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  1. #1
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    Default Easy change with Massive benefit and lowered frustrations

    EDIT: This problem is now basically fixed via a "release" button that is grayed out for several seconds initially when you die. YAY!! Thanks Turbine!

    Here's a UI improvement that should be very easy to make and will result in some lowered frustration by players of all levels.

    1. Make the "release Popup" stay in whatever location you last moved it to - no more popping up in the middle of the screen right as you try to click yourself for a heal!

    2. When incapacitated, the "release" popup should be a "death" popup; i.e. clicking it while incapacitated should only cause you to die, effectively the same as the "/death" command. Then once dead you'd have the option to release.

    3. And last, clicking "death" and "release" should be 2 step; i.e. both should have confirmation popups "are you sure you want to release and go back to The-Inn-Of-Farr-Away when the Rez shrine is 2 inches away" type of popup.

    These three changes would be extremely trivial and shouldn't impact content related changes -- and yet they could result in not accidentally releasing as I know happens to even experienced players occasionally, it would also be great for new players.

    Please bump this thread if this is a feature you'd like to see.

    Last edited by Krep; 10-31-2009 at 12:17 PM.

  2. #2
    Founder Dariuss's Avatar
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    I'm happy with 1 & 2.

    I'm generally against having multiple confirm windows though - just be careul where you click!
    (Note: If 1 & 2 were implemented no one would need 3 right?)
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  3. #3
    Legendary Founder Ron's Avatar
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    Good ideas, but in my opinion, what would be even better and even easier to code would be to use the button we all already use to FO or recall out of a dungeon (under the quest objectives check list):

    1) Upon incap, change the dungeon Finish/Recall button to a Death button.

    2) Upon death, make the players use the Recall button instead of using the popup window.

    No need for a popup AT ALL. No need for confirmations. The button is out of the way, it doesn't suddenly appear on the screen where it might get accidentally clicked. It's already set where people want it to be.

    The only bit of real coding that would need to be done is if you don't have that window (i.e. if you die in the harbor). Then that window would need to come up (sans checklist).
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dariuss View Post
    I'm generally against having multiple confirm windows though - just be careul where you click!
    Be "careul" where you click? In the middle of a fight, you should be careful about where you're clicking, because if you suddenly die the window might appear where you mouse is and you'll be teleported away? That's nonsense- by definition, in the middle of a deadly fight you don't have time to be careful.

    A separate confirmation for releasing from death is absolutely a good idea, because it is highly unlikely that a dead player character will actually want to release. And if he does want to, he's not going to be in a hurry about it. 99% of the time, dead characters do not release- they wait for someone in the party to rez them.

    Thus, for the 1% of the time when you do want to release to tavern, it's fine to have an extra step involved.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gimpster View Post
    Thus, for the 1% of the time when you do want to release to tavern, it's fine to have an extra step involved.
    No doubt. It's slightly stressful to have a cleric announce in the Titan instance "OOps...uh...guys?? I'm in the foothold"

  6. #6
    Founder Dariuss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gimpster View Post
    Be "careul" where you click? In the middle of a fight, you should be careful about where you're clicking, because if you suddenly die the window might appear where you mouse is and you'll be teleported away? That's nonsense- by definition, in the middle of a deadly fight you don't have time to be careful.
    Well I'm just speaking form my own experience here : Played from Feb 06 - Aug 07. Played Melee, Casters, Clerics. Never ever once 'accidentally' clicked on the release button.

    So, yeah, being careful actually does work. Funny how that is.
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  7. #7
    Community Member bigj1608's Avatar
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    i think that there should also be a confrimation gump that appears when using tomes

  8. #8


    I said it in the other thread, and I'll say it here again. If you are going to take the time to fix it, it needs a confirm box. No matter where you put that button, not matter how well it remembers it's last position, if there isn't a confirm box someone will mess up.

    I'm ussually against confirm boxes too, but for something this important, I think it requires one.
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  9. #9
    Community Member Nott's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dariuss View Post
    Well I'm just speaking form my own experience here : Played from Feb 06 - Aug 07. Played Melee, Casters, Clerics. Never ever once 'accidentally' clicked on the release button.

    So, yeah, being careful actually does work. Funny how that is.
    Since it works for one person, it clearly works for everyone?

  10. #10
    Community Member jaitee's Avatar
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    one time at band camp.... i was fighting with the mobs and boomed i was taking hard hits, as i run around using the wands i have to heal up quick, the mob incaps/kills me, the slot my wand was in, was directly under the release button, and boom, i was at the last tav., this is what people mean to say when they say its hard to be careful, you are clicking a potion or wand or clicky, and you somehow die/incap, you have no reflexes to know, that when that screen popped up and you pressed it
    Quote Originally Posted by KindoRaber View Post
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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaitee View Post
    one time at band camp.... i was fighting with the mobs and boomed i was taking hard hits, as i run around using the wands i have to heal up quick, the mob incaps/kills me, the slot my wand was in, was directly under the release button, and boom, i was at the last tav., this is what people mean to say when they say its hard to be careful, you are clicking a potion or wand or clicky, and you somehow die/incap, you have no reflexes to know, that when that screen popped up and you pressed it
    maybe thats why i dont have any trouble.

    I use my hotkeys for wands like that.

    no mouse clicking necassary
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  12. #12
    Community Member HumanJHawkins's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ron View Post
    Good ideas, but in my opinion, what would be even better and even easier to code would be to use the button we all already use to FO or recall out of a dungeon (under the quest objectives check list
    My caster is always getting hosed by this... Burning hands... Burning hands... Oh ****. I'm in a tavern...

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  13. #13
    Hatchery Founder
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    Really, I think a simple confirm window would be enough to stop accidental releases. People can use /death if they want to kill themselves while incapped.
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  14. #14
    Community Member In_Like_Flynn's Avatar
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    Cool Good Idea!

    I agree with the OP as originally proposed. This would be a minor change with major effect.
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  15. #15
    Community Member Cyr's Avatar
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    Default /signed

    Like the ideas, I like the one about just making the recall buttona nd release to tavern button one with the same timer thing for both that way you hit by accident and go dang i am releasing...jump jump a phew...
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  16. #16
    Legendary Founder Ron's Avatar
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    The only thing I mislike about the confirmation window thing is it gets to be too much button pushing. Plus, if you can accidentally hit the popup window button once, then what prevents you from hitting the confirmation button accidentally as well? Pretty soon we'll have people clamoring for a second confirmation. Then it just starts to become a Douglass Adams novel:

    Are you sure you want to rez?
    Are you Really Really sure?
    Come on, think it over carefull, do you REALLY want to rez?
    Now look, I know you THINK you want to rez, but in actual fact, is that really the best thing to do at this juncture?
    You keep pressing YES. I'm not sure it means what you think it means.
    Fine! rez then. See if I care. I'm just going to give you this one LAST chance to change your mind!
    Whooooo wants to press NO! Come on now, press the NO button. You can do it! Be a gooooood little player.
    Tell ya what, I'm going to decrease the size of the YES button to 1 pixel, and increase the size of the NO button, which will now actually overlap the YES button, try to press it NOW! Buahahahahahah!
    Hey! How did you do that? Dang it! Alright, let me just press NO for you. There, isn't that better?

    Are you sure you want to rez?
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  17. #17
    Community Member Yabba's Avatar
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    I agree with the OP as originally proposed.

  18. #18
    Community Member Tavok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dariuss View Post
    I'm happy with 1 & 2.

    I'm generally against having multiple confirm windows though - just be careul where you click!
    (Note: If 1 & 2 were implemented no one would need 3 right?)
    Then please move the rez box AWAY from the normal hotbar area so you don't click it while your trying to slam potions. This is definitely a place for multicple confirmation windows though, I don't see how it hurts. Plus you aren't really in a hurry if you are rezing out (the process of rezzing that is, getting back in you are in a hurry ;P), so there no real rush.

  19. #19
    Community Member Tavok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ron View Post
    The only thing I mislike about the confirmation window thing is it gets to be too much button pushing. Plus, if you can accidentally hit the popup window button once, then what prevents you from hitting the confirmation button accidentally as well? Pretty soon we'll have people clamoring for a second confirmation. Then it just starts to become a Douglass Adams novel:

    Are you sure you want to rez?
    Are you Really Really sure?
    Come on, think it over carefull, do you REALLY want to rez?
    Now look, I know you THINK you want to rez, but in actual fact, is that really the best thing to do at this juncture?
    You keep pressing YES. I'm not sure it means what you think it means.
    Fine! rez then. See if I care. I'm just going to give you this one LAST chance to change your mind!
    Whooooo wants to press NO! Come on now, press the NO button. You can do it! Be a gooooood little player.
    Tell ya what, I'm going to decrease the size of the YES button to 1 pixel, and increase the size of the NO button, which will now actually overlap the YES button, try to press it NOW! Buahahahahahah!
    Hey! How did you do that? Dang it! Alright, let me just press NO for you. There, isn't that better?

    Are you sure you want to rez?
    They would put the confirmation box in the normal position it is in, in the middle of your screen, as opposed to the rez box which is right near your hotbars (if you have a normal setup).

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ron View Post
    The only thing I mislike about the confirmation window thing is it gets to be too much button pushing. Plus, if you can accidentally hit the popup window button once, then what prevents you from hitting the confirmation button accidentally as well? Pretty soon we'll have people clamoring for a second confirmation. Then it just starts to become a Douglass Adams novel:

    Are you sure you want to rez?
    Are you Really Really sure?
    Come on, think it over carefull, do you REALLY want to rez?
    Now look, I know you THINK you want to rez, but in actual fact, is that really the best thing to do at this juncture?
    You keep pressing YES. I'm not sure it means what you think it means.
    Fine! rez then. See if I care. I'm just going to give you this one LAST chance to change your mind!
    Whooooo wants to press NO! Come on now, press the NO button. You can do it! Be a gooooood little player.
    Tell ya what, I'm going to decrease the size of the YES button to 1 pixel, and increase the size of the NO button, which will now actually overlap the YES button, try to press it NOW! Buahahahahahah!
    Hey! How did you do that? Dang it! Alright, let me just press NO for you. There, isn't that better?

    Are you sure you want to rez?
    Funny email and I liked the book too! In general I agree confirmations are annoying. But this is, after all, DEATH, a 20% XP penalty, an undetermined amount of party downtime, and entire-party-frustration we are talking about.

    I think it's totally justified.

    Using the "recall" button instead is a clever idea, if it isn't too hard to code.


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