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  1. #1
    Community Member Necro_Jill's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default I commit myself to Sarlona

    Hello my name is Ilyrial some of you know me others don't. I just want to say I recently unguilded myself, on good terms just don't wish to be guilded anymore.

    I am posting to say if anyone needs help with a raid, high lvl favor, gear or just a third wheel look me up. I will also take any high end gear I get and give it away in some sort of lfm game, until gm's yell at me at least as in case of Wedsday night.

    As for raids I know em all pretty well, I'm not uber-leet or anything but can help and will play by party leader's loot rules. In all honesty only 2-3 raid items i want so most times I won't care. And with new system I'll divide any raid loot I get as the party leader has set forth as the method.

    I am just sayin abuse me Sarlona make use of my raid knowledge, or general help. Look my up on Ilyrial or Rhev if ya need me.

    Now as the way forums go let the flaming begin.

  2. #2
    Community Member todd31's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Necro Jill View Post
    Hello my name is Ilyrial some of you know me others don't. I just want to say I recently unguilded myself, on good terms just don't wish to be guilded anymore.

    I am posting to say if anyone needs help with a raid, high lvl favor, gear or just a third wheel look me up. I will also take any high end gear I get and give it away in some sort of lfm game, until gm's yell at me at least as in case of Wedsday night.

    As for raids I know em all pretty well, I'm not uber-leet or anything but can help and will play by party leader's loot rules. In all honesty only 2-3 raid items i want so most times I won't care. And with new system I'll divide any raid loot I get as the party leader has set forth as the method.

    I am just sayin abuse me Sarlona make use of my raid knowledge, or general help. Look my up on Ilyrial or Rhev if ya need me.

    Now as the way forums go let the flaming begin.

    Nothing to flame here, moving along.

    I have grouped with you before and you are a great player. I hope you can get the satisfaction of the whole MMO experience being unguilded. You will always be welcome in a Doombringer group in my opinion if we can fit you in. You are a great player and Sarlona should be a better place to pug now.


  3. #3
    Community Member Necro_Jill's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    now marlak you go back and you flame like no other... go i know you can

  4. #4
    Community Member Grinndal's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    don't let him fool you he wiped us like 3 times on the reaver the other night.
    Grinndal 17th Level Ranger. Cobain 19th Level Cleric. Milhouse 18th Level Fighter. Bonham 20th Level Ranger

    From the Village of Aerenal located in the Land of Sarlona Gravis Negotium

  5. #5
    Community Member Necro_Jill's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    lol that's cuz i like to see the grinndal is a loser and failed again message, and with every death i got to take a shot... so lets see... full wipe =... omg alot of fun

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