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  1. #1
    Founder DZX's Avatar
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    Default UI Changes I'd Like W/Pictures

    First we have the focus orb. That large orb that we cannot resize without changing resolutions. I would like to see a modified version of the orb. Allow us to toggle between the classic orb and the newer orb from the settings menu. It's a very simple change I am looking for. Mainly the ability to flip it up, but its still a bit large even if we could do that.

    So here is an idea I through together using the map orb. I think this would be better overall.

    Also I would like to see an overhaul of the Character select screen. I mean seriously, we don't even have a back button to go back to the server select. Archaic much?

    So let's add a server button to the character select screen as well as pretty it up a bit. That solid brown needs to go. Also it would be nice if we could get different backgrounds (not a lot) based on race. So if I was logging in an elf I would see Phiarlan, if I was logging in a human I would see Denieth etc. Just one screen per race would be nice.

    Basically what I did was modified and combine three ideas. The old character select screen with the character creation screen and tool tip popups. I also included tiles for unused slots and character slots yet to be unlocked. The first image is just a look at what I would suggest for a simple yet better looking character select screen. The second image shows the information you would see when clickin on various things.

    I got some more ideas, will add those next time my group decides to not show up for the night (so expect some more in a few days probably)

    So thoughts...any additional changes you would make?
    [B]DDO Characters (Ghallanda)
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  2. #2
    Community Member Knightrose's Avatar
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  3. #3
    Hamfather totmacher's Avatar
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    How about what every other single-player or multi-player game has?

    A way to organize your inventory space, from a simple sort button to hand-written procedures.

    Toolbars that lock in place and can't be moved. Same thing with buttons on them.

    Infinitely many dual-weapon slots... why are we limited to 7? Is this to prevent some sort of broken game play or because the UI dev is lazy. (My guess is the latter)

    Very simple macros (Press 1 button to start buffing. Resist fire;wait cooldown seconds; resist cold; etc etc). Would it really kill the game if I could push one button that would activate all the stuff on an entire toolbar? Would buffing scripts really be that horrible? Any hackers or exploiters who would want to abuse these features already would have written this already with mouse clickthru scripts.

  4. #4
    Community Member Kolvarg's Avatar
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    I guess Turbine has found thier next developer! Very nice work. You have a great eye for design. I hope they use your idea!


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  5. #5
    Founder DZX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kolvarg View Post
    I guess Turbine has found thier next developer! Very nice work. You have a great eye for design. I hope they use your idea!


    Thanks! As you can clearly tell I have way to much time on my hands
    [B]DDO Characters (Ghallanda)
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  6. #6
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DZX View Post
    Also I would like to see an overhaul of the Character select screen. I mean seriously, we don't even have a back button to go back to the server select. Archaic much?
    Much primo stuff.
    The server choice thing is an issue I brought up uselessly in the early days. Without knowing anything about how they have the base systems set up, it's hard to guess at the reasoning, or the viability of changing it now.
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  7. #7
    Community Member iamsamoth0's Avatar
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    Thumbs up /jealous

    Great Ideas!!

    I esp. love the flipped orb, and map.
    How clean is that work??!?!?
    And you animated that 2nd, great job.
    I admit it is alot cleaner, and the race based backgrounds, would be a nice touch. Just having to wait for them to load, would take some of the shine off it. I encourage you to post more stuff, please.
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  8. #8
    Community Member adrinor's Avatar
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