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  1. #1
    Community Member Levit's Avatar
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    Default Idea for new content

    As everyone has experienced, when new content comes out there is a race to be the first to complete it.

    Here is an idea. How about when new content comes out for level 14 characters Turbine holds a contest. The first full guild group to complete the quest and achieve all goals (optional too) and make all bonuses (ransack, etc) would get a gift and much honor!

    Here are some of the rules I was thinking about:

    1. Every group would start at the same time. This would prevent anyone from having a time advantage.

    2. One group per guild. This would prevent the larger guilds from having a numbers advantage.

    3. Nobody can leave the instance. This would prevent the group from running to vendors to get item they may have forgotten or going to get more mana if they misuse the shrines.

    4. No chat windows other then party chat. This would prevent the group from getting help from friends or another group that is in the quest.

    I am sure other rules can be added and the ones I suggest could be tweaked. This quest would really promote some great group dynamic, strategy using and ingenuity. Guilds would have to debate amongst themselves to see who represents and the guild leadership would help develop the party for the contest.

    I hope this server could add their comments to this and we could suggest this to dev's to see if they could implement it.

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by Levit View Post
    2. One group per guild. This would prevent the larger guilds from having a numbers advantage.
    So a guild with say 300 members could have 6 participate? That seems kind of umm.. what's the word.. stupid

    Otherwise, not too shabby an idea.. Perhaps we could run the contest ourselves even if turbine doesn't
    Last edited by DaveyCrockett; 08-13-2007 at 09:34 PM.
    [Founder/Leader of the Bloodlords of Argonnesen]
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  3. #3
    Community Member Madmardigan's Avatar
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    problem with this is a guild could have 1-2 people run all the content on Rsia before it is released, then it's just a matter of guiding yer guildies thru the quests.
    Madmardigan-Greatest swordsman that ever lived
    Vohnkar-Best warrior in the village
    Siiru-Wildcat cleric.

    Proud Cancer of the Tinted Faces

  4. #4
    Community Member Levit's Avatar
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    Default Thanks for content

    200-300 guildees? Yea, maybe this could be modified. There would have to be some restriction. My idea is this would give guilds bragging rights as the "acknowledged" first guild to complete the quest.

    As to the Risia issue. The quest would not be on Risia. I know this could cause some issues because it would not have been game tested but........ I guess this could be a stumbling block for my idea.

  5. #5
    Community Member Tavok's Avatar
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    I could see arguements in every guild about who gets to be on the "A-Team" obviously if you have 6 and only 6, its not a problem, but seriously, any guild with a decent amount of people are gonna have some people offended if they don't get "accepted".

  6. #6
    Community Member Levit's Avatar
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    Default Guild contests

    Some modification needed on the only one team per guild. How about 5. Still some arguments among larger guilds but that is what officers are for. Maybe guilds could have contests to see who represents, PVP, pay for invite, I don't know.

    How about the rest of the idea though?

  7. #7
    Community Member Madmardigan's Avatar
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    How about just make it 6 people, guild or w/e, so let people form their own A-teams
    Madmardigan-Greatest swordsman that ever lived
    Vohnkar-Best warrior in the village
    Siiru-Wildcat cleric.

    Proud Cancer of the Tinted Faces

  8. #8
    Community Member Blair's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Madmardigan View Post
    let people form their own A-teams

    DDO's A-team
    Blair - retired....for the moment
    Matican - 14 Drow palidan (Khopesh Specialist)
    Deckard - 11 Drow Wizard
    Tannos - 10 Drow rogue (Light repeater Specialist)
    Dill - 14 Halfling cleric
    Screw - 14 Warforged Fighter (Bludgeon Specialist)

    Officer of the Eternal Guardians

  9. #9
    Community Member
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    Default UUMMM This is backwards thinking.

    How about they actually expand the game. Because I have been here since day one. Had a founder account under whifes name and then these two under mine. I tell ya this racing to complete things is kind of............silly. Maybe if we could get a real expansion, that was an entire WORLD and about 50 more levels your need to accomplish something grander would be obtained. This whole idea of racing to complete something is exactly the problem with the game. WWOOOOO HHOOOOO I got two more levels (Well one more and 1 XP) and ran everything in desert and beat up Demon Queen. Now I'll sit and wait for Storm reaver. Then do it again. Oh wait... Soon at the end of Augest we can do this again with the latest expansion. Then we can sit down and wait until November.

    I mean come on Turbine cares so little for this game. They put such little packette expansions out. Yet at the same time develope another few online games (Helped Beta for Them). If they made a huge world of this and got rid of these baby level caps that can be obtained in days if you know the quests, they would have been able to keep our own servers. And they would be populated.

    Dang I got all on a rant. Sorry peeps.

  10. #10
    Community Member Vinos's Avatar
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    So you want to have a contest to see who blows through the new content the fastest? Seems counter-productive.

  11. #11
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    This would be more a player-run event than Turbine. If I worked at Turbine, I wouldn't touch something like this with a ten-foot pole.

  12. #12
    Community Member Allorious's Avatar
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    Already ran the new conten a couple of weeks ago on Risia, not dont need an A team, I solo'd it.

  13. #13
    Community Member Vinos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Allorious View Post
    Already ran the new conten a couple of weeks ago on Risia, not dont need an A team, I solo'd it.
    Even the raid?

  14. #14
    Community Member Levit's Avatar
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    Default More explaining necessary

    Sorry if I was unclear with my contest........

    I understand that everyone races through new content and this contest seems counterproductive to the idea that new content should be challenging and there should be plenty of it. Also, we should do something about global warming, the Iraq War, fuel crisis and many other more important things than my silly contest.

    What I meant about this contest is that the content used for it would be brand new and not tested on Risia. Almost like when you go to role-playing convention and they present a module for the first time. Guilds would go through it at a fast pace but keeping in mind that all criteria need to be accomplished to win.

    I would like Turbine to host it so results would be official. I would like it to be guilds only so there is some bragging rights involved.

    This contest could be a precursor to the release of new content. Lets say the weekend before the new content comes out. Maybe they could make the reward something like a free +1 level loot weekend for the winning guild or automatic access to the newest raid without having to do the pre-raid stuff.

    I can't fix the fact that everyone races through new content. I can't fix the fact that Turbine looks at this game as their ugly, red-headed step child. I can't fix the fact that level maxing is accomplished in two days. I can't create world peace.

    What I can do is try to take what we have and make it a little more interesting and offer reasonable suggestions for improvement instead of saying something like "they need more content" or "this game blows".

    So, I guessing from the concesus of the responses I am alone in thinking this contest would be interesting. OK, I can accept that and I will move on to other ideas as they spring up. Who knows, maybe a good one will come to mind.

    I thank those who provided constructive criticism.

  15. #15
    Community Member Natalae's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vinos View Post
    Even the raid?
    Hmm, lets say a FEW people have been asked to try it.

    Last edited by Natalae; 08-14-2007 at 10:39 PM.
    Psalm 144:1 Praise be to the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle

  16. #16
    Community Member Daiv_Scamius's Avatar
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    I think they need to open up the zone in areas between the houses and Market and let us actually take the trip on the flying boats.

    They also need solo content that are puzzles with mobs that any class can figure out. Where you get tokens or something at the end that will let you build up anything you want to work on for your character.

    Would be cool if you could use rope. All you would need is for one person to get up where the rest of the group needs to be and everyone else could use the rope. Or if someone falls, you can drop a rope down to them.

    Which would make it pretty sweet for the rogues to have climb wall or casters to have the spell spider climb.

    Would be really cool to see a Deck of Many Things.
    Each card randomly summons something very helpful or something very deadly.

    More mobs, the monster manual had hundreds of mobs in it.
    The giant spiders seem a little over played in DDO.
    Shapeshifter, takes on the form of a fallen group member, or a group of shapeshifters that takes on the group as the group.

    The bartenders can sell more then turkey, pork, grape jiuce and a glowing blue vile.
    Actual alcohol would be cool. Dwarves need ale, Elves need Elderberry wine and Humans need grog.
    Ruffle 14 Fighter, proud member of the Guild PoV.
    Daiv 12 Rogue type caster type class thing.

  17. #17
    Community Member Madmardigan's Avatar
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    yes... would be tons of fun to watch your animated little guy sit on a boat while you wait to get to a quest.
    Madmardigan-Greatest swordsman that ever lived
    Vohnkar-Best warrior in the village
    Siiru-Wildcat cleric.

    Proud Cancer of the Tinted Faces

  18. #18
    Community Member Daiv_Scamius's Avatar
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    They do call it roleplaying for a reason.
    Ruffle 14 Fighter, proud member of the Guild PoV.
    Daiv 12 Rogue type caster type class thing.

  19. #19
    Community Member Madmardigan's Avatar
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    i dont play video games to simulate long car rides...
    Madmardigan-Greatest swordsman that ever lived
    Vohnkar-Best warrior in the village
    Siiru-Wildcat cleric.

    Proud Cancer of the Tinted Faces

  20. #20
    Community Member Daiv_Scamius's Avatar
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    Then dont play a video game based on roleplaying.
    Ruffle 14 Fighter, proud member of the Guild PoV.
    Daiv 12 Rogue type caster type class thing.

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