hi all. I apologise if somebody has already posted this suggestion but I haven't found anything to the effect so far so here goes.
I'm a big fan of the Eberron-inspired enhancements such as the "Follower of..." or class specialisations. I think they add player versatility (for the power players) and engaging flavour elements (for the roleplayers). I hope that there will be more content like this in future updates.
In the meantime, here are some ideas that have been floating about in my head (please feel free to add more and make suggestions):
- Move Follower of Vulkoor from Drow Paladins to Drow Rangers since this fits the portfolio of Vulkoor much better. Vulkoor is, afterall, the Sovereign of Cunning, the Hunt and Wrath and I'm not sure if Lawful Good paladins should be revelling too much in tricking and killing their foes for matters of vengeance.
- Song enhancements based on the progenitor dragons such as Song of the Heart (Siberys based, helps allies) or Song of Hatred (Khyber based, debuffs) or Song of the Soul (Eberron based, emulates spells).
- Ancient Knowledge enhancements that reflect the war between the Quori and the ancient giants. Wouldn't it be neat if you could say all that adventuring in the Ruins of Gianthold has taught your toon something? Or maybe you got something other than flavour and frustration out of Dreams of Insanity?
- And for the future... when druid is added it would be nifty if enhancements based on Daelkyr\Gatekeeper war. Gatekeeper Initiate sounds like an easy idea for druids and rangers or maybe characters with symbiont grafts for those who like the madness of the daelkyr?
Am I a voice in the wilderness on this? Please add your two cents!