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  1. #21
    Community Member Karr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oronisi View Post
    Human women are too weak to birth dwarven babies, and dwarven women are too ugly to be courted by human men.
    After a full night at the bar and enough beer, no woman is too ugly. As the old joke goes:

    What's the only difference between Foxes and Dogs?

    3 or 4 beers.

    Heck, why do you think Dwarves are such famous drunks?

    Look at it this way. You have an entire race of which all the men spend as much of their waking time as possible drinking themselves insensible and which has a very low birthrate. You do the math. The "fathers" are the ones who got caught before they passed out.
    Last edited by Karr; 08-14-2007 at 03:55 PM.
    Nemo Me Impune Lacessit
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  2. #22
    Community Member In_Like_Flynn's Avatar
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    Cool Pop!

    Quote Originally Posted by oronisi View Post
    ... Oh, and as far as RR items go, it's because the item is magical and it can determine who you are.
    Aw, and I thought it was all in the design. You know, an extra thumb-hole for dwarves. Wrist reinforcers for Elves. Weapons that slide right over the forearm of a Halfling.

    You, sir, have burst my bubble.
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  3. #23
    Community Member Yvonne_Blacksword's Avatar
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    You guys..are worst than me..
    I was a little insomniatic last night...
    I think visions of giant dwarves were running through my head...

    Oh. In case any of you hav never read Diskworld...

    Dwarves there are a little different than here....
    Both male and female dwarves look exactly alike.
    They dress alike.
    There are no distinguishing attributes to tell the difference...even to other dwarves.

    It is impolite to inquire about anothers sex...

    If two like minded dwarves spend enough time together they might get around to the discussion of who is going to bear the children.

    If they happen not to be compatible to produce offspring...they might adopt a foundling or an orphan.

    Which is what happened to Carrot.
    But they never had the heart to tell him he was adopted.
    So he is all dwarf...all six foot something of him.
    His size forced him to leave the grease mines and find other employment in the city (as a guardsmen).

    oh..about the grease mines...they are discussed in detail in The Fifth Elephant...
    in case you were wondering.
    Last edited by Yvonne Blacksword; 08-14-2007 at 05:03 PM.

  4. #24
    Community Member Attomic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yvonne Blacksword View Post
    There have been many stories writen about unusual circumstances resulting in...
    well, unusual things.
    One such story was about a human, raised by dwarves and who thought that he was just a very tall dwarf.

    He carried on the dwarven customs. He held very close to the dwarven values.
    So obviously, he became a superstud, just like Captain Carrot.

  5. #25
    Stormreach Advisor
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    Quote Originally Posted by In Like Flynn View Post
    Aw, and I thought it was all in the design. You know, an extra thumb-hole for dwarves. Wrist reinforcers for Elves. Weapons that slide right over the forearm of a Halfling.

    You, sir, have burst my bubble.
    Ah yes, my mistake. It's like those kids scissors, green for lefties, red for righties.
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  6. #26
    Stormreach Advisor
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    Quote Originally Posted by JelloMold View Post
    Kind of off topic here, but as one who is not terribly versed in the little D&D storylines etc. this sparked a question;

    If there are half orcs and half elves, why not half everything else? And as a followup, what would you call a half-halfling? A quarterling?
    If mixed with human, he'd be a three-quarterling, or course.
    There was a girl warforged named Cleaver.
    Every man that she loved would soon leave her.
    They all left so fast / as they couldn't get past
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  7. #27
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oronisi View Post
    Human women are too weak to birth dwarven babies, and dwarven women are too ugly to be courted by human men.
    You haven't been around many sailors, have you?

    In response the the OP. it would be impposible to address all of the options that players could possibly want.

    However, I think humans should have enhancement options comparable to all of the other races to account for the versitility of that humans are supposed to have, and make it feasable that his world is mostly humans and not overrun by Dwarves and Drow.
    I gave up a life of farming to become an Adventurer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

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