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  1. #1
    Community Member Calydin's Avatar
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    Lightbulb A solution for tavern lag

    I noticed since the merger that taverns have been severe lag beasts and it occurred to me that it is primarily the ones with PvP arenas.

    So what if you made each arena have a door at the respective taverns, that transports those to the PvP arena, and made them seperate from the actual tavern? That would create a different space for those PvPing and leave the taverns for what they were meant to be, places to gather for parties and quest preparation.

    Just an idea!
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  2. #2
    Stormreach Advisor
    oronisi's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    I don't get this lag specific to taverns, maybe it's your computer choking on the settings you have?
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  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Well, I dont really experience any lag in taverns, however I am not one to sit around in one very long real point to it other than waiting for clickies to regen or get hp/mana back which usually takes 1 minute. Beyond that taverns just seem confining and boring to me, with no reason to sit around in them.

    What I have noticed recently that seems to be a common situation for many people (lag-wise) and I also experience from time to time more now, is that zoning is taking longer for many people and seemingly to freeze for many people while doing so.

    If the taverns are this busy, then adding zoning doors would probably only make this zoning lag even worse and would not be a very popular alteration to how the taverns work. Granted that will mainly effect those wanting to PvP, but they are players too and have just as much voice in the matter.

  4. #4
    Founder Deusxmachina's Avatar
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    Yep, lots of freezing today, people getting stuck in one spot, (both inside quests and out), running around gianthold and not having a recall button, etc. Pretty messed up today.
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  5. #5
    Community Member Beherit_Baphomar's Avatar
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    Last night I had some pretty bad lag...IN OLD SULLYS GROG!!! Real choppy, real laggy....not good.
    Binding is Admitting Defeat ~ Yndrofian
    Of The O.S.D, Argonnessen
    Quote Originally Posted by Grace_ana View Post
    At least I'm not on G-Land.

  6. #6
    Community Member Capstern's Avatar
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    Default I find

    I find that if I go to my WHO tab and turn off the check mark for ANY seems to ease up on the lag since my system isnt constantly checking for available players and with so many more here probably a resource hog
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  7. #7
    Community Member Klattuu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Calydin View Post
    I noticed since the merger that taverns have been severe lag beasts and it occurred to me that it is primarily the ones with PvP arenas.

    So what if you made each arena have a door at the respective taverns, that transports those to the PvP arena, and made them seperate from the actual tavern? That would create a different space for those PvPing and leave the taverns for what they were meant to be, places to gather for parties and quest preparation.

    Just an idea!
    What you are actually choking on is your computer's ability to draw everyone in the instance. Even if you separate out the PvP room into its own instance, the rules for how many people can be in the main tavern room is still the same and you are still presented with the same issue when the room fills up. Avatars are the most complex items in the game and it takes a lot of computing power to draw one (not to mention a whole room full of them).

    There are 3 general ways to fix this:
    1) Get a better computer.
    2) Lower the limit to the number of people allowed in an instance.
    3) Introduce some better logic into the graphics engine to deal with rendering issues.

    Turbine is working on the issue with solution #3.

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