Ok got bored and was looking through the d20 data for D&D spells and started to wonder about things and when we will see it in DDO or why we see it in DDO the way we do. Let me break it down like this:
1) Stormrevers Fly lasts about 3 min (forget the actual timer but I'm about right). PnP Fly spell duration is 1 min./level according to: http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/fly.htm Does this mean he is level 3? Wait I just realized he could of multiclassed nvm.. Thought you were nerfing mob only spells now just like players.
2) I know there will be spells from PnP that are impossible to impliment into DDO either by concept or by design choice, and obviously some have been looked at and decided on. Of the spells that are certain not to make it into DDO can we get a list of them, and maybee a list of the spells you plan someday to try to introduce (allowing for a "no prommises" disclosure statement)?
3) Spells have somewhat been introduced in a mob first method. I rember falling victim to chain lightning many times before I could cast it myself. Instances like that were often do to level cap differences between mobs and myself. Currently we see spells developers use such as reverse gravity and fly which in PnP would be fair game for players our level to use. Will the trend of mobs first continue or are we seeing a new policy of mob only spells that are hands off potentially forever?