I've had a lot of trouble designing a dragon marked character that I wanted to play, so I wanted to start a challenge thread(for my benefit and edication!) - please post your Power gamer dragon marked build ideas.

The build needs to:
- be survivable at low levels
- derive benefit from the Mark as a group member in the end-game

Solo-ability isn't the focus here - we know how cool it is to be able to Dimension Door with a fighter, but in a good high-level group someone else can just cast it. THis has kept me away from the Marks of Warding, Passage, and Sentinel - yeah, it's cool, but the clerics and arcanes can do it too, better, and more often.

I have some theories, but I haven't built them to my satisfaction...

A pure rogue with the Mark of Shadows?
A bard with the Mark of Shadows?
An Arcane or a Melee with the Mark of Healing?