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  1. #1
    Founder Creadance's Avatar
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    Default South Threnal Rewards

    Can you please upgrade the Asbestos Booties Fire Resistance with -2 Reflex, come on this is the lamest reward in the bunch.
    First off why Fire resistance???? it should be at least Improved Fire Resistance but since you add -2 reflex it should be Greater Fire Resistance. Then maybe characters will start taking this item.
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  2. #2
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    What I don't understand is why there is a -2 reflex save on them at all. Asbestos is highly pliable, highly flexible in fabric form, and extremely lightweight (I am an environmental consultant, 85% of my job is dealing with asbestos). In fact, in my PROFESSIONAL opinion the boots should be upgraded in this manner:
    -remove the -2 reflex save penalty
    -add acid resistance 10 to the boots
    Asbestos is highly heat AND chemical resistant. It was used for centuries for clothing, blankets, and various other fabrics. It is not heavy at all, in fact it is quite fluffy. In the early days of theatre they used asbestos as stage-snow.

  3. #3
    Founder Creadance's Avatar
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    If they do they need to make it +20 acid and fire then since most who do this quest are around 8th to 10th level and have spells cast on them that offer higher protection then the gear they will wear.
    After all they changed TS gear to Improved fire and Cold so why not change these as well.
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  4. #4
    Community Member In_Like_Flynn's Avatar
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    Cool Wheeze

    Toons should also be under the constant effect of fatigue from breathing problems brought on by wearing the boots.
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by In Like Flynn View Post
    Toons should also be under the constant effect of fatigue from breathing problems brought on by wearing the boots.
    I shouldn't get into technicalities, but the boots wouldn't harm anybody for at least 25 years. If you've been exposed to asbestos, for the most part it won't show up for at least 20-35 years. Only a heavy, heavy exposure will result in quicker symptoms.

  6. #6
    Community Member Aeneas's Avatar
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    Default weird

    I was looking at this same thing earlier and asked the same question to myself. In addition to this though, i was wondering why we don't have any quest string set rewards anymore. There is no high level Threnal, or Co6. These were my favorite quests when the game started because i knew i was getting something good at the end. I'd even argue that they're more fun than raids.

    P.S. if they make these fire and acid resist, i will have a pair on every toon to negate burning blood and acid arrow.
    Last edited by Aeneas; 08-15-2007 at 01:15 PM.
    Aeneas - Boosterseat - Eulogy - Diminutive - Moths

  7. #7
    Community Member Laith's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aeneas View Post
    These were my favorite quests when the game started because i knew i was getting something good at the end. I'd even argue that they're more fun than raids.
    The static end reward system was flawed.

    It made people run a few quests repeatedly because they had greater benefits than others. the side effect was that they felt the game had less content, because other quests weren't as rewarding, and thus avoided.

    And before you say it, the "partial static" loot system we have now isn't asking you to run the quests more. It's just not promising the powerful item at the end: just like most other quests. In the end, like any static item found in a particular chest, it's up to the player to decide how many repeats the prize is worth.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Laith View Post
    The static end reward system was flawed.

    It made people run a few quests repeatedly because they had greater benefits than others. the side effect was that they felt the game had less content, because other quests weren't as rewarding, and thus avoided.
    And grinding for scales, relics, invader tokens, and bronze tokens is an improvement?

    I've never felt that the risk/reward ratio was sufficient for any of the static rewards -- I've only run those quests for favor or XP. Doubly so for the raids. The short fast adventures have a much better risk/reward payout.
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  9. #9
    Community Member Aeneas's Avatar
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    Default no

    We have reason to run the other quests too, that's what favor was for. The thing is, these chain quests (generally speaking) had good xp and good reward vs. time spent.

    you've never felt the time vs. reward was worth it? You didn't want +3 con, dex, or str items at level 5 for running troot? You don't still have a high level character running around with spec ops, or a wf with 3 or 4 brass beaver rings? How about a mummy bat - that didn't make Co6 more enticing for you? Please, at the levels we were able to acquire some of this stuff, it was like we just got a piece of raid loot. That warm and fuzzy feeling is basically gone after level 10 and the acquisition of that last thing you needed from threnal. Then you're stuck waiting for that rare chance to roll against a party of other people for a piece of raid loot that probably won't drop after you invest hours in a raid.

    As for the partial static loot end rewards, i really like those too because they're always high level items with reduced lvl requirements and occasionally you'll get something really nice.
    Last edited by Aeneas; 08-15-2007 at 02:01 PM.
    Aeneas - Boosterseat - Eulogy - Diminutive - Moths

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Laith View Post
    And before you say it, the "partial static" loot system we have now isn't asking you to run the quests more. It's just not promising the powerful item at the end: just like most other quests. In the end, like any static item found in a particular chest, it's up to the player to decide how many repeats the prize is worth.
    It is not a promise but it CAN happen. I mean I've pulled a ring of shield, 5 clicky out of STK end rewards before. There is the Feather Falling boots out of WW.

    It is just a gamble is all on your luck to be.

  11. #11
    Community Member Laith's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrAwkward View Post
    And grinding for scales, relics, invader tokens, and bronze tokens is an improvement?

    I've never felt that the risk/reward ratio was sufficient for any of the static rewards -- I've only run those quests for favor or XP. Doubly so for the raids. The short fast adventures have a much better risk/reward payout.
    scales - no, i'm not a fan. but alot of people LOVE grinding for them. They can have their moderately better armor for all i care. Good thing it's not required to be l33t, cuz apparently i'm not.

    invaders tokens - if they didn't bind, i wouldn't mind them. that being said, they seem the perfect evidence that no one really wants a raid token system. IMO they were testing the waters. At the time, those rewards were practically raidloot.

    relics - yes. you can effectively run any gianthold quest to get your relics, since trading is allowed (with people and NPCs). so instead of running one quest string repeatedly, we got to run any of the new content to prepare for the raid... and we only had to do it once.

    This doesn't even compare to the "good ol' days" before favor where no one ran anything but WW>STK>Deleras/SC>Co6>Threnal til cap. If 100% static rewards were still around, you'd still do that, then go back and do favor once capped. Why? because these quests offered abnormally (when compared to equal lvl content) good rewards in XP and/or items.

    bronze tokens - rewards shoulda been static... or lvl14 items... or less tokens required for rewards. Not a terrible idea, bad execution. Seems like the primitive ancestor of GH relics.
    Last edited by Laith; 08-15-2007 at 02:21 PM.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by DrAwkward View Post
    And grinding for scales, relics, invader tokens, and bronze tokens is an improvement?

    I've never felt that the risk/reward ratio was sufficient for any of the static rewards -- I've only run those quests for favor or XP. Doubly so for the raids. The short fast adventures have a much better risk/reward payout.
    They aren't now but when we only had 10 levels and +4 stat items were very rare, those +3 stat items out of tangleroot were standard for everyone, and every fighter had a retribution, and spec ops, and the bat out of CO6 and the golden cartouche, linen wraps, and the iron manacles etc . Now that vanilla +4 stat items are considered vendor fodder they don't seem so great but when they were static everyone had them, because they were so easy to get. Now we have to decide whether we want to put in the effort to get dragon armor etc.

    Yes it is a time sinkbut that is how it goes.
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  13. #13
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    I'm not saying that the static rewards are bad, just not worth the effort.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aeneas View Post
    You didn't want +3 con, dex, or str items at level 5 for running troot? You don't still have a high level character running around with spec ops,
    I wouldn't run the quest to get them specifically, no.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aeneas View Post
    or a wf with 3 or 4 brass beaver rings?
    My forgie has three. Normal. Hard. Elite. Never again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aeneas View Post
    How about a mummy bat
    I took one recently because I thought the picture was cute. I've never used it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aeneas View Post
    As for the partial static loot end rewards, i really like those too because they're always high level items with reduced lvl requirements and occasionally you'll get something really nice.
    They are not always high level items. They are 90% crud.

    Ok... so a 5th level character runs a series of 8 quests with no end reward but the last, and is happy to get a +3 bound item because its Minimum Level requirement is 2 instead of 4? He's already 5th level!

    For 8 quests, I should be getting offered stuff that I couldn't even use if it weren't for the fact the ML was reduced.
    There was a girl warforged named Cleaver.
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  14. #14
    Community Member Hokiewa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrAwkward View Post
    Ok... so a 5th level character runs a series of 8 quests with no end reward but the last, and is happy to get a +3 bound item because its Minimum Level requirement is 2 instead of 4? He's already 5th level!

    For 8 quests, I should be getting offered stuff that I couldn't even use if it weren't for the fact the ML was reduced.
    Hmmm, min level 5 instead of 7.
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  15. #15
    Community Member Aeneas's Avatar
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    Tangleroot is a 7 quest series, with level ranging from 2-7 or something like that. The end rewards are min level 5.

    Also, the last time i ran the threnal series, i received a +4 str ring, min level 7, no race restriction, but bound. These are what drop now in place of randomly excluded set items and it's a nice change.

    Off the top of my head there only 6 set item reward quest series, but like 100 individual quests. The highest level quest chain is level 10. That was fine when the cap was 10, but i think it would be appropriate to add a level 14ish quest series with set end rewards for the portion of the player base that likes it. If you don't like it, then run the quests out of order and enjoy each one individually. Adding stuff like this wouldn't detract from the game, but rather add in a chance at a new set of desirable and unique named items.
    Last edited by Aeneas; 08-16-2007 at 04:37 PM.
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  16. #16
    Community Member transtemporal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aspenor View Post
    I shouldn't get into technicalities, but the boots wouldn't harm anybody for at least 25 years. If you've been exposed to asbestos, for the most part it won't show up for at least 20-35 years. Only a heavy, heavy exposure will result in quicker symptoms.
    But I want my toon to retire in style to a nice place in Florida, with a few million plat and a Pina Colada +5. Having asbestos booties this early in his career seems like a pretty risky move, health-wise.

    Is there an equivalent item he can get, just not made of asbestos? Also, the boots must be in snakeskin, with spurs.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aeneas View Post
    Tangleroot is a 7 quest series, with level ranging from 2-7 or something like that. The end rewards are min level 5.

    Also, the last time i ran the threnal series, i received a +4 str ring, min level 7, no race restriction, but bound. These are what drop now in place of randomly excluded set items and it's a nice change.
    I thought TR was 10 quests, with the last three runs through being two quests each.

    The last time I ran Co6 I was offered ML 2 stuff. Its been a long time since I've run any of the string series (for that reason), so perhaps the loot has improved.
    Last edited by DrAwkward; 08-17-2007 at 04:23 PM. Reason: Truth is subjective
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  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrAwkward View Post
    I thought TR was 10 quests, with the last three runs through being two quests each.
    Guess it depends on your idea of what a "quest" is. TR has 7 chapters, it just so happens that chapters 5-7 each have 2 parts. Similar with Co6 - 3 chapters there, each with 2 parts.

  19. #19
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    This doesn't even compare to the "good ol' days" before favor where no one ran anything but WW>STK>Deleras/SC>Co6>Threnal til cap. If 100% static rewards were still around, you'd still do that, then go back and do favor once capped. Why? because these quests offered abnormally (when compared to equal lvl content) good rewards in XP and/or items.
    Have this actually changed at all since back then? Sure the name of the quests has changed but people with that mind set still run the quests which they view as most beneficial. People that level 11-14 just running pop for example.

    Even at lower levels you thing people are running more variety then back in the day? Or are they just running the quests that will get them to level 10 as quick as they can so they can go from 10-14 in the giant hold?

    People that want to adventure and try all the quest did so back in the day and still doing so today. People that looking for the quick route will always find it.

    The type of people that just ran chains back then is still doing the same behavior today but they just find the quest with the most exp or best random loot instead of running chains that have decent static reward. What a big improvement running the same quest over and over instead of a chain of quest over and over.

    Lack of static loot have changed nothing in this regard.

  20. #20
    Community Member UriahHeep's Avatar
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    For the most part, the end rewards for the chain series are pretty disappointing. The lower lvl ones aren't too bad: WW, TR, STK, and Deleras. Yet look at CO6. It's a six part series with two lvl 10 quests (?) and the item rewards are only lvl 7. Back in the day the scavaged warplate was pretty good, saw a lot of folks wearing it. That was when +4 fullplate was almost unheard of. You can wear +4 admantine fullplate at lvl 6 (and people give them away) so why would you take +3 as an end reward?

    It's not that the end rewards are bad, it's just that at higher levels people tend to have better items than what is given as an end reward. There should be an update to the static loot reward system. Get rid of the stupid armors and the +4 this -3 that and -1 this stat items. The items don't have to be powerful, they just have to be unique. A trinket that allows any player to use cure light wounds wands for instance or an item that allows you to regen HP or SP faster in taverns/towns.

    Ah well, perhaps someday.

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