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  1. #181
    Community Member kungfu's Avatar
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    Default I believe I've got it....

    I have thought long and hard about a solution to this dilemma and I believe that I have solved it !

    From now on my LFM's will read PUG members only! No guild members please! Though, where I am not entirely sure if there will be a downside to this, my careful calculations tell me that the negative feedback in regards to handling the situation in this manner will be miniscule at best. The losses, as they say, should be acceptable. I will conduct multiple tests over a period of 1 year, analyze my findings, understanding that certain test subjects will receive a placebo instead of the real experience, and release the information to the general public when I've gathered enough hard facts. Your patience is appreciated. Now where did I leave that @#$% calculator?
    Last edited by kungfu; 08-22-2007 at 03:04 PM.

  2. #182
    Community Member Grinndal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ithrani View Post
    Normally I would stay out of a thread with as many immature posts as this one, but it would seem that people are to hostile to be polite with. Tonight while getting a group together for PoP a "Black Mantis Members PoP Elite" LFM went up. The reason was because I was busy mailing items running around town, others in the guild were switching in and out of alts to move some items and one person had an alt in another guild. Within 3 mins I got messages calling me "Tard" "Idiot" and other such derogatory terms. The first person I was nice to and explained why it was easier but their high school attitude led them to only respond "Whatever" The next person however was even more rude, used foul language and actually went onto an alt when I squelched him and even sent tells to other members of my party. Now even if there was some valid argument against guild only LFM's I would not argee with any point you could make because people who are opposed to them have shown very little maturity and have gone as far to harass people in game for their common practices. I think anyone who does that is a disgusting human being and needs to grow up a whole lot. So is anyone who puts up a <Server> only LFM, or any rude LFM excluding others. But we have our reasons for doing it, it doesn't clutter up the LFM list that much, and the point that there is a invite in the guild panel, well there is an invite button in the who but we use LFM's we have one in the friends list we use LFM's. Tell me that all your friends and guildmates never once joined through the LFM. This thread is pathetic and my attitude is justified by my experience last night. I can only hope that somehow I get infraction points for this post so my just feeling can be even more so resolved. Because any time I speak my mind and say how I really feel it always seems to be to much for "The Man" to handle. Or this this case "The Kobold" As for reputation the last thing in the world I care about is what anyone who I don't care about thinks of me.
    Honestly thought that this post was kind of dead and half resolved. If you would have read the whole thing you would have seen that the last few posts were better than the starting ones. Yes this person is a butthead for sending you tells but wouldn't taking screenshots and reporting the idiot be much more of the better way to go then drudging up this post? It was really going to the bottom the screen for awhile. Well reoprt him and maybe you can get rid of the morons and we will never have to hear compliants from either side about the laziness of those that put them up and the ignorance of those that bother others.
    Grinndal 17th Level Ranger. Cobain 19th Level Cleric. Milhouse 18th Level Fighter. Bonham 20th Level Ranger

    From the Village of Aerenal located in the Land of Sarlona Gravis Negotium

  3. #183
    Community Member lucainnalio's Avatar
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    wow ive heard about this thread and i just now found it. my main is expermaintal for adar and i lmao reading half if not more of this thread. way to go icu and the other guilds standing and taking all this stuff on. im so sorry i wasnt thier to help yall. but im glad its started calming down at least it looks.

    p.s. i pray to get nasty tells on my lfms ask anybody from adar what will happen lol its going to be funny.

  4. #184
    Community Member BlueLightBandit's Avatar
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    Default Hey Look... I fixed it.

    I got a personal message from a GM... a response to the Guild Only LFM's.

    This is what that unnamed GM said:

    I do understand your point of view about guild only LFMs excluding players, but it's just not the same as saying "Stormcleave Group, all are welcome except BlueLightBandit".

    You are free to keep your own personal "list" of players you do not want to group with, but you can not publically list them (in a LFM, bio etc) as that is harassment.
    Here's my thoughts...

    "Stormcleave Group, all are welcome except {Insert Name Here}" = Not Allowed
    "Stormcleave Group, all are welcome except {non-members of Guild Name Here} = Allowed

    That doesn't make sense, but neither does half of the other things that has happened in this game.

    My solution... Friends lists... anybody that uses the LFM tab to broadcast a guild group... added to my friends lists with an appropriate comment.

    I don't know your reasons, I don't care about your reasons, you're excluding mass quantities of people, which is allowable. I'm excluding one person, which is allowable.

    End of story.

    Thanks for playing, see you all in game.
    Voice Chatter Apotheosis - If you don't know, you betta axe somebody.
    Dominici * Domminici * Domiinici * Dominnici * Dominicci * Dominicii
    Quote Originally Posted by Quarion View Post
    No're not supposed to LIKE it... *sigh*

  5. #185
    Community Member Invalid_6's Avatar
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    Meh, to each his own.

    Redemption doesn't do it and that's all that I have control of. I see both sides of the story, but would never post an LFM for our guild only. I use guild chat to the fullest and it works for a rather large guild like ours, so I'd venture to guess everyone could.

    I understand extenuating circumstances, but it happens regularly enough that at this point it's probably just habit for the guilds that do use it.

    Just preference really.

  6. #186
    Community Member spyderwolf's Avatar
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    Default lol i love this one

    [QUOTE=Canuckalhead;1299044]*Posts MOTD* Reaver Raid Friday 8pm. Doing 6 runs. 1st come, 1st served

    /g Hey guys forming Raid 1, first 12 are in.

    /g Hey guys, raid 2 is starting.


    my exact arguement concerning why guild only lfm's for any quests are completely stupid.

    Caffeine, We aren't strategically savvy!™.
    Video Archive of Quests

  7. #187
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    OMG thisthread is so awesome and informative. We must continue to debate this until we reach 10,000 hits. If you're reading this and see that the thread has died please reply with your own trivial comments.

    A+++++ to all the posters and viewers involved as of this time. With some luck we can get a dev response on the matter.
    Eclave, Kaptann Insano, Phaera Xun, Apathy, Korvine, Soul.

    Yes it is true I am all of these awesome people.

  8. #188
    Community Member Theboz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tanka View Post
    Sparker chimes in here.
    Quote Originally Posted by HorridForm View Post
    OMG thisthread is so awesome and informative. We must continue to debate this until we reach 10,000 hits. If you're reading this and see that the thread has died please reply with your own trivial comments.

    A+++++ to all the posters and viewers involved as of this time. With some luck we can get a dev response on the matter.

    We already had a Dev. comment about it on another thread.
    Member of Mythical

  9. #189
    Community Member Tanka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Theboz View Post
    We already had a Dev. comment about it on another thread.
    This is the perfect example of rolling a 1 on your Spot (Sarcasm) check.
    Person Æ, Sarlona
    Tanka (Elf Tempest Trapper) .:. Darani (Aasimar Inquisileric) .:. Raelyth (Elf Artifonk)

  10. #190
    Community Member Taur's Avatar
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    after seeing how ridiculously long this thread has gotten and over such a trivial affair, i'm simply going to have to start doing this when i organize our guild raids.

  11. #191
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    Just posting to say I'm thankful that the guild-only LFM short-lived trend has finally disappeared from Sarlona...happy joy

  12. #192
    Community Member iruka41's Avatar
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    If a raid officer of a guild makes an LFM going with 1-16 level range,
    they are lazy and careless enough to bother other non-guild players.

    If you are dragging your scroll wheel to the end of LFM page just to get annoyed by those LFMs with 16-16 level range,
    you had better mind your own business. what I'm thinking and will be thinking of, until they(Turbine) put some guild-LFM window seperately.
    (Guild tab or chat are simply not doing their job now. You can't organize your guild-raid efficiently thru those.)

    Please read other replies and think twice before you say
    "It's STILL so annoying I can't understand why they are so lazy and elite-minded" or
    "It's NONE of your business please mind your own".
    Both comments are just evenly ignorant and VERY annoying to me :P

    P.S. It is totally different than those 'Trade-AD's in the LFM
    because it is there to make a group to do quest with.
    Last edited by iruka41; 07-12-2008 at 08:31 AM.
    Ghallanda: Officer, "A Few Good Men"
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  13. #193
    Community Member croger1520033's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by barecm View Post
    I really don't understand why this is such a big issue for people. If you are not in that guild, why do you care so much?

    To explain the why... Instead of selecting names from a list, inviting each person one by one, it is easier and more efficient to put up a lfm and have those interested join on their own. People may be buying pots or scrolls or finishing a quest ect.. Maybe they want to switch characters and will join when they log back in. It is just more convenient to put an LFM up and allow interested guild members to join when they are ready. Additionally, a lot of guilds have more than 12 members who are ready to raid and its first come first serve.

    I wonder why people feel compelled to send tells asking why an LFM is up.
    Yea cause it is so hard to do this.

    "Hey who wants to do The Shroud??"

    "I Do." (right click select invite)

    "I Do." (right click select invite)

    "I Do." (right click select invite)

    "I Do." (right click select invite)

    "I Do." (right click select invite)

    "I Do." (right click select invite)

    "I Do." (right click select invite)

    "I Do." (right click select invite)

    "I Do." (right click select invite)

    "I Do." (right click select invite)

    "I Do." (right click select invite)

    I guess that takes way longer than people saying

    "I Do"

    "Ok wait for the lfm then click on it"

    Now you make an LFM and Now each person has to hit "O" find your group select it hit join and you hit accept.

    Yea I can see the logic here on how it is much more efficient.


  14. #194


    Nice necro.

    Tormenting Role Players, Perma-Death players, and Turbine Mods since February 2006!
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