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  1. #41
    Community Member Jarlaxel's Avatar
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    Last night I saw a caster only POP elite lfm group. I was so enraged because I am a fighter and couldn't join! thats against the code of conduct! I mean thats discrimination. I'm as uber as any caster?! why couldnt I join?! He was just doing it to be a show off! and wasting LFM space on the list! I couldn't ignore it, it was eating me up inside and I wanted to poke my own eyes out with a stick.

    I can't believe you guys are argueing about this or even discussing this. WHO CARES if guilds are lazy, egotistical, or taking up lfm space. Go run a reaver raid with your own guild or go pug an open one. Ignore the masses that mean nothing to you. END of story.

    *They literally hand you an english muffin with Jam. Thats a complete over dramatization of course, but you get the picture* car insurance...
    Last edited by Jarlaxel; 08-15-2007 at 04:50 PM.

  2. #42
    Community Member Theboz's Avatar
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    We usually run about 6 Reaver raids at a time.

    Some people dont have alot of time or work different hours(like me 3rd shifter). I set my alarm clock for the posted raid time and When its time I wake up figure out what toon i want to take first before I log in and I click on the LFM. Do about 3 raids myself and then I might log off and go back to bed. It takes less time, less hassle, and we can get in more raids in per night.

    Until we have a internal "LFM" like panel for guild members only, that only guild members can see, this will not go away.

    The people who think this is some type of way for a guild to show off. Grow up, I think most adults, who are mature enough would not think that.

    THis is no way being lazy, We are using the LFM panel the way its suppost to be used, we are Looking For More, be it from our guild or your guild, it dont matter one bit. At least we let you know before you try and clicking on it, by posting it is for Mythical only.

    One more thing, its not like we are takeing valuable space posting a Guild only Raid in the LFM, last time I check there is no limit to how many people can post LFMS, be it 1 person posting or 20, it only takes a few seconds to read.
    Last edited by Theboz; 08-15-2007 at 03:53 PM.
    Member of Mythical

  3. #43
    Community Member Lebrac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Theboz View Post
    We usually run about 6 Reaver raids at a time.

    Some people dont have alot of time or work different hours(like me 3rd shifter). I set my alarm clock for the posted raid time and When its time I wake up figure out what toon i want to take first before I log in and I click on the LFM. Do about 3 raids myself and then I might log off and go back to bed. It takes less time, less hassle, and we can get in more raids in per night.

    Until we have a internal "LFM" like panel for guild members only, that only guild members can see, this will not go away.

    The people who think this is some type of way for a guild to show off. Grow up, I think most adults, who are mature enough would not think that.

    THis is no way being lazy, We are using the LFM panel the way its suppost to be used, we are Looking For More, be it from our guild or your guild, it dont matter one bit. At least we let you know before you try and clicking on it, by posting it is for Mythical only.

    One more thing, its not like we are takeing valuable space posting a Guild only Raid in the LFM, last time I check there is no limit to how many people can post LFMS, be it 1 person posting or 20, it only takes a few seconds to read.

    SO if this is how this is MENT to be used... tell my why did they take the time to put the INVITE button on the guild roster list... THis is EVERYTHIng people are saying it is.. well everything but lazy because it take just as much to do this as it does to open the guild list and click the invite button on the list. it's braging about how your raiding it's trying to show off witch is funny.. it's just sillyness.

    as for this not impacting my gameplay sure it does. if i open the LFM and have to read the LFM that sais "elite gamers of adar only" that is takening out of my tiem that i could be reading other more USefull LFM"s that are wht i am looking to do. That means this is SPAM of the LFM's just like what u call Trads on the lfm... if you dont think so i'm sorry that you just don't understand becaues you think bragging about raids is cool.. but someday u will learn that no one cares about u raiding and is just makeing fun of you constantly.
    Don't find fault, find a remedy - If you think you're too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito.
    Everyone looks to NSR for info but hates Me for knowing it all!

  4. #44
    Community Member Theboz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lebrac View Post
    but someday u will learn that no one cares about u raiding and is just makeing fun of you constantly.

    I guess you have not gotten this far yet, because you seem to care alot what other people do.
    Member of Mythical

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lebrac View Post
    SO if this is how this is MENT to be used... tell my why did they take the time to put the INVITE button on the guild roster list... THis is EVERYTHIng people are saying it is.. well everything but lazy because it take just as much to do this as it does to open the guild list and click the invite button on the list. it's braging about how your raiding it's trying to show off witch is funny.. it's just sillyness.

    as for this not impacting my gameplay sure it does. if i open the LFM and have to read the LFM that sais "elite gamers of adar only" that is takening out of my tiem that i could be reading other more USefull LFM"s that are wht i am looking to do. That means this is SPAM of the LFM's just like what u call Trads on the lfm... if you dont think so i'm sorry that you just don't understand becaues you think bragging about raids is cool.. but someday u will learn that no one cares about u raiding and is just makeing fun of you constantly.
    The intended use of the LFM panel is for groups who do not have a complete roster can add more members. I think all of us reading this thread can agree to that basic fact. The LFM panel allows you to select restrictions as to what you want/need from potential members (ie, specific classes, levels, quests, and difficulty setting of the quests). There is even a comment field so that group leaders can add further comments about the group. Given that all the other tools in the LFM are designed to narrow criteria in such a way as to allow all involved to quickly determine if the opportunity is a good "fit", someone could reasonably argue that the comments field exists to provide "custom" criteria that can't be articulated using the existing selections.

    It strikes me that most of the uproar in this thread is being driven by people who are trying to read intent into the "<insert guild name> only" comment. Quite honestly, I've never taken offense at this and can't understand why others do. People have every right to play with whomever they want.

    I used to be a member of a large guild, and we used to use the LFM in the very same way people are complaining about. With people switching between characters to swap around gear, being in other quests before a raid starts, or simply logging on just before the raid starts, the LFM method for guild-only raids is often the simplest way to manage all the comings and goings leading up to the start time of a raid.

    As to having an invite button in the guild panel... well, you also have an invite button on the bubble you can use to exam items and characters. Does this mean that we should all have to walk up to characters and invite them rather than using other invite buttons or the LFM? No - Turbine has provided us with a number of tools to quickly and easily assemble groups. Frankly, I appreciate people putting as many criteria as possible in the LFM panel. That way, I can take an "at a glance" approach to deciding whether or not I want to join.

    This is in no way, shape, or form like using the LFM for trades. People who use the LFM for trades have no intention whatsoever of having people join a group for the purposes of questing. That is a clear mis-use of the tool. Comparing "guild only" LFMs to trade LFMs isn't even comparing apples to oranges, it's comparing apples to steak.

    In circumstances like this, it's best not to speculate as to intent. Stick to the facts and you'll save yourself a lot of stress.
    Sarlona - The Guild of the Black Dragons
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  6. #46
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    duplicate post
    Last edited by MacFionn; 08-15-2007 at 05:02 PM. Reason: deleted duplicate post
    Sarlona - The Guild of the Black Dragons
    Donall mac Fionn - Dwarf Fighter (19) ~ Donnchadh mac Fionn - Dwarf Ranger (8) ~ Aonghas mac Fionn - Dwarf Cleric (5) ~ Cethan mac Goibhniu - Warforged Wizard (6) ~ MacFionn Gimilkar - Dwarf Fighter (10)

  7. #47
    Community Member Arnya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jmccn79 View Post
    My question is haven't you people ever heard of Vent or Team speak?

    This made me laugh. You buy a game with integrated voice chat then use a third party chat program. If that isn't egotistical I don't know what is.... Are the rest of us not good enough to hear what you have to say? Or are you already squelched by half the server?
    BLACK MANTIS - Sarlona
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  8. #48
    Community Member debo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lebrac View Post
    if i open the LFM and have to read the LFM that sais "elite gamers of adar only" that is takening out of my tiem that i could be reading other more USefull LFM"s
    hahaha oh man did they really have this lfm up? Anyways...would i rather not see the lfm...yes. Am I going to report you to turbine if i see one up? ... no. Does it bother me or do i care? lol nope.
    Just seems a little ... i dont know what the word is...lazy? or inefficient...not sure...but doesn't make much sense to me why you have that in an lfm...thats what guild chat is for. I think guilds that do this should try to be a little bit more considerate cause it does send a message...and whether you agree with it or not... that you are doing a raid and everyone else can't come...but in the whole scheme of things is it a big deal?
    Last edited by debo; 08-15-2007 at 05:29 PM.

  9. #49
    Community Member Aaeko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kirris View Post
    Heya Ek,
    I have always wondered what that was about too Always thought it was perhaps some guilds way of bragging that they were raiding (not sure why you would do that, but stranger things have happened) but that doesn't begin to explain the POP LFM
    It bugs me to, but maybe its incentive for unguilded people to join guilds because they want to raid
    Diverius De'Delbek 13 Wizard/1 fighter (14)
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  10. #50
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    Macfionn thank you. Beat me to the point I was going to make.

    Lebrac the fact that you or anyone else is making fun of me is in no way going to change my behavior. especially to something that "U" would find more acceptable. On the contrary it tends bring out the mule in me. I believe someone has misinformed you that our Guild is made up of thin skinned individuals easily influnced by the finger pointing of others. I have seen, in earlier posts. That a few of my guild mates have made the attempt to answer an honest question with a brief outline of our practices and the reasons we do so. This resulted in combustion. So will try to explain it on your level.

    We dUe it tht wa, beCAuse we like it. It wOrks for us. We didn't MEan to hurt UR feelings. If u don't tell Turbine on us well GIVE U a candy cane!!!!!111

    Now back to reasonable individuals. Slothman911. The LFM that you made mention of with " dont' hate because you can't come " , or words to that effect. I happened to be in that group. That was not intended as it was taken. When the Mythical Only LFM was posted by the party leader. He was hit with a rash of hatefull tells, some of them cussing him for it. So instead of telling Turbine on them with a harrasment complaint. He tweaked their noses a little bit. All in good fun.
    Last edited by Flamegaze; 08-15-2007 at 06:12 PM.
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  11. #51
    Community Member Canuckalhead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Theboz View Post
    Until we have a internal "LFM" like panel for guild members only, that only guild members can see, this will not go away.
    *Posts MOTD* Reaver Raid Friday 8pm. Doing 6 runs. 1st come, 1st served

    /g Hey guys forming Raid 1, first 12 are in.

    /g Hey guys, raid 2 is starting.


    Maybe I am missing something. Bah, who cares. Give it a week and the complaining will disappear like everything else that has been whined about.

    Sarlona Server
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  12. #52
    Community Member Marrra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flamegaze View Post
    Macfionn thank you.
    Aye, very well said.
    SARLONA roleplayer

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  13. #53
    Community Member Canuckalhead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jarlaxel View Post
    Last night I saw a caster only POP elite lfm group. I was so enraged because I am a fighter and couldn't join! thats against the code of conduct! I mean thats discrimination. I'm as uber as any caster?! why couldnt I join?!
    Your fighter is seriously lacking in uberness. You should have just switched to your caster Morkai and become l33t enough to run with us. Heck, you could have even started the group then with that uber uberness!

    Sarlona Server
    Canuckel, Canuckle, Canuckal, Canuckely, Canuckels, Canuckals & Korki (just to have someone to spy on you)

  14. #54
    Community Member Jarlaxel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lebrac View Post
    as for this not impacting my gameplay sure it does. if i open the LFM and have to read the LFM that sais "elite gamers of adar only" that is takening out of my tiem that i could be reading other more USefull LFM"s that are wht i am looking to do. That means this is SPAM of the LFM's just like what u call Trads on the lfm... if you dont think so i'm sorry that you just don't understand becaues you think bragging about raids is cool.. but someday u will learn that no one cares about u raiding and is just makeing fun of you constantly.
    wow cause I know the extra 5 seconds it takes to sort out the lfm list is so painstaking and a WASTE of my valuable time. It's such an impact on my gameplay i'm going to argue about it in the forums. (Which is a waste of valuable time). Maybe I would consider it a form of spam if there were like 200 quests being advertised at 1 given time. However, the not even 1 - 10 quests being advertised takes soooo long to determine if I can join or not.... I know time is really valuable to people but come on lebrac lets be realistic. Maybe I just don't get it...but I think theres more to it than a waste of a few seconds thats bothering Lebrac...
    Last edited by Jarlaxel; 08-15-2007 at 07:58 PM.

  15. #55
    Community Member Catiriona's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flamegaze View Post
    Now back to reasonable individuals. Slothman911. The LFM that you made mention of with " dont' hate because you can't come " , or words to that effect. I happened to be in that group. That was not intended as it was taken. When the Mythical Only LFM was posted by the party leader. He was hit with a rash of hatefull tells, some of them cussing him for it. So instead of telling Turbine on them with a harrasment complaint. He tweaked their noses a little bit. All in good fun.
    If this was the only instance of similar "flaming" guild only LFMs I'd say you had a point, but the very first time I saw these on the very first day of the merger there were ones like this. I will take your word that this was a single instance with your guild that occurred under duress but i doubt all are.

    There have been some reasonable explanations for the practice, I grant you that, but many of those have been sprinkled with "the reason you question this is your just jealous" comments. Unfortunately this tends to lend credence to the posts that this seems a bit like bragging. Believe it or not most if not all those who have called this practice into question run raids regularly... and dare I say it even multiple and/or simultaneous raids in a night and have done so with little hassle not using the LFMs. I see most of the commenters are also guilded so the snubs I have seen there are also invalid.

    I do think there has been one comment that has some merit to it. Although I rarely use LFMs, many do and the point that seeing a page full of LFMs all or most "guild only" would be frustrating. I am not saying this is a reason to stop the practice, but I think a little understanding for the people that find it annoying would be in order.

    Regardless as it has been mentioned before this will all die down one way or another. My only suggestion would be to try not to make those LFMs anything but exactly what they are a way to organize your guild group. Any of the "flaming commentary" on them will be taken exactly as they are, elitist, whether the intention is there or not.
    Sarlona Guild Succesor for The Harpers...Here nonstop since March 2006
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  16. #56
    Community Member BigNastyMP's Avatar
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    Default happy medium

    When you use the server-wide LFM window for Guild Only groups, you come across looking like arrogant holes. When the first line of your forum response is to let everyone know that your guild runs 6 reavers at a time, you come across looking like an arrogant hole.

    As an arrogant hole myself, I try to be aware of this aspect of self. I make an attempt to keep blatantly ego-boosting, public displays of uberness to a minimum. Although, sometimes self cannot help but /flex.

    The people who use guild only LFMs now know that, despite their good intentions, others do not appreciate this tactic. For those of us who do not like the guild only LFMs, we at least know that the supporters of this tactic claim honorable intentions.

    It is something that I personally would like to see abolished. Yes, I understand you like it and it works for you. No, I am not reporting you to Turbine nor does it hurt my feelings. It is annoying to quite a number of people and there are alternative, less obnoxious means to the same ends that may be more effective than you realize.
    Last edited by BigNastyMP; 08-15-2007 at 09:43 PM. Reason: we can spell.
    Dr. Matson Saloner
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  17. #57
    Community Member ICU's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lebrac View Post
    SO if this is how this is MENT to be used... tell my why did they take the time to put the INVITE button on the guild roster list... THis is EVERYTHIng people are saying it is.. well everything but lazy because it take just as much to do this as it does to open the guild list and click the invite button on the list. it's braging about how your raiding it's trying to show off witch is funny.. it's just sillyness.

    as for this not impacting my gameplay sure it does. if i open the LFM and have to read the LFM that sais "elite gamers of adar only" that is takening out of my tiem that i could be reading other more USefull LFM"s that are wht i am looking to do. That means this is SPAM of the LFM's just like what u call Trads on the lfm... if you dont think so i'm sorry that you just don't understand becaues you think bragging about raids is cool.. but someday u will learn that no one cares about u raiding and is just makeing fun of you constantly.

    Hmmm since when did you write the Code of Conduct.. What the heck makes you think you are God here.. Look as far as I am concerned you are just a confused little boy with way to much time on your hands. Why try to stir up something that does not matter to anyone, so what you have to look at a lfm and it says " guild only " are you that insecure that it bothers you that much.. I bet if i posted and everyone in my guild posted a lfm at once that would bother you huh , but of course that would be useless unlike when we post Mythical only guild , We are a huge guild with many members, this would be the reason behind are guild only raids.. Are guild is a raiding and loot guild only..We dont pug because we are such a big guild .. This would be are second reason that we use the guild only statement..
    Proud Officer of Eternal Faith!
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  18. #58
    Community Member rockcrown's Avatar
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    Maybe the guilds are soo big, that this is there way of letting peoples alts know that they are raiding. Alts that are non guilded or in other guilds. Makes sense to me.

    There is no reason to BRAG about doing any raid, so i doubt this is anyones intent for posting a guild LFM.

    Oh and btw, If you have a problem with the guild only LFM's then you should also have a problem with:

    1) PVP LFM's, come play in the lobster!
    2) Returning Members Only
    Huf | Dentrick | Sattui | Corvallis

  19. #59
    Community Member ICU's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockcrown View Post
    Maybe the guilds are soo big, that this is there way of letting peoples alts know that they are raiding. Alts that are non guilded or in other guilds. Makes sense to me.

    There is no reason to BRAG about doing any raid, so i doubt this is anyones intent for posting a guild LFM.

    Oh and btw, If you have a problem with the guild only LFM's then you should also have a problem with:

    1) PVP LFM's, come play in the lobster!
    2) Returning Members Only
    good point man, good point
    Proud Officer of Eternal Faith!
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  20. #60
    Community Member Lebrac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ICU View Post
    Hmmm since when did you write the Code of Conduct.. What the heck makes you think you are God here.. Look as far as I am concerned you are just a confused little boy with way to much time on your hands. Why try to stir up something that does not matter to anyone, so what you have to look at a lfm and it says " guild only " are you that insecure that it bothers you that much.. I bet if i posted and everyone in my guild posted a lfm at once that would bother you huh , but of course that would be useless unlike when we post Mythical only guild , We are a huge guild with many members, this would be the reason behind are guild only raids.. Are guild is a raiding and loot guild only..We dont pug because we are such a big guild .. This would be are second reason that we use the guild only statement..
    It's Adar's fault U think i am god... they called eveyone on sarlona a Roleplayer so i figured i might as well roleplay something i can be good at.
    Don't find fault, find a remedy - If you think you're too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito.
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