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  1. #1
    Community Member Levit's Avatar
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    Apr 2006

    Default Idea for new content

    As everyone has experienced, when new content comes out there is a race to be the first to complete it.

    Here is an idea. How about when new content comes out for level 14 characters Turbine holds a contest. The first full guild group to complete the quest and achieve all goals (optional too) and make all bonuses (ransack, etc) would get a gift and much honor!

    Here are some of the rules I was thinking about:

    1. Every group would start at the same time. This would prevent anyone from having a time advantage.

    2. One group per guild. This would prevent the larger guilds from having a numbers advantage.

    3. Nobody can leave the instance. This would prevent the group from running to vendors to get item they may have forgotten or going to get more mana if they misuse the shrines.

    4. No chat windows other then party chat. This would prevent the group from getting help from friends or another group that is in the quest.

    I am sure other rules can be added and the ones I suggest could be tweaked. This quest would really promote some great group dynamic, strategy using and ingenuity. Guilds would have to debate amongst themselves to see who represents and the guild leadership would help develop the party for the contest.

    I hope this server could add their comments to this and we could suggest this to dev's to see if they could implement it.

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by Levit View Post
    2. One group per guild. This would prevent the larger guilds from having a numbers advantage.
    So a guild with say 300 members could have 6 participate? That seems kind of umm.. what's the word.. stupid

    Otherwise, not too shabby an idea.. Perhaps we could run the contest ourselves even if turbine doesn't
    Last edited by DaveyCrockett; 08-13-2007 at 09:34 PM.
    [Founder/Leader of the Bloodlords of Argonnesen]
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  3. #3
    Community Member Madmardigan's Avatar
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    problem with this is a guild could have 1-2 people run all the content on Rsia before it is released, then it's just a matter of guiding yer guildies thru the quests.
    Madmardigan-Greatest swordsman that ever lived
    Vohnkar-Best warrior in the village
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    Proud Cancer of the Tinted Faces

  4. #4
    Community Member Levit's Avatar
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    Default Thanks for content

    200-300 guildees? Yea, maybe this could be modified. There would have to be some restriction. My idea is this would give guilds bragging rights as the "acknowledged" first guild to complete the quest.

    As to the Risia issue. The quest would not be on Risia. I know this could cause some issues because it would not have been game tested but........ I guess this could be a stumbling block for my idea.

  5. #5
    Community Member Tavok's Avatar
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    I could see arguements in every guild about who gets to be on the "A-Team" obviously if you have 6 and only 6, its not a problem, but seriously, any guild with a decent amount of people are gonna have some people offended if they don't get "accepted".

  6. #6
    Community Member Levit's Avatar
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    Default Guild contests

    Some modification needed on the only one team per guild. How about 5. Still some arguments among larger guilds but that is what officers are for. Maybe guilds could have contests to see who represents, PVP, pay for invite, I don't know.

    How about the rest of the idea though?

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