to ask if anyone remembered when SC wasnt bugged. Everything seemed ok until mid-late summer of last year. (I ran it a bunch at the time, not once did it bug.)

    Wasnt it about the same time they put Mod 2 in that it bugged again??
    Last edited by Raath; 08-17-2007 at 03:09 PM.

  14. #14
    Founder Zorlinta's Avatar
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    Sometimes the game speaks by itself and give you this kind of cryptic messages wich means "stop playing so many times this x or y quest"
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    Yeah, finally updated the signature so?

  15. #15
    Community Member brootus31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Okita View Post
    The GM either lied, or the guy didn't want to wait around for the GM to actually reply and just told you that.

    They can spawn the crates and monsters ... and when this happens, it's usually easier to get the conquest bonus (don't have to fight the arcanes, or the elementals in the last room) ...

    Next time it happens, you submit a report and the GM will fix you right up
    Fix you right up eh? The last time this happened, I waited over an hour for a response. Finally the party gave up and left. I checked my ticket log the next day, and the GM did respond.... but it was half an hour after we gave up and logged.

    I think with the larger server populations they need to add a few GM's. That is just unacceptable customer service.

  16. #16
    Community Member Mercules's Avatar
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    I've had this happen twice. First time GM responded politely but couldn't do anything. The Mephits had spawned, but after killing them their pillar did not light and he could not toggle it. I didn't think to ask him to respawn the mephits in an effort to trigger the pillar again.

    The second time one of the needed bosses did not spawn. GM responded to me, spawned said boss, and we were able to complete the quest. While waiting for that giant we went on with the rest of the quest so down time was minimal.

    I've also had this happen in Gwlyan's and Redwillow. I wonder if it is something to do with the big multi-task open areas with caves?
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