Why is it that we are here to have fun and play a game to leave the real world for a while, but we cause so much drama. General in-game comments about another toon for no reason ,racial comments ,guild to guild problems. Folks this is a game and you know the things to say to people in here you would never say for no reason face to face. Black lists: a list that someone puts you on that means you did something he/she did not like for all to follow. Now in the real world would all of us get along perfectly? NO!! You would just avoide them and carry on. But here you actually pay and invite the drama. People wine ,cry and moan about all things but if everyone just played to have fun like its supposed to be things would be so much better. I don't know maybe people like drama myself I like to avoide it and have a good time. Now are you going to make everyone happy ofcourse not but if we are polite and agree to have a common good time I think most of these issues that we cause ourselves would vanish. Thanks for reading my comment had to get it off my chest.