I know Aspenor hates when i say that, but to me, specialisation on a sorc is gimping yourself.
Stay generalist.
You need 2 spells to insta-kill (a fort save and a will save)
You need 2 spells to be a nuker (one of each 2 different element)
You need 2 spells to be crowd control (one will, one str/dex)
There are some subtility, but overall, you will be much much more appreciated if you can do more then one thing.
I hate, just hate asking a sorc to buff/debuff, to be told "i am a nuker".
UH??? What, you picked 26 redundant damag spells?
So, in that sense, with the low # of feat we get, i advice against taking spell focus. +1 to your Finger of death... Titally not worth it IMO.
Millage may vary, but i grow very tired of one-trick poney sorc who run out of SP after 6 portals in the shroud because they fingered everything, thinking it is actually usefull.
I play a sorc, and guys, let me tell you a sad truth:
90% if the time you insta-kill a mob... it wasn't needed anyways.
I don't hate any of that.
In the current end-game, specialty is a usually a shortcoming and not an advantage nowadays.
These posts are old old old...so as the game changes, the needs will change for every caster.
For example, the old fire/ice pure nuker thread. That sorcerer used to be able to, quite literally, solo every quest in DDO. Not so much anymore.
oups. didnt see the date.
Looks like we actually agree.
Just had my share of narrow-minded sorc this week in pugs. Man, what a bad week.
Code:Sil - Human Paladin 14 Lava Divers Tad - Drow Wizard 14 Semolina - Elf Rog 13/Ftr 1 on Rava - Drow Sorceror 7 Riddikulus - Human Cleric 14 Khyber Clamor - Warforged Barb 7 Durum - Dwarf Ftr 10/Pal 3/Rng 1 Ridd - Dwarf Ftr 6/Rog 2/Pal 2
My advice is start now to switch out your lower lever damage spells. Right at your level you are going to realize like I did, hey I don't need burning hands anymore. Or Niacs isn't as effective anymore. At 14 now, i went with FW, FB, CC, LB, SR, CK as my damage spells. I love acid rain as a crowd control (one of the most underrated spells) and for insta kill FOD, PK and disintegrate of course. My only buffs are hero, blur and stoneskin. I have haste and some others. But start switching out the low levels now if you already havent done so. Fire spells are still good in high level content, just make sure you keep one cold spell and a electric spell as well. Knock maybe useful, I use it once in a while, and if I had the space I would definitely have picked DD. Helpful if you know how to use it.
bumps to the top. thanks Borr
DDOwiki.com, #1 source for DDO information.
That would be more likely to happen if the wiki in question had a section for guides and articles (meaning an "article" as in a magazine, not like a database entry). New editors would be especially unwilling / unable to edit the front page, but if they don't then there's no good way to reach the article.
DDOwiki.com, #1 source for DDO information.
And why is that? There are several reasons, one of them being that neat articles like this aren't hosted there. And why aren't they? Because there's no obvious place where to put them.
The DDOwiki has almost no detectable example of information that isn't a straightforward fact, making it hard to find where to insert other kinds of knowledge that's more subjective, involved, or interconnected. Where would one look to place a guide for what quests are popular, prominent multiclass combos, which debuff spells are best, or how BAB changes attacks per minute?
For example, when mod7 came out you probably remember participating in a forum thread where players worked out the exact progression of threats in Vision of Destruction, along with what thresholds of time, boss hp, or monster-killing triggered them. That data never got to DDOwiki, and there's no place that looks like it's waiting to be filled in. As shown by the thread, very many players (including yourself) were willing to spend 30-90 minutes documenting those mechanics for others, but they didn't put it on the wiki because the barrier to entry was too high. Contrast that page with a comprable raid fight on the WOW wiki.
Actually, the threshold you describe isn't there.
Maybe it was there before, but I'm not that selective when it comes to subjective information. There are places for guides. Heck, the newbie guide is linked in the header. The multiclassing link in the header was the same, but I changed the article because it was too much of a mess.
Elliot was an ass and a pain to deal with, and I'm sure this didn't help the wiki, but I don't care if there is subjective information for as long as it's not total non-sense either.
Regarding this very thread, there's even a place for it. It's even linked from the sorcerer class page. Same goes for quests, where helpful information is sometimes contained.
DDOwiki.com, #1 source for DDO information.
Wrong, it is there. To claim that it doesn't exist probably means you've conceived of an artificial distinction between an active barrier and a passive threshold. (For an authoritative explanation of what that means, open any Economics 101 book and read "Barrier To Entry" in the glossary)
An active barrier would be the stereotypical admin who chants "Not up to standards! Where's your source? Delete delete delete!". That would be pretty obvious if it were happening.
But a passive obstacle means a lack of standardized support for the common tasks to get going. A person might be an expert on the distinctions between a battle-cleric splashing fig1, monk1, or monk2, but that doesn't imply he'll have any ability to click edit on the main page and add an elegant link to a guide without first spending more time studying the esoterics of mediawiki template rules than it took to write the article itself.
Yes, and that's a good demonstration of the problem. Editing the site header is not an appropriate task for someone who's written a new guide, especially if the guide is on something of narrow-interest like "How many spiders you can kill and still get Sleeping Dust chests" or "Which quests contain earth elementals of under 11 HD". There is no category for "guides", which makes it more difficult to add a new one. A person would need not only to have the guide written, but also learn how to create a Guide category.
That's the kind of task that it's unhelpful to throw out to the world with a cry of "Anyone is allowed to edit it", because permission is not the same as ability. It's something that non-SME organizers should do in skeletal form before hoping users will spontaneously provide content.
Further examples of the problem.
Is that better?
I'll make a category of guides if any are added/current ones are updated and link from the front page.
DDOwiki.com, #1 source for DDO information.