Okay, here's the deal folks. I am looking for elemental burst khopeshes. I am not interested in greater banes. I will be auctioning off the following items in this format.
Each khopesh will be assigned a point value-
1 point per plus of weapon
2 points for flaming burst or icy burst
3 points for shocking burst or acid burst(don't think this exists)
1 point for "of maiming"
no other abilities will be assigned points.
RR is not an issue for these khopeshes, so this is an excellent time to get rid of those RR:whatever khopeshes!
the minimums given for an item are the minimum point value for a single item offered in trade.
the items are as follows.
+1 paralyzing khopesh (1 tick of dam) min bid - 6
+2 vorpal greataxe min bid - 8
+2 icy burst greataxe of pure good rr:halfling ml:6 min bid - 4 current bid - 4pts
+5 flaming burst greatsword min bid - 6
fearsome robe of rage 5/rest min bid - 5
disease immunity belt of greater false life min bid - 7
+2 dagger of disruption min bid - 7
the auction will run through Aug 20th, and end at a random time to avoid ninja bids.
bids can be pm'ed or posted, with posting being the preferred method.
tying bids will be chosen by my personal preference, and the preferred weapon will be noted as soon as I note any ties.