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  1. #21


    Here's the thing with Confirmation buttons. As people have pointed out, they aren't very usefull if the person is already reading the initial button press, and simply not paying attention or refusing to read.

    This isn't the case with the release button. People are accidentally hitting it because it happens to pop up where their mouse is when they die. In this case, a confirmation button is useful. Since no matter where the release button is put, more than one person will eventually accidentally click on it as they die. The confirmation button efficiently fixes that problem.

    This is the same issue with restoring your Defaults in the Options menu. More than once I've acidentally hit that button with an errant click. A confrim box there would be very nice as well. Not to help the people that click on purpose, but don't read what button they are clicking, but to help the people that didn't even mean to click in the first place.
    Drakion, Leader of the Lightbringers - Argonnessen - A Founding Guild

    Currently Leveling: Drakyon the Sinner - Human Cleric

  2. #22
    Community Member Harncw's Avatar
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    /TELL Tackilack ~ Tackalack ~ Taq ~ Heartattack ~ Scrooge

  3. #23
    Stormreach Advisor
    DrAwkward's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    Remove the pop-up "You are screwed" window. It's there for the newbies who might otherwise not know what to do. Replace it with one of those tutorial boxes that plague us in Smugglers Rest:
    "You are incapacitated. Type /death to die in place, press the Recall/Finish button to die and recall to your bind point, or wait for a party member to rescue you."
    "You are dead. press the Recall/Finish button to recall to your bind point, or wait for a party member to rescue you."

    Also add the above messages to the chat windows.

    Allow /death while incapped. Allow a player to Finish/Recall when dead.

    Keep the timers on /death and Recall, but make sure that the player is able to interrupt the action.
    Last edited by DrAwkward; 08-17-2007 at 05:17 PM.
    There was a girl warforged named Cleaver.
    Every man that she loved would soon leave her.
    They all left so fast / as they couldn't get past
    the fact that she has a Brass Beaver

  4. #24
    Community Member
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    Default Confirm or remove Release popup on Death


  5. #25
    Founder Paragon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by negative View Post
    Here's the thing with Confirmation buttons. As people have pointed out, they aren't very usefull if the person is already reading the initial button press, and simply not paying attention or refusing to read.

    This isn't the case with the release button. People are accidentally hitting it because it happens to pop up where their mouse is when they die. In this case, a confirmation button is useful. Since no matter where the release button is put, more than one person will eventually accidentally click on it as they die. The confirmation button efficiently fixes that problem.

    This is the same issue with restoring your Defaults in the Options menu. More than once I've acidentally hit that button with an errant click. A confrim box there would be very nice as well. Not to help the people that click on purpose, but don't read what button they are clicking, but to help the people that didn't even mean to click in the first place.
    I think a confiration box would basically fix the problem. I also think it would be better to just use the recall button to release, since right now you can't use it when incapped or dead. Make it change to a "release" button when you're dead instead of just graying out.

    On the note of confirmation boxes, though, someone will still mess up. I was in one group for von 5 and saw a guy accidentally destroy the signet ring despite confirmation boxes and all.
    Unofficial Dark Wizard of The Hand of the Black Tower

  6. #26
    Community Member MtnLion's Avatar
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    I have noticed several glitches with the questing tab. Some of the glitches could possibly be resolved during a rework to put the release button onto this tab, possibly where it should have been all along; right next to finish. The drawback that strikes me is the tavern brawling scenario, where there is no quest tab.

    The death or incap messages can be placed as an advisory, like the bypass or non-proficiency messages.

  7. #27


    Quote Originally Posted by Paragon View Post
    On the note of confirmation boxes, though, someone will still mess up. I was in one group for von 5 and saw a guy accidentally destroy the signet ring despite confirmation boxes and all.
    This is true, but I think at that point it is no longer in the realm of "a problem with the game". I doubt anyone could seriously complain / argue that the game should have done more to prevent them from doing this.
    Drakion, Leader of the Lightbringers - Argonnessen - A Founding Guild

    Currently Leveling: Drakyon the Sinner - Human Cleric

  8. #28
    Community Member
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    This issue has popped up many, many times (pun intended). The insta-release is a little annoying, but as others have suggested, rather than a confirmation box, a simple timer, identical to the recall timer, is all that is needed (interruptable of course). Considering that it takes 12 seconds to recall out, why is long-distance ressurrection so fast?

    And to Gimpster: caution helps, but is not a fail-safe. I am careful, but it has happened to me twice, both times in raids I could not get back into, because the death/release box popped up just as I was trying to switch weapons or use potions. Once was while trying to switch weapon sets while /tab'ing through enemy targets, the other time while trying to drink a Prot. vs. Fire potion while madly hopping through lava. It happens. If it hasn't happened to you, so much the better and good for you, but don't assume it is mere carelessness that is to blame.

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