First we have the focus orb. That large orb that we cannot resize without changing resolutions. I would like to see a modified version of the orb. Allow us to toggle between the classic orb and the newer orb from the settings menu. It's a very simple change I am looking for. Mainly the ability to flip it up, but its still a bit large even if we could do that.
So here is an idea I through together using the map orb. I think this would be better overall.
Also I would like to see an overhaul of the Character select screen. I mean seriously, we don't even have a back button to go back to the server select. Archaic much?
So let's add a server button to the character select screen as well as pretty it up a bit. That solid brown needs to go. Also it would be nice if we could get different backgrounds (not a lot) based on race. So if I was logging in an elf I would see Phiarlan, if I was logging in a human I would see Denieth etc. Just one screen per race would be nice.
Basically what I did was modified and combine three ideas. The old character select screen with the character creation screen and tool tip popups. I also included tiles for unused slots and character slots yet to be unlocked. The first image is just a look at what I would suggest for a simple yet better looking character select screen. The second image shows the information you would see when clickin on various things.
I got some more ideas, will add those next time my group decides to not show up for the night (so expect some more in a few days probably)
So thoughts...any additional changes you would make?