Looking for:
greataxes except smiting
con 6 necklace
finessable vorpal
rez ring
wiz 6 helm
Thats all that I can think of that I need atm but all offers will be considered
What I have for trade:
+1 paralyzing adamintine kama of maiming
+1 paralyzing scimitar tendon slice (2%)
+2 paralyzing cold iron bastard sword
+1 paralyzing bastard sword of maiming (Traded)
+1 true law club of smiting (lawful)
+1 seeker (2) dwarven axe of disruption
+5 shocking burst dwarven axe
+3 anarchic burst byeshk bastard sword of tendon slice (2%) lvl 14
+5 protection necklace
+5 protection cloak (Traded)
+6 wisdom necklace
+6 intel ring
+6 cha helm
helm of the black dragon
helm of the magi
+5 mithral chain shirt
+5 elven chainmail