EDIT: This problem is now basically fixed via a "release" button that is grayed out for several seconds initially when you die. YAY!! Thanks Turbine!
Here's a UI improvement that should be very easy to make and will result in some lowered frustration by players of all levels.
1. Make the "release Popup" stay in whatever location you last moved it to - no more popping up in the middle of the screen right as you try to click yourself for a heal!
2. When incapacitated, the "release" popup should be a "death" popup; i.e. clicking it while incapacitated should only cause you to die, effectively the same as the "/death" command. Then once dead you'd have the option to release.
3. And last, clicking "death" and "release" should be 2 step; i.e. both should have confirmation popups "are you sure you want to release and go back to The-Inn-Of-Farr-Away when the Rez shrine is 2 inches away" type of popup.
These three changes would be extremely trivial and shouldn't impact content related changes -- and yet they could result in not accidentally releasing as I know happens to even experienced players occasionally, it would also be great for new players.
Please bump this thread if this is a feature you'd like to see.